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Member Since 20 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Sep 02 2021 09:50 PM

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In Topic: Sarin Trident

30 July 2021 - 03:28 AM


In Topic: 1-Alt: What Are Your Thoughts On Pve Only For This Server?

09 July 2021 - 05:37 PM

A quick update to my original comment above. If the major determining factor of the balance of new items being added into the 1 alt server and staff having the restrictive shackles removed is pvp homogenization, I would absolutely resend my first comment in being against the removal of PVP. 


My concern is like many others. There are cyclical  periods of time during the year where the player base drops and certain players that operate in the gray areas of server rules and nuncupative community guidelines return. Abuse of server mechanics and/or using programs/scripts that give players an unfair advantage is something current staff has been good with curbing. General anti-social behavior, as mentioned above in previous posts, does not appear to be something that staff are liable for policing nor should they be. For the most part, PVP in its current form on 1-alt is used by the active player base to deter this anti-social behavior because of the potential of losing a large amount of exp, gold and some of the items in a characters inventory when killed. 


If the quid-pro-quo for current staff to have more breathing room for new items and ideas is to forfeit  those few instances a year where a pariah of the community, by their own doing, is deservedly hunted down and killed, I am comfortable with that trade. Overall, the health and activity of any game is correlated with fresh ideas being introduced and implemented by game staff. This process should not be repressed by those "what-if" or special circumstances that need to be accounted for when they are an exception and not the norm. 

In Topic: 1-Alt: What Are Your Thoughts On Pve Only For This Server?

09 July 2021 - 12:09 AM

Respectfully against turning off PVP on the 1alt server.