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Member Since 16 Oct 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 29 2005 05:26 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Unreal Tournament

26 November 2004 - 05:13 AM

Unreal Tournament is awesome :) . I have the first one on my computer. Even though the graphics suck :unsure: , it's still cool B) . UT 2004 is so cool though. I want that game.

In Topic: Best Oreo?

21 November 2004 - 10:43 PM

What about oops oreos? :P

In Topic: More Emotes?

06 November 2004 - 07:44 AM

You tell everyone to shutup.
You tell [target] to shutup.
[User] is telling everyone to shutup!
[User] is telling [Target] to shutup!
[User] is telling you to shutup!

You move your eyes side to side, hoping noone won't realize what you did.
You move your eyes side to side, hoping [Target] won't realize what you did.
[User] Is moving his eyes side to side nervously.
[User] Is moving his eyes side to side nervously at [Target]
[User] Is moving his eyes side to side nervously at you! Suspicous...

You randomly yell things!
You randomly yell things at [Target]!
[User] is randomly yelling things!
[User] is randomly yelling things at [Target]!
[User] is randomly yelling things at you!

You start to choke!
You are choking at [Target] signifying him to help you.
[User] is choking like Bush!
[User] is choking at [Target] for help! You should too!
[User] is choking at you! Maybe you should help him idiot!

I've needed to use these too... except for the Turrets syndrome.

In Topic: Looking For People To Join Clan

06 November 2004 - 07:29 AM

Ut oh is this gonna be another one of those clans where people get others to donate and then they boot everyone and sell the clan house just to get gold? I'm gonna answer my own question and say Yes.

Good job, admitting it is your first step to revovery.

Matt, you nimrod :angry: . I didn't say that. Someone else did. I screwed up on my quoting. This is not one of those situations. Besides, This topic is closed because I have a clan going. Also, like my pic?

In Topic: Evolution Vs. Creationism

06 November 2004 - 07:17 AM

Have you ever noticed how look-like monkeys and humans are? If you haven't I'm sorry but that's stupid. And saying "I don't believe in evolution! Do I look like a monkey?" is even more stupid :P . No offense to any of you creationists. ^_^