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Poll: Should staff just wash their hands of crybaby thieves? (28 member(s) have cast votes)

Should staff just wash their hands of crybaby thieves?

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#1 Shaginator



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Posted 23 January 2006 - 09:30 PM

IF you share, that is your choice. That is how you choose to play the game. I think staff should wash there hands of ALL types of theft period. As much as this is a game, it is similar to everyday life. If you open your own business, you might have to struggle a little harder and do more work, but you have the satisfaction of knowing you are in complete control. If you have a business PARTNER or INVESTOR then you loose some of that control, but things may be slightly easier on you. There are people in this game that can share and have no fear of being robbed by the other person. We all know who they are. Jared/Alan....the 3 or 4 in Dynasty that share, and so on. It all depends on the person. Choose to share with someone .....PAY THE mooseING CONSEQUENCES AND QUIT CRYING TO STAFF. Even with instances of so called "deception" in the past, if people would just use their mooseing brains a little more they would not get stolen from.

Life is a risk...and this game, although a game...is part of life. You share you take a risk. You let someone borrow equips, its a risk. When you take a risk sometimes you get the shaft. Get over it and let staff work on DS and whatever in the hell else they wanna do.
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#2 Shaginator



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Posted 23 January 2006 - 09:49 PM

if you agree/disagree plz state why im seeing votes but no commentary.
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#3 alone

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 09:56 PM

Partially Agree -
Sharing doesn't always lead to theft (I've shared with a few people, and never even had one problem*).
Theft isn't always a direct result of sharing, sometimes people do guess passwords, hack, use keyloggers etc.

I do think however, that admin should only deal with problems relating to their errors in programming, their running of the game or when it's out of the players control (some form of hacking).

* Share at your own risk.

Edited by alone, 23 January 2006 - 09:59 PM.

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#4 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 10:00 PM

Totally Agree! (+1 Yes vote)

Sharing is a risk if you chose to take it and get stolen from well tough luck. /cry then start over, quit completely, or try to work it out with that person. Don't /whine to staff because a risk you took ended up in you being shafted, cause thats the risk you took when you decided to share an account that at ANY TIME your account partner'(s) could move characters or change the password.

On a side note to alone's comment:
"Theft isn't always a direct result of sharing, sometimes people do guess passwords, hack, use keyloggers etc.

These are the only instances in which staff should stick thier noses in and do something about in my own opinion. if someone guesses your password then obviously it was too easy...

Edit: Spelling errors and added side note.

Edited by Simon, 23 January 2006 - 10:07 PM.

#5 Trevayne

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Posted 23 January 2006 - 10:13 PM

That solves nothing.

Not to be insensitive, but the long-term problem with theft isn't the fact that some one person lost a lot of their hard work. Yes, it sucks to be them, but they are not the real problem.

The problem is that the thief then has a ton of crits/gold/items that were *FREE*. This creates huge problems in the economy, leads to truly obnoxious players becoming excessively powerful (and mouthy), and leads to the downfall of the player base.

Do you remember how much you all complained when staff would hand out free items? Allowing thieves to keep items is no different.

How many times have you complained about how the playerbase/game isn't what it used to be? This is the reason for it.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#6 Shaginator



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Posted 23 January 2006 - 10:26 PM

Ok so say staff quits babying those dumb enough to share. You say that it will make the problem worse by putting a larger share of the economy into the hands of thieves. But I think that alot of the reason people still share is because staff is usually there to babysit them and hold there hand IF they have an account of HIGH value. Its sad. As far as hacking goes, thats hacking. Sure theft was the result of the hacking or whatnot but they should be banned and things given back to the rightful owner because of the hacking, not the theft.
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#7 deadman

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 03:32 AM

No they should not. They should perm ban all of the thieves and not let them come back to the game again. Go back to the old rules.
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#8 Roidhun

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 03:43 AM

I voted yes - with the proviso that theft that can be proven to be a result of hacking an account should be investigated and the thief permbanned.
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#9 Gaddy

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 04:41 AM


I think that we'll just keep having the nutsty people we've got around if theft is allowed. Sharing should not be supported though.

IE- So and so stole my/our account with the password. Account = perm-ban.
The real perm-ban, where it doesn't come back after 3 months.

I'd still like to see how NM would have come around if perm bans on accounts and PCs were kept.
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#10 deadman

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 11:34 AM

agreed Gaddy

Perm ban all thieves whether it was through sharing or not. Solves it fast.
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#11 Kenzaburokamos

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 01:50 PM

Partially Agree -
Sharing doesn't always lead to theft (I've shared with a few people, and never even had one problem*).
Theft isn't always a direct result of sharing, sometimes people do guess passwords, hack, use keyloggers etc.

I do think however, that admin should only deal with problems relating to their errors in programming, their running of the game or when it's out of the players control (some form of hacking).

* Share at your own risk.

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#12 Dark


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Posted 24 January 2006 - 06:10 PM

i voted no, same reasons as Trevayne and Gaddy, perm bans should be used properly

#13 Shaginator



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Posted 24 January 2006 - 07:16 PM

thats like sending someone to prison on hearsay evidence. I believe that if there is sound evidence in the logs that someone hacked or obtained account info then yes permenant ban. But there are to many idiots who share that get stolen from that lie, exaggerate, and say things like "oh it wasnt me on my comp" to perm ban people over sharing instances. If you share you should have to pay the consequences of GIVING people the ability to steal from you. Someone TAKING that ability from you through other means is a different story, and really has absolutley nothing to do with this post.
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#14 Boys Night Out

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 08:02 PM

agreed Gaddy

Perm ban all thieves whether it was through sharing or not. Solves it fast.

yer, i agree... perm ban everyone.
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#15 MysticStorm

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Posted 24 January 2006 - 10:19 PM

I highly agree too. Perm ban them all or do one of the suggestions in the other topic.

#16 Dark


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Posted 25 January 2006 - 12:29 AM

thats like sending someone to prison on hearsay evidence. I believe that if there is sound evidence in the logs that someone hacked or obtained account info then yes permenant ban. But there are to many idiots who share that get stolen from that lie, exaggerate, and say things like "oh it wasnt me on my comp" to perm ban people over sharing instances. If you share you should have to pay the consequences of GIVING people the ability to steal from you. Someone TAKING that ability from you through other means is a different story, and really has absolutley nothing to do with this post.

It's kinda unfair really, leaven the stupid punished and the klepto's with things they did not work for,
regardless of the means a thief is a thief, and stealing is wrong.

I'm not even saying the people stolen from should be given there things back what i'm saying is that the anti-social should be punished, doing this you do pay the consequences but so does the player who wants to steal.

#17 Shaginator



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Posted 25 January 2006 - 12:55 AM

This is just going around in circles. I see the relevance of your point, but I think that the only reason these anti social players are acting the way they are, is because people continue to share with them like idiots. If they would just stop the sharing, then they couldnt be stolen from. And as I said before, there are those who CAN share and have friends that they CAN trust. If you choose make the decision to share, I just feel that it should be at your own risk, not at the burden of staff to correct your stupid mistake.
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#18 deadman

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Posted 25 January 2006 - 01:16 AM

Whether it be through sharing or not they should be perm banned.

If you have a roomate, and they steal the tv, it is still stealing isn't it. Same goes for here.

Perm ban all theft and i bet you half the playerbase is gone and it makes the game better.
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#19 Roidhun

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Posted 25 January 2006 - 02:14 AM

Perm ban all theft and i bet you half the playerbase is gone and it makes the game better.

Now that might even make me change my mind :(
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#20 Shaginator



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Posted 25 January 2006 - 02:39 AM

I agree, but really lets take a minute and think realistically. Its not going to happen. If you honestly think that staff is gonna perm ban all thieves, then you live in a world full of misguided hope. It takes WAY WAY WAY to much time to sort through all the crap and find out what is theft what isnt and so on to go around perm banning all the thieves. Especially on a game that is FREE for crying out loud. So that being said, thats why I feel so strongly about my opinion on this post. We all know staff wont perm ban all thieves. So let them sort it themselves. And all the people who get caught up in it will learn a lesson, god willing, and it wont continue to happen. This also is wishful thinking, but it seems to be the most logical approach seeing as we will never see them all banned.

Edited by Shaginator, 25 January 2006 - 02:40 AM.

Overthrow/Redemption - 1a

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#21 Gaddy

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Posted 25 January 2006 - 03:16 AM

They spend plenty of time on the people already since so many people have to beg for logs to be checked and whatnot.
Perm ban them and people like them---with rules that strict, maybe we'd be rid of some of the garbage that is the NM playerbase.

With how much time is spent bettering the game; this is not a large sum of time for how great the game would be without theives, their bitching, and their complete lack of friendlyness.
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