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Member Since 02 Nov 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 17 2011 05:45 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Another Preview Just To Tease!

12 November 2011 - 07:54 AM

I like the overall layout of the area from the maps provided, However until we know the other missing details about the area. It is very hard to really comment on anything. Cant wait to see what else you can reveal about the area.

In Topic: Spell Ideas

12 November 2011 - 07:51 AM

i think you would have trouble with people ending up inside walls with the blink thing...
And the unequipting spell would be overpowered cause then you could just disarm your opponent and make him drop that weapon like previously stated. Way overpowered..

I really wish that mages could port to local people. or port to difference main towns like Nightmist, Resthaven, and Blackthorn. only main cities. and maybe even Harabec.. They could have a sqaure set up in there that mages could teleport themselves or other people within their party to.

The decoy generating spell gives me an idea. Like adding something on to invisibility. Casting the decoy makes you invisible. When pker or monster attacks and kills it. it doesnt kill you allowing you to get away.

In Topic: Just A Preview Of Something I Am Working On

12 November 2011 - 02:52 AM

I would like some input back please, but let's all be adults and keep it simple. I will add more as it is finished. Thanks for looking.

Mountians of Alichia (A mountian range in most cases seperates a desert and a forest. (As a concept)

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Once over the Mountians You will gander into
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Once you make it through all that you will finally approach the Ship
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I have all look arounds and such, and a compiled list of monsters, but I just want to see what people think of the area first. Thank you guys for looking (We all know "IF" it was ever put in no sense in saving maps ect due to it will all be changed up a bit)


In Topic: Another Area Being Worked On

12 November 2011 - 02:51 AM

This was originally planned to be a Halloween area, but I figured it could be changed and used as a regular area somewhere. Just want to get some input on what people think of the mapping and the concept of what it was as a Halloween area. Thanks.

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Edit: This could just be a small area for low levels or high levels. Doesn't really matter. As stated just want to see what people think of the concept.


In Topic: Mages

07 November 2011 - 05:29 PM

What if you increased the MP regeneration that the mage already receives? every 30 seconds or so your mage gains 1hp and 1mp.. what if every lvl the mp was raised by 1 point each level. that way when they get to lvl 30+ they gain back 40mp every 30 seconds or if that is to much then gain 1 point every same 3 levels? or so. Just my thought.