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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 09 2006 07:03 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Havanor And Medora Gone?

14 May 2005 - 07:59 PM

Naw Im not lazy ^_^ I had my staff character for years. Its just after so long of putting up with people whining, complaining, never being able to do anything right in anyones eyes, you get tired of it. So I quit being active. If I wanted to be abused theres far more creative ways to do it lol. Doesnt matter to me that my staff char got deleted, I quit playing a year ago anyway. Its much more fun to play games than it is to be the one everyone complains to. As for area building, it was stated a very long time ago that none would be added, so why bother making new ones? I wish Nightmist 2 the best of luck and hope that it soars to the top and has a better community than what this one turned into in the end. Im sure there are plenty of wonderful people that play the game now, I just dont know any, and I know alot of people that left and are waiting for Nightmist 2 because of how the community is now. So fare well Nightmist, I had good times and bad, but in the end the bad won over and all I wanted was to get away from the madness.

P.S! You people can say whatever you want to about it also. It will only prove my point that the game is overloaded with abusive people.

In Topic: Havanor And Medora Gone?

14 May 2005 - 06:31 PM

yeah i just noticed this myself lol logged in my acct and went to log on and tada! no character to log on. how come i didnt get an email or something ^_^

In Topic: Sellin All But My Mains

28 August 2004 - 04:02 PM

One more bump

In Topic: Sellin All But My Mains

27 August 2004 - 11:32 PM

Bump ;p

In Topic: Happy Birthday

25 August 2004 - 02:40 AM

Yeah yeah lol Feel the love! Ty guys, yes it was my birthday. Was alright and all, Ive definately had worse and Ive definately had better lol. Birthday blues and all, Im sure the girls over 20 understand :P Sorry no one ever sees me around! My girl started school a bit ago, and Im just always busy lol Still working on stuff in my spare time, though it isnt much its enough. Theres just so much going on these days that free time to sit around is a rarity. Ill be around once in awhile, even if it is just to log on check memos and toss a mosh. Yes, I log on every couple of days to check my memos, I might not have time to sit around and shoot the breeze for an hour or more, but theres always a way to take 5 minutes to check up on things. Best wishes to all, and Ill see ya around when things are less hectic.