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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active May 18 2010 11:02 PM

Topics I've Started

Eternal Night

31 March 2010 - 12:45 AM

Eternal Night

Thief weapon same BD as a Dagger of Spirits but has a +16 armor mod on it

If sold i'll be requesting that it be 1alt gold etc only.

Library info for Eternal Night:
Description: Some legends say that day and night fight a neverending struggle. As winter blankets the land, night grows stronger. Summer comes and night must retreat, holding on to but a tiny fragment of the sky. But in the land where snow and ice keep the ground locked in their frigid grasp, night is something to be feared. For once a year, there comes the time when night reigns supreme and the sky is forever dark... Some say that it is then, and only then, that ones who live in the night, who revel in the shadows, can find themselves cloaked in her embrace..

Arovet The Infindel

02 January 2010 - 10:13 PM

I know its been mentioned in the past, but why is it that for a cleric only token boss where strength isn't exactly needed for cleric and most people don't try to get high strength for them that the boss is not undead. Clerics premarily get experience for healing things not attacking as well so it should be able to be healed to kill.

Thief (maybe!)

27 November 2009 - 02:56 AM

Unforgiven's stats are:
Race/Class: Female Gnome Grandmaster Class I Assassin. Str: 17, Int: 19, Dex: 20, Con: 18, Wis: 19, Chr: 10, Lev: 36, Exp: 1,765,900,340, HP: 402, MP: 0, Stm: 7.
This character has been a level 36 Thief, with 402 HP.

will come equipped for level and with dos.

only accepting 1a gold and easy sellable items such as stat amulets valued at shop price only. it is also not a guarentee that i will sell and wont unless i like the offer.


27 July 2009 - 03:44 AM

Cephias's stats are:
Race/Class: Male Elf Adept Druid. Str: 18, Int: 20, Dex: 19, Con: 18, Wis: 20, Chr: 16, Lev: 21, Exp: 14,464,012, HP: 202, MP: 220, Stm: 3.
Spells: Heal, Cleanse, Jolt, Camouflage, Nourish, Thornshield, Stoneform, Gaea's Blessing, Nature's Fury, Stormwrath.
This druid can morph into a Jaguar.
This character has been a level 21 Druid, with 202 HP, and 220 MP.

Looking for 1a gold only make an offer

Viper Claws And Wizard Cuffs

18 July 2009 - 03:39 PM

1alt gold accepted only