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Member Since 21 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 21 2024 12:24 PM

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In Topic: What's New?

31 August 2016 - 04:24 PM

Probably has something to do with the fact that the game was originally designed with multi-alts in mind, and the 1a server was hastily created with little to no back-end coding to balance gameplay for single players. Just a hunch.


But why are you mad, though? 

In Topic: Little Far Fetched

13 June 2016 - 08:15 PM


In Topic: Change Cobalt Staff Of The Winds Back

17 May 2016 - 08:41 PM

Just echoing what DJ is saying -- that's great that you're creating a game that will solicit player feedback to develop content. That was not the intention of the creators of Nightmist (lest you people forget the days of Pandilex doing whatever the moose he wanted with no regard to the greater implications to the game), and bashing the game for failing to solicit feedback from its players is like complaining that you don't like Oranges because they aren't Apples. 


Do I care about the future of the game? Yes, in that I hope the game continues to exist so that I can keep playing it. 

Do I care if new people start playing the game? Not really. The creator of the game doesn't care, so I don't see why I should take it upon myself to champion the cause. 

Do I care about my "power" and "status" on the game? Nah, I just like killin' bosses, and the status point is especially funny because I don't flaunt my party or items (and if you asked me to rank the people that play the game, i'd put myself on the low end of the list cause i'm pretty fkin lazy)


you get what you pay for, and nightmist is free; which is a different way of saying a point I made on an earlier post (nightmist owes you nothing). 


Good luck with your game, hopefully your player base doesn't compare you to a totalitarian dictator when you fail to make exactly the change that they want. 

In Topic: Change Cobalt Staff Of The Winds Back

17 May 2016 - 01:12 AM

lol bro i don't know any of what you said in that "PS" is, and I can't speak for anyone else, but I click the button or hit a macro for every damn stam. Watch me play the game one time before you make assumptions. 


you've brought up a reset many, many, many, many, many times. 


3 names out of the entire multi playerbase? the entire multi playerbase is pretty much the 7 names I listed. Also Jake/Rob and Jose are inactive, so its really 5, so yes, I'm describing the majority of the playerbase. I guess DJ too but I don't think he really talks to anyone (or maybe just not me lol). Was the point of that whole thing to get me to say that only like 5 people play the game?


getting back to the entire point of my previous post -- the people who actually play main aren't complaining that it's broken, and a reset would do nothing but make the barriers to entry for new players (leveling items) worse. 

In Topic: Change Cobalt Staff Of The Winds Back

16 May 2016 - 06:42 PM

I don't see why a reset would help, though. I mean, no one on the server really PKs, and anytime someone decides they want to start, they get ganged up into submission. 


If 5 people come over from 1a, you'll have 5 people competing for all the BoT's and EDs to level zerk/thieves. 


If you reset main and 5 people come over from 1a, you'll have those 5 people, plus Gareth, Me, Gaddy, Ste, Trey, Rob/Jake, and Jose to compete with over those BoT's and EDs. Malok's hardly in currently, do you really want to see how little he's alive when Gaddy actually needs EDs? lol. 


Like you (Terron) said, without wholesale changes in the background, a reset wouldn't come close to solving the issues, and would probably make existing ones like a leveling item bottleneck even worse. 



(to Terrron) Just an aside, but log on Main sometime and look at the parties that actually get used -- Gaddy and I each have 5 slow hitters in our party, Gareth uses slow hitters, Chris did as well before retiring, and I'm pretty sure Jose's main party uses a fighter and mage. It's not just mindless clicking. Have you explored the Dvergar Stronghold, Cauldron of Shadows, Stone Dragon, and any of the bosses that use the keys from the Inquisitor's Tower? It's all fantastic content and nothing resembling a thumb twiddling contest of spawns. I just think it's interesting that no one who actually plays Main thinks that server is broken, only the people who abandoned it for 1a a long time ago. 



Second aside (...further aside?)-- JLH plz dont end the game before i 40 my mage lol