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Member Since 22 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active May 07 2006 01:18 AM

Topics I've Started

Grandmaster Knights

22 April 2006 - 08:55 PM

iv got one nearly GM but im jus wonderin if there are any yet n i cant b bothered to look lol

Completely And Utterly Random!

14 April 2006 - 04:03 PM

You are floating weightless in a wide open space,
You dropped a Pirate Hat.

HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE, (lol pointless postage) if im floating thru an empty void then how is there still a floor?

guess where i am lol (fer a laff)

Edit: For the person who actually finds it (b4 the server deletes the item) theres a lil present on the "floor"


09 April 2006 - 08:14 PM

Recently i put a Halberd on the auction (as i noticed the price going up since the improvements to RAX) i only noticed the first bid TODAY

Halberd 75,000 Eight Show all prices (10)
Halberd 39,000 Kronus 04-09-2006 21:05:26 by Seizure Review bids / Make bid

i am completely willing to sell for WAAAY less than that.
any ideas on how to fix this minor hitch?

Steel Bracers?

23 February 2006 - 03:50 PM

Does any1 else think that thieves are gettin a bit of a raw deal, they have a base armour of a huge amazing 2!!!!!

Is there anything else better, if there is i havent found it yet
post ur opinion and mayb sum ideas for reaplacing the steel bracers that im sure every one of us has at least 3 pairs of

i realise that being a thief and all you cant have some bloody great shield, but surely there is an alternative or can be an alternative

Why Do U Play Nm

10 October 2005 - 09:45 PM

i kno its similar to the how did u join nm post but still its worth a go.

I think i play cos this game is sort of an escape from reality cos u kno what.............REALITY SUX NM doesnt

that and i just enjoy playing its just fun iv been here for 3 years and i dont intend on leaving any time soon