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Member Since 29 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2023 03:37 PM

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In Topic: Question For Anyone Who Can Possibly Answer

28 February 2023 - 12:51 AM

I faded away when the remaining players couldn't get along and chose to PK back and forth, making it impossible to do the harder boss content in the game - that I preferred. The grind was bad, but as a kid in school it wasn't hard. I can't imagine grinding all the way to 40 now as an adult, would take 10 years hahaha... If I didn't get PK'd for no reason...

Also didn't care for the fact that there was no high end development for my preferred class, druid.

And lastly, when everyone started sharing my drive faded. Why grind our own characters when we can just share everything and nobody needs to do anything anymore. There were plenty of characters leveled in the game to share amongst the 15-20 players at the time.