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#101407 Bye Forums

Posted by newb on 11 February 2005 - 11:13 PM in Leaving/Returning Forum

So, I haven't logged into Nightmist for two months. I have no desire to. My crits are rotting away.

I just haunt the forums. It's a lonely life. I guess I have stayed on the forums in hopes that I may find more intelligent people, but it doesn't seem as though that will happen.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be normal, and ignorant. It seems like such an easy life, without the burden of thought. The advantages and disadvantages are rather conflicting, but it's not like I can just change like that.

Goodbye Nightmist. You have wasted my time. Thank you, sir.

This will be my last post on these forums. Well, I might make a few more in about two months. I will have something going on in my life that I would like to share with people, no matter who they are.

If you want to contact me, that's nice. It shouldn't take a leaving thread to make you realize that you should start talking to someone.

I love Grushenka. Oh yeah, and Isyng and a deleted Pally named Atlas. And this mexican guy that goes by "two".

I made this way longer than it needed to be. Oh well. See you later. Actually, no.

#100845 Monkey Vs Tiger

Posted by newb on 08 February 2005 - 05:40 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

I saw that only yesterday... that is one crazy and cheeky monkey, but the Japanese music and sound effects can get on one's nerves!

Too bad it's Chinese.

#100409 Im Out

Posted by newb on 05 February 2005 - 10:37 PM in Leaving/Returning Forum

Yeah, what is this "project"? Top-secret or something?

#100201 Remember The Old Days?

Posted by newb on 04 February 2005 - 07:58 AM in Game Discussion


Demon's of Death was the best clan ever.


#100199 The Gosu Ones Gone.

Posted by newb on 04 February 2005 - 07:35 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum



You can call me "The Waiter", because I like to serve people. ohsnap

#100141 The Gosu Ones Gone.

Posted by newb on 03 February 2005 - 11:32 PM in Leaving/Returning Forum

Stop weening and gtfo fatty.

lolz hay guyz im markxor T_T

Anyways, yeah. High-five. Another member for the "I quit NM club" or something. You have to be at least as awesome as McGuyver (I don't know how to spell his name. It's been more than 10 years since I have officially seen it) in order to do something like that. In most cases.

We never walked the same path, but that's not a crime.


#99891 Best Story Ever

Posted by newb on 02 February 2005 - 04:57 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Yes, it purposely includes humorous elements.

A.K.A. John

#99730 Schrodingers Cat

Posted by newb on 01 February 2005 - 08:07 PM in Off-Topic Polls

So when did you find out about Schrodinger's Cat? The other day on some other forums from some guy who just found out about it the other day on some other forums?

#99631 Job Predictor

Posted by newb on 01 February 2005 - 07:35 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

Gilbert, Your ideal job is a Emperor of all the world.

I applied for Evil Overlord of the Universe back in 10th grade. (I actually did for a mock job interview)

I guess I was aiming a little too high. At least they kept my resume.

#99622 Best Story Ever

Posted by newb on 01 February 2005 - 07:03 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

I know I always say for reals and stuff, but this time is for reals for reals.

I urge you all to take the time to read this story. It is a great piece of work which deserves recognition. If this was made into a movie, it would be one of the greatest movies of all time.


Go forth my children. Go forth and experience the world which hath escaped the reaches of thine grasp. Go forth and returneth to me as a new person.

#99393 How To Kill A Moking Bird

Posted by newb on 31 January 2005 - 01:11 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

None of you guys have seen Arfenhouse?

#98488 Theft Solution!

Posted by newb on 27 January 2005 - 05:19 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

This is interesting...especially because I am going to Japan...

Watch out or I am going to toast some of you fools in a few months when I am over there.

#98128 Pre Season Super Bowl Predictions?

Posted by newb on 25 January 2005 - 05:39 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

Your mom Posted Image

#97882 Poor Kitty

Posted by newb on 23 January 2005 - 07:59 PM in Off-Topic Discussion


8cat is better.

Posted Image

#97799 Alone For Forum Moderator And Staff Member.

Posted by newb on 23 January 2005 - 06:03 AM in Suggestions

No because he never sent me that letter...

#97580 Internet?

Posted by newb on 22 January 2005 - 02:09 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum


#97478 Apology

Posted by newb on 21 January 2005 - 07:38 AM in Game Discussion

I didn't know Alone had become such a wiseass as of lately... I guess I need to come back more often and set him straight, Karl I know where your Queen lives.

Silly, he's always been that way.

Edit: Oh man, I really really really want to kill this thread...so bad...so so bad. You're a lucky guy. You and your lucky face face face face face. God.

#97475 Calling International

Posted by newb on 21 January 2005 - 06:28 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

Alright, so, I would really like to call my friends in Japan, who have unfortunately returned to their country forever. But you see, there's this problem. Called money. I really can't afford almost $2 per minute. Not even rich people would pay that. So anyways, I was wondering if any of you knew any cheap secrets or whatever for saving money on international calls, or know of some cheap service or something. I would just like to use MSN or Skype with them or something, but they don't really use computers. They check their email like once every other week. So yeah, any help with those international rates would be greatly appreciated. For reals.

For reals.

#97414 Hottest Celebrity

Posted by newb on 21 January 2005 - 12:45 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

Nothing international? damn...

You guys are missing out.

#96994 What Os Are You?

Posted by newb on 18 January 2005 - 06:28 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

I got Palm OS...

I wanted Jurian's...

#96987 Happy Winter-een-mas ^^

Posted by newb on 18 January 2005 - 04:01 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

I have two metal pads. But I have 4th mix for PS1. and I have kind of stopped playing DDR, even though I am totally awesome at it. Well, not totally awesome, but I can pass all the songs except the MAXes, and some of the Paranoias.

haha, it was funny. I played PSMO and I just gave up and fell off the machine.

PS Funnest song is Tsugaru on Heavy. Colors Oni would be horrendously fun if it had more gallops where it is supposed to.

#96965 Happy Winter-een-mas ^^

Posted by newb on 18 January 2005 - 01:31 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

On the 28th (we can't do it through the 25th-27th because of school), we'll spend a day just hanging out at a friend's basement trying to play DDR.

laugh out loud fix'd

I have heard of that day in like ctrl+alt+del or something. Last time I played video games for a couple hours I got videogame headache...man I hate that. It's the worst kind of headache, because you are constantly reminded that you just wasted hours playing videogames.

#96954 What Ethnicity Are You?

Posted by newb on 18 January 2005 - 12:44 AM in Off-Topic Polls

I am half Native American (Juaneno and Luiseno tribes in San Juan Capistrano I got proofs thxsk) and half White, whatever that is supposed to mean. But I guess when all is said and done, I'm just a dirty white-skinneded America child.


#96953 Apology

Posted by newb on 18 January 2005 - 12:26 AM in Game Discussion

Darkling is one of the most awsome people i've met on this game :unsure:

You don't press N, E, S or W much do you?

#96939 This Goes Out To All You...

Posted by newb on 17 January 2005 - 11:38 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

This goes out to all you.

Posted Image

I can be more awesome too.

8cat's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.