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There have been 16 items by Knine (Search limited from 27-September 23)

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#110348 Rl Money Influences In Game

Posted by Knine on 12 April 2005 - 07:46 PM in Game Discussion

No one really donates, they're actually buying custom stuff.

I've donated 2 or 3 times, and asked for nothing in return, no pics, items, staff comment or whatever else some people are after.. there are people who just wish to help out, altho they may be hard to find.

#110229 Dotw.

Posted by Knine on 11 April 2005 - 09:32 PM in Items for Sale


#110227 Dotw.

Posted by Knine on 11 April 2005 - 09:23 PM in Items for Sale

Dagger of the Winds for sale. contact me in game. No crit trades, I have far too many already, thanks ^_^

#110113 Midnight Thorns

Posted by Knine on 10 April 2005 - 09:11 PM in Clan Forum

Hmm, maybe it's time I make an appearence.. looks like you guys could use someone to stir up some trouble ^_^

#54708 Tri-clan Tournament Of Champions

Posted by Knine on 24 August 2004 - 05:30 PM in Clan Forum

Count me in on the next one, I wished I had entered once this one got under way, looked like a blast. Really nice job to those who planned this thing out and ran it so smoothly.

#33545 Hell

Posted by Knine on 10 June 2004 - 10:43 AM in Clan Forum

Careful what you say to certain people, Paranormal. Your words reflect not only on you, but also everyone else in your "Family", and the way I see it, vengeance would be made sweeter by killing off your family first and making you watch before finally turning the blade upon you.
This is one of the reasons I left MT, as I tend to start things that would bring trouble to those around me, and as I will never change my ways I took myself to where my actions would come back on myself alone.
You may (or may not) be able to take care of yourself.. but can every member of your clan, and would it be fair for them to end up getting killed repeatedly because of your mouth? Think about it.

#33257 Way Too Funny!

Posted by Knine on 09 June 2004 - 12:09 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

fun w/ cyber

#32291 Forming New Clan

Posted by Knine on 05 June 2004 - 08:02 PM in Clan Forum

Regan.. would it have been dificult for you to type out a few extra letters, and make YOUR OWN thread?

Fugeo, if you see me in game, although I have no idea who you are, I'll give you the gold to start your clan. By the way, "looking for members and gold" isn't really the way to attract potential new members. Show them why they need you, not the other way around.

#32287 Midnight Thorns =recruiting=

Posted by Knine on 05 June 2004 - 07:48 PM in Clan Forum

Hey Para, I would fit all the qualifications cept maybe the moodiness.. but I'll stroke your ego if you'll stroke my um...

#32284 Righteous Fury

Posted by Knine on 05 June 2004 - 07:38 PM in Game Discussion

No matter what the game, or how "Balenced" everything is, there will always be those who have nothing better to do then whine about at least one aspect of said game. Usually this happens when they are PK'd by another player, or get jealous of another players items. No account is taken for the time taken to aquire these items, and the characters, much less the skills required to use them effectivly.
I could go on and on about this but I won't, however I will say this. If you don't like the things are in one particular game.. you could always find another.

Edit: removed b word, as I don't much care for a program replacing my words with it's own.. besides, "Pregnant dogging" just sounds rediculous.

#32118 Lvl 13 Sexy Cleric Lot

Posted by Knine on 05 June 2004 - 12:01 AM in Characters for Sale

first 100k bid takes them all. far as I'm concerned just the name Antisocial is worth that, but I have no time to care.

Gonad is a Male Half-Elf Journeyman Cleric. He looks muscular, wise, fast, and sexy. He is wearing a Leather Vest
14 15 19 19 19 20

Curious is a Male Human Journeyman Cleric. He looks strong, wise, fast, and sexy. He is wearing a Leather Vest
16 15 19 18 19 19

Antisocial is a Male Human Journeyman Cleric. He looks strong, wise, fast, and sexy. He is wearing a Leather Vest
17 15 19 19 19 19

Satyrs is a Male Elf Journeyman Cleric. He looks muscular, wise, fast, and sexy. In one hand he holds an Oak Staff. He is wearing a Leather Vest
12 19 19 18 20 20

Whitepony is a Male Dwarf Journeyman Cleric. He looks strong, smart, fast, and sexy. In one hand he holds an Oak Staff. He is wearing a Leather Vest
20 10 18 20 18 17

#30874 Midnight Thorns =recruiting=

Posted by Knine on 30 May 2004 - 08:15 PM in Clan Forum

erm.. Ho's need not apply. lol

#30864 Midnight Thorns =recruiting=

Posted by Knine on 30 May 2004 - 07:58 PM in Clan Forum

I Second that!!

#30711 What's The Longest You've Rolled?

Posted by Knine on 30 May 2004 - 01:27 AM in Game Discussion

rolled 11 hours over 2 days, trying for a 4 stat dwarf.. ended up with a few that were 1 off on wiz, and a bunch of 4 "cleric" stats.. never got what I was after.

#21885 Medal Of Triumph

Posted by Knine on 25 April 2004 - 03:55 AM in Items for Sale

...dont post here cos i wont look at it and neither will the person i put this up here for just page or memo him


#21703 About The War...

Posted by Knine on 24 April 2004 - 04:53 PM in Game Discussion

By attacking others who are fighting for the same side, you would be robbing yourself of potential spoils of victory. There are, and always will be, quite a few people here who do not think quite right, and will go ahead and ruin a quest for all those involved just to drop some low lvl guy.. and the sad part is, they will think they are cool for doing so. Let's just hope the "teams" are put on nopk.