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Member Since 01 Oct 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2009 08:28 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Freebiez

05 December 2008 - 06:12 PM


In Topic: !

05 December 2008 - 06:11 PM

Not supported

1.) Some people don't have a good PC to support unlimited characters or have a nutsty internet connection.

2.) What about the underdog that actually works and doesn't nerd it up on NM all day, their only shot in this game is 1alt.

3.) If making the game easier for people that have no working life is going to bring new players to the game or players back, then they probably weren't that great of players anyways. Sorry that they lost all confidence when it comes down to 1v1, maybe they should strive harder to perfect they're profession on NM.

In Topic: Party Descriptions

30 October 2008 - 04:13 AM

lol, yeh, your probably right..it would be to much work to add a | next to a players name to show they are enhanced...

In Topic: Trëâ§urë Hüñtër§

26 October 2008 - 09:37 AM

I guess I could see your point. Your profile doesn't help you stay alive, you kinda screwed yourself on that. People don't like it when you talk nuts about a game that we all play, whether it is crappy or not. And if you helped with Gristle, than you're right; you should have been on our good side. But I can't tell them not to PK you and I will not. The best chance you got is asking for an ally and seeing what our founders say. Which in the end game, it's slightly like a dictatorship and my final word is what happens.

My profile did not seem to effect you guys when I was helping you. Oh..and I don't recall my profile saying anything bad about the game..it was more like a premonition of what was soon to come after helping you guys. It only talked about the ignorant players that a new player had to deal with.

In Topic: Trëâ§urë Hüñtër§

26 October 2008 - 12:25 AM

Your allies are the rest of the realm? Hmm, I don't remember that respect after I went to help you guys kill gristle, and then got robbed for 17k the next day and was told to join the clan or it will keep happening? Interesting..