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Member Since 26 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Dec 17 2008 05:56 AM

Topics I've Started

*chirp Chirp*

16 December 2008 - 07:34 AM

been said again and again how quiet this place has become.

I myself haven't played NM in ages, i see one of the largest shortfalls for NM is passion of the staff.

When NM started it was all exciting as a first big project for jlh and his m8s.

Now ppl are much older, ur getting on in yrs jlh lol :ph34r:, so they less want to develop, make changes and help the poor defenseless(till they stab you in the back with a 9 inch dagger)n00b.

Ill also say this isn't a dig at the staff of the game they have done a great job, i don't know if the answer to this would be new staff, or weather some reward system can be put together, for the staff.

As NM is mostly a free game there isn't much reward for the efforts it takes to implement features and fix bugs etc.

one of the plusses of this low user base for me being a very selfish person is i can now get a ping better then i get from google on the server lol and thats on dialup

thats my 5 cents