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Mage Spell

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#1 lowmion

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Posted 30 October 2004 - 10:36 AM

Mages are pretty just about right atm, ('cept for that 19con thing), but i thought of a different armor spell for low lvl mages up to lvl 24.

Deflect would allow the mage, (when cast), to 'Deflect' the amount of damage it receives onto another character in it's party.

This spell can only be cast when no other armor spell is in session, and has a suitable penetrate/deflect ratio, (which I'll need some help with please).

Now there's 2 option's from here, of which I'll leave it up to you lot to decide/Modify which one is the best.


The mage can only deflect the damage onto another character that's in the party that isn't in the same account / ip address, and of +\- 1 level's of itself due to focus requirements.


The mage can only deflect the damage onto a character that's in it's account and of +\- 1 level's of itself due to focus requirements

Now the mana costs to the mage would be initial mana cost of 50 mana and around 10 mana every 20 secs, and the spell duration would be 5 mins, (quite alot of mana for a baby mage).

As for stamina the cost should be 1 stamina.

Bearing in mind that this is for "Low Level Mages" not high lvl, the Spell will disappear from your Spell list when you become expert.

Again the description's and the spell 'mathematics' arn't my speciality, but the mana cost's i think are reasonable.

What do you all think ?

#2 Ryuku


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Posted 30 October 2004 - 10:23 PM

It's...interesting, but I'm not sure if it can work...thought I love the idea ^^

#3 Sneaky

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Posted 31 October 2004 - 04:24 AM

Good general idea, its 12:30 am n im tired as nuts so ill post somethin constructive tomorrow
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#4 Lasden

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Posted 31 October 2004 - 11:06 AM

people would just use this to annoy people in their party methinks
but otherwise its a good thought
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#5 Squee



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Posted 31 October 2004 - 07:49 PM

Why would you even think about annoying people in your party harmfully?
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