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Lets Make A Game

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#1 Zelimos



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Posted 11 August 2011 - 03:05 AM

Anybody ever wanted to make a nightmist-style game? I already have created a base, wondered if anybody was interested in creating a world. This is just for fun, I'm not trying to advertise a new game, just going to have a lot of time on my hands and needed to fill it. Wondered if anybody was interested.

At the moment, you can walk around, kill monsters, kill people, equip stuff, buy stuff, complete quests, join parties, make clans etc. etc. etc. but there's no world. If anybody has some spare time, join in.

Forum can be found at http://www.finalsaga...ignet.com/forum - feel free to sign up and we can share ideas. Once I've got the client fully finished there will be a download available.

Remember, this is just for fun, nothing serious.

#2 Gaddy

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 04:08 AM

I think a quality 2d MMORPG would get me hooked.
It would be so sweet to have a well balanced and populated game similar to Final Fantasy 3/6.
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-Proverbs 4:7

#3 Abstract

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Posted 11 August 2011 - 07:51 AM


Search for a game called Final Fantasy by a development group called "The Brotherhood".

Its pretty much a FF Clone, with 2d graphics, and fully online. It is pretty awesome.

#4 Zelimos



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Posted 11 August 2011 - 02:16 PM

I'm working on a 2D online game also, http://www.deloria.draignet.com

But since we're all MUD players here I wanted to see if anybody was interested in sharing some ideas.

Videos of my MUD game can be found here:


#5 Master1988

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Posted 15 August 2011 - 02:04 PM

Hey yeah im intrested in helping create a world i have my own text based game i am working on its similar to nightmist/rev aswell but sure wouldnt mind helping out just let me know what i can do for you
FåT Ðåññ¥/Danny_The_Pacifist x

#6 Zelimos



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Posted 16 August 2011 - 01:53 PM

I've got a few areas laid out, couple towns and some outside areas and a small cave. The engine is fairly basic, There aren't really any spells because I need to write a system for them but apart from that it's all there.

There's a few things I want to redo to make the interface more graphical.

#7 Zelimos



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Posted 16 August 2011 - 01:59 PM

Ok, I've thought about it, and I'm going to turn my game into a text-based game creation suite. It will include vbScript for customising features, but apart from that it will be completely flexible and use built-in editors for customising your games.

Who's interested?

#8 Master1988

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Posted 16 August 2011 - 07:05 PM

im defo intrested im always looking at things to create and to have the foundations laid will make it a little easier
FåT Ðåññ¥/Danny_The_Pacifist x

#9 Zelimos



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Posted 17 August 2011 - 01:33 AM

Fantastic. I'll update this when I've got a website up.

At the moment im just updating the client and the server. The client needs to be changed because a lot of the interface is set to work with specific elements designed for the game I was making. But, because these elements are now changeable through options made on the server, parts of the interface and programming will need to be changed in order to work with that new feature.

I want to create as much flexibility as possible so that you can change everything right down to the colours and format of the text.

Using the built-in scripting language you'll be able to change the way text is displayed. For example, the title of a room might appear as <<Boars Tusk Inn>>, but you may want to change it to [Boars Tusk Inn]. Or perhaps you want your exits located on a separate line after the description, rather than in the description itself?

I'm also eager to use the same avatar-based user/npc list as Nightmists instead of list boxes that I use now. Shouldn't be too hard at all.

Edited by Zelimos, 17 August 2011 - 02:43 AM.

#10 Master1988

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Posted 17 August 2011 - 04:37 PM

k sounds good just keep me updated
FåT Ðåññ¥/Danny_The_Pacifist x

#11 Master1988

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Posted 31 August 2011 - 03:14 PM

We getting anywhere with this
FåT Ðåññ¥/Danny_The_Pacifist x

#12 Zelimos



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Posted 31 August 2011 - 03:39 PM

Yeah. Currently we have 3 separate list boxes. 1 for players, 1 for npcs, and 1 for objects. I want to merge all 3 boxes together. This requires rewriting the way content is sent to the client. Each item in the list will have to have properties to tell the system whether or not it is a player, an npc, or an object so that when you interact with that item, it knows what to do.
As soon as I have written the system for this, I can then work on changing the list box into a room content list similar to Nightmist/RoKs so that players, objects, and npcs can have avatars.

Next on the list is finishing the quest system. Quests work, but I have something called a Quest Book where you can see currently active quests. The Quest Book also allows you to cancel any quest that is currently active.

The character creation forms need to be changed to work with the new system, which allows you to choose what classes and races you want in your game.

After these major updates have been done, I can move on to adding the scripting support which will allow you to edit a vbScript file which can be edited to add completely unique and custom features to your game.

Last but not least, in-game editors will be added to the client, including a very basic room editor. A more advanced game editing software will be created which will allow you to completely customise your game from within that single piece of software.

Then I will release a beta :lol:

#13 Master1988

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Posted 31 August 2011 - 07:00 PM

thats sounds good any idea on a time frame for beta release
FåT Ðåññ¥/Danny_The_Pacifist x

#14 Zelimos



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Posted 01 September 2011 - 01:30 AM

Nope. I have many other priorities :lol:

I'll sort out a website soon. I already have a place holder. http://www.mud.draignet.com

#15 Zelimos



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Posted 01 September 2011 - 04:55 PM

I've now finished merging the room contents into a single list box. I just need to finish updating the interactions so that the game knows if it's a player, npc or object that you are interacting with. Once this is finished I will be removing the list box and adding a nightmist-style room content list with avatars.

#16 Master1988

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Posted 06 September 2011 - 10:43 AM

looking good cant wait to get started :lol:
FåT Ðåññ¥/Danny_The_Pacifist x

#17 Zelimos



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Posted 10 September 2011 - 05:15 AM

I've now got the interaction between players and npcs working right, just need to finish the same thing for items within the room and I can start on adding avatars.

#18 Master1988

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Posted 16 September 2011 - 05:25 PM

nice progress i just cant start working on some area's :lol:
FåT Ðåññ¥/Danny_The_Pacifist x

#19 Zelimos



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Posted 22 September 2011 - 11:02 PM

Interaction with players, npcs, and items within a single list box is complete. I just need to rewrite some code that updates the quantity of items left in the room when a player picks something up.
As soon as I've done this I will be converting the list into a Nightmist style list.

#20 Master1988

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Posted 12 October 2011 - 02:18 AM

any news :lol:
FåT Ðåññ¥/Danny_The_Pacifist x

#21 Zelimos



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Posted 16 October 2011 - 09:40 PM

The player/object lists are working properly, been fixing up the quest system when searching for, and killing an NPC. Just need to add the last parts of the quest system and it'll be complete.

There are some other things I'd like to do before I release a beta though.

#22 Zelimos



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Posted 19 October 2011 - 01:23 AM

Quick picture to tickle your taste buds.

Posted Image

#23 Abstract

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Posted 19 October 2011 - 08:53 AM

I know im not staff anymore, but for the love of god do not re-create any of the area's within nightmist.

Ta :lol:

#24 Zelimos



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Posted 20 October 2011 - 01:08 AM

I'm not making a game any more. This is a development tool for anybody to make their OWN text-based games.

#25 Zelimos



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Posted 27 December 2011 - 04:27 PM

Ok just an update on this. I've been busy with a website project lately so haven't had time to work on any of my gaming projects, but I have done a little bit of work since I posted here last.

A few bugs have been fixed, which were simply some minor programming errors.
I've been looking over the game editors and have come to the conclusion that most parts of them will need to be rewritten. I will definitely need to come up with a better design for the user interfaces to make sure they're as friendly and easy to use as possible.
I was considering writing the editors with vb.net, but there really aren't any benefits on the client side besides making use of the latest windows control graphics.

The server data handling module needs to be rewritten. Everything that comes through to the server is processed inside one massive sub routine using Select Cases. This was also the case with the client. What I did was simply take all the code from the cases, and rewrite them into their own individual sub routines in a separate module. The Handle Data procedure then only had 1 line for each incoming packet, which was to call the specified sub routine.
It's very easy, but takes ages and is very tedious. Once I've gathered the motivation to do it, i'll crack on :lol:

I'm not too interested in making everything look fancy at the moment. What I want right now is working features that can be tested to make sure they work, and they can be changed to make them look more appealing later.

Introducing Game Packs
Since the client and server can not be changed by users, there's no reason why 1 client can't be used to play multiple games. This is where I introduce a feature called Game Packs.

Instead of downloading several different clients for several games, all you will need to do is download a game pack. When you load the DraigMUD client, you will be able to choose a game to play (Depending on which game packs you have downloaded). Each game pack will have it's own folder in the DraigMUD client directory. The list will automatically generate, all you need to do is click which game to play and it will use the necessary files for that game.

Game Packs will include things like custom skins, avatars, language packs, audio etc.

#26 Zelimos



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Posted 05 January 2012 - 07:07 PM

Open sourced skin editor?

This is an idea that came to me last week and I've only just remembered about it. The idea is to allow people with Visual Studio or Visual Basic 6 to open up a project file that's been pre-made, and move the controls around in the IDE. When the application is run, it will save all the locations and sizes of each control into a text file, that can then be copied to the client folder. The client will then read this file and place all of the controls accordingly, using the data from the text file, as well as place the specified background image on the window.

This method not only saves me a huge job of writing a complex skin editor (Which I don't really want to do), but allows experienced Visual Basic programmers to write their own skinning applications for other non-programming users if they wish to.

Unfortunately, you won't be able to add new controls or modify their actions as only the location and sizes will be loaded by the game client. But there's room for new ideas in the future.

#27 Zelimos



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Posted 12 February 2012 - 03:55 PM

Due to lack of interest in text-based games these days, there's no point making a game making software. I may as well make an actual game with it and try and promote it as much as possible and see where it goes from there.

12 years ago I wanted to make my own text-based game, Im very close to achieving that now so I may as well accomplish what I set out to do in the first place.

#28 Master1988

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Posted 13 February 2012 - 06:23 PM

if you want help im area mapping or any tasks hit me up.

even tho i was never staff on main on nm i always tried to run events and keep it alive when staff where nowhere to be seen keep it good for the other players so im up for a new challenge.
plus i have loads of work to do on my own game and not enough time in the day to do it with getting engaged and planning for he future. so this would be perfect for me.
FåT Ðåññ¥/Danny_The_Pacifist x

#29 Zelimos



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Posted 14 February 2012 - 05:10 AM

I'm starting over from scratch. I've learned a lot since I made the original game. So I'm starting over with a better networking system, and better features. The code will be faster, more efficient, and more organised.
Hopefully I can get this one up and running a lot faster.


#30 Zelimos



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Posted 24 July 2012 - 01:16 AM

For anybody still interested, this MUD is still being planned I just haven't had chance to work on it.

In the meantime, I've been working on my 2D online game, Deloria Origins. Check it out. http://www.deloriaorigins.com

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