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Red Vine Forest

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#1 Slushie

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Posted 27 January 2008 - 01:19 AM

Standing before the entrance: Tinder Street: You are standing on the smooth cobbles of Tinder Street. The street continues North and East. To the West is a path of loose pebbles. <southwest is the Church and northwest is Aritoch Drakespine's clinic>

You are standing on a path made of smooth rocks and river pebbles. A path of river pebbles winds Westward; to your east the large city of Nightmist resides.

You are standing on a slim path made up entirely of smooth rocks and river pebbles, although no form of a waterway is in sight. On either side of the path, well groomed high grasses encircle you. To the East a large bustling city raves with commotion and to your West a winding path of river pebbles continues on.

You are standing on a path made of smooth rocks and river pebbles. To your West a dim forest beckons with the calls of small animals. The path of pebbles continues Eastward.

Monsters: Thief


You are standing in a sparsely vegetated portion of the forest. Small trees surround you, giving way in parts, allowing you to travel *direction(s)*

Standing outside the forest, it seemed more inviting and beautiful, but now inside decay encompasses your senses. Dead trees lay on the ground, moss covers the majority of trees still standing, and small vines finish the scenery. Traveling through the forest could be a difficult task without proper gear, but you think you can make out a path to the West. To abandon the area you need only go East towards a large city.

You are standing in a sparely vegetated forest filled with fallen trees and few animals. Vines block your way both north and south leaving your only traveling decision as to whether East or West looks more appealing.

You are standing inside a dying forest. Trees clutter the area sparingly, though more seem to have fallen to the ground then are still standing. Thick vines clinging to the branches fall ungracefully to the ground blocking your way to the north and south, leaving you to ponder on the differences between West and East.

Monsters: Mallard Duck, Goblin, Forest Spider, and rabid squirrel

The Mallard Duck seems slightly out of place in the forest. With pupils glowing bright red and blood dripping from its mouth you think that this may not be a completely normal duck. The Mallard Duck is in a healthy condition.

The Forest Spider is grey with red spots lacing its back, and is very poisonous. The Forest Spider is in a healthy condition.

The Rabid Squirrel has black fur and red eyes. Foaming at the mouth, it's clear that the squirrel has something wrong with it. The Rabid Squirrel is in a healthy condition.

Drop: Squirrel Pelt 10%


You are standing on a trail made up unevenly by dead red vines. Completely trapped in by their living counterpart, you may explore the reaches of the trail by going West. East leads you towards a less entrapped area of the forest.

You are standing on a wide trail completely trapped in by thick red vines. The dead remnants of these massive plants create the trail beneath your feet, making an uneven and somewhat dangerous path. You can travel further down the red vine trail by heading West, or East will lead you toward a more sparsely vegetated area of forest.

You trip, spraining your ankle for 12 points of damage.

To enter you need a torch.

Monsters: Confused Merchant, Red Vine Spider

The merchant is a short, young man. His robes, although at one point seemed to be of high stature, are torn to shreds and stained in blood. His right leg is badly bleeding, and in his left hand he holds a battered walking stick. The Confused Merchant is in a healthy condition.

Drop: Advanced Healing Potion 50%/Advanced Mana Crystal 50%

The Red Vine Spider is red with grey spots lacing its back, and is very poisonous. The Red Vine Spider is in a healthy condition.


You are standing on the outer edge of a small pond. Dark black, you're unable to tell how deep the pond goes. You may enter the pond by going West, or go around it by traveling North or South.

You are standing on the outer edge of a filthy pond. The water is a jet black and is adorned with the corpse of many different animals floating around. Unable to see the bottom, you figure the pond can be too deep since it isn't very wide across. You may enter the plagued pond by going West, or around it by going North and South. To your East is the only opening back into the forest.

Monsters: Rabid Squirrel, Rabid Deer, Mutated Vine

This deer isn't like other small deer. Normally cute and cuddly off somewhere quietly eating grass, this deer is foaming at the mouth, stomping its hooves and running in circles. The Deer is in a healthy condition.

The Mutated Vine hangs from a tree not to far away, most of its growth consuming the pond before leaching towards you. About a foot thick, the vine moves at almost impossible speeds, making it hard to tell quite what the vine looks like besides its obvious blood red color. The Mutates Vine is in a healthy condition.

No real drops.
Gold would be low.
Exp POD would be between 40 and 55.
Mutated Vine doesnt have much gold, or much life, but more as a low lvl exp boss giving 65 POD.
Squirrel pelt could be sold for maybe 50 gold at the tailor shop.

Edited by Slushie, 27 January 2008 - 07:43 AM.

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