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Multi-Alt Items..


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#1 Migraine

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Posted 12 March 2015 - 01:57 AM

You put your Mithril Claws on the website for 1300000 gold.x3


This is on Multi Server


The vault contains: 5x Amethyst, 9x Black Sapphire, 5x Bright Crystal Shard, Cracked Crystal Shard, 6x Dull Crystal Shard, Gold Ore, 3x Large Emerald.
The vault contains: Advanced Mana Crystal, 2x Azure Robes, Climbing Gear, 3x Cracked Vibrating Crystal Shard, Crystal Ring, 9x Dwarven Pickaxe, 6x Glowing Bracers, Halberd, 12x Ivory Dagger, 2x Jungle Bow, Magma Knife, 2x Sand Wurm Hide, Wolf Pelt.
The vault contains: Broken Key, Bushmeat, 2x Climbing Gear, 3x Concealing Petal Armor, 5x Cracked Crystal Shard, Dragons eye Gem, Dull Crystal Shard, 3x Dungeon Key, Iron Key, 10x Lodestone, Orb of Time, Spade, 2x Stone Key, 2x Thorn Key.
The vault contains: Cellar Key, Curio Key, 8x Dungeon Key, Elevator Key, Golden Spider, 5x Metallic Key, Petal Key, Rhaok Key, 3x Rose, Seal of Betrayal, Seal of Submission, 16x Stair Key 1, 3x Talise's Journal, Temple Key, 4x Thorn Key.
The vault contains: Ceremonial Robes, Golden Flax Cord, Mana Core, 28x Sapphire Shard, Withering Scarab.
Might sell some of those items, get at me with prices etc and maybe we can work something out..
Zipo/Oblivion ingame!



1alt: Rot, Zipo, Immortal

#2 Crane


    "Teh Gareth!"

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Posted 12 March 2015 - 12:17 PM

I'd like to offer 700k for:


- 5 * Bright Crystal Shard
- 7 * Dull Crystal Shard
- 6 * Cracked Crystal Shard
- 3 * Cracked Vibrating Crystal Shard
- Rhaok Key
- Ceremonial Robes
- Golden Flax Cord
- Withering Scarab

The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#3 Migraine

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Posted 13 March 2015 - 11:07 PM

3x mitral claws sold


1alt: Rot, Zipo, Immortal

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