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Member Since 02 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2004 03:32 PM

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In Topic: Triplex Cheaters

10 December 2004 - 05:11 AM

but if you suspected the person of cheating, im sure it would be easy to monitor that person (no matter what crit he was on), he would say something about it in clan chat, page, etc sooner or later. Then you could take appropriate action...

In Topic: Triplex Cheaters

09 December 2004 - 06:50 PM

as simon said, its totally untraceable

not.. entirely...

all youd have to do is monitor their chat for the next 10 mins.. especially clan chat. You know theyd have to blab it sooner or later.

That might work for a while, but the crits in use may be logged off after Triplex, or the players will learn (after a few people are caught) to keep their mouths shut!

well, i guess staff would just have to write down what crits the person has and monitor the ones that are logged on.. sooner or later, after being caught enough, there will be no fun in throwing triplex because they wont be able to get pats on the back from their buddies whom they threw game for.

In Topic: Triplex Cheaters

09 December 2004 - 06:47 PM

Ah yes, Tom, all the people complaining are nubs, because nubs still have enough honor not to cheat... I forgot all about that unwritten NM rule.

Edit: I apologize for not yet having ditched my sense of what is right or wrong, I will work on it though. Maybe I should start by ripping off the occasional idiot who is willing to share accounts with me. Then I will take all the stolen crits and go out pking, calling other people nubs and ezpk in the hopes I won't be a nub anymore.


/nod sadly most of the non nubs are morons who only get a kick out of giving others a hard time

In Topic: Triplex Cheaters

09 December 2004 - 06:42 PM

as simon said, its totally untraceable

not.. entirely...

all youd have to do is monitor their chat for the next 10 mins.. especially clan chat. You know theyd have to blab it sooner or later.

In Topic: /adopt

09 December 2004 - 06:29 PM

is stupid, no

lmao, go big man :unsure: