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#1 snizzlesnaps

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Posted 04 May 2004 - 04:44 PM

The rome, ranked 28, with score 524, consists of 138 members and 8 rooms:
Phyco (Chairwoman) (cheater), Angel_Of_Death (Founder) (young_bloods wife), Dream_Walker (Founder) (~Power House~), Sneek_Strike (Founder) (B.D.F.S), Vegeta (Founder) (._.·°¯°·._. Fïñå£. F£å§h _.·°¯°·._.), Andariel (Leader) (»»¥ô««), Benaden (Leader) (~<Giuld master of the Crystal Star>~), Elf_Druid (Leader) (STATIC), Johndoe (Leader) (Ceasar), Leshrac (Leader) (Nirvana), Rebbo (Leader) ("special person"), Skater_Spaz (Leader) (spaz), Viggo (Leader) (fighter of all), Young_Blood (Leader) (angel_of_deaths wife), Ados, Angels_Bitch (~ceasar~), Antioch (~c£Ä§ÄR~), Architect (!!), Athan (Breath), Axus ("The Clydesdale"), Azurath (The Clan Bouncer), Balthasar (hell fire), Batmancory, Beserker_Haku, Bigc (Ceasar), Blackskye, Blayz_On (Lite it Up, Burn it Down), Blood_Blaze (iLLiNoTiCS), Blood_Of_Death (in search for a tag......i think........), Blu_Blaze (iLLiNOtiX), Buggs (B.D.F.S), Bugs_Bunny (Broken Arrow), Captain_Falcon (Rome's Royle Guard), Charmin, Chibisan, Chibisan_Ii, Corroded_Syringe, Covenant, Crapper (dracon), Croq, Dark_Magician, Deathnkeeper (~~StepheN~~), Demolition_Man (the demolisher), Demonstorple, Destroy_All (STATIC), Doseage (Master of Games), Dragonian (The Dragon Master), Dragoon_Of_The_Shadows (i'm a tagless dragon hiding in the shadows), Enoxius (I NEED A TAG!!), Etl (tagless :)), Evanescence (Sparticus), Eye_Of_The_Beholder, Farrell (Centurian), Fire_Freak, Fire_Mage (i alwase come back for more), Flame_Of_Death, Fleur_Delor (Happy Chick), Franky_Flowers, Froot_Loop, Graziella (Ceasar), Gustave (The Captain Of The Guards), Haku, Hazek, Helpthenoobie (crackfeen), Hoplite, Horned_Troll (I Get Horny As I Look At The Other Trolls bathing And i just want the to........LICK MY BALLS!!), Huriushi (sexaholic), Hyperion, Hyushi (wannabe pker), Iowa (STATIC), Jointheclub (TAGLESS!!), Jussy, Kalob ("The Rabbit"), Kaoctic (B.D.F.S), Keo (Keo), Killerz (wanna be gangsta), Kite (~~StepheN~~), Kjeldoran_Dead (TAGLESS FOOL!!), Kuru, Legolas_Of_Light (flaming arrow), Leonin (STATIC), Little_Jerk (the punk), Manarche, Master_Xero (***Master of Blades***), Megaman_Xcop (/\/\ä®l<), Miss_Tweety (~c£Ä§ÄR~), Mu (tagless cow), Murda (Nirvana), Murderation (~The Supa Murder Freak~), Naja ([NICE GURL but if u mess with me u die!]), Nalin, Neonimi, One_Eighty_Seven, Orca_Azure_Of_Sea (Oscar), Ostego (STATIC), Overseer (STATIC), Pawadin, Pepcidac, Peterg (pizza), Phantom_Ghoste (TAGLESS PHANTOM!!), Podalop (»»¥ô««), Prudester (GIVE ME YUR TAG!), Quick_Man, Ranger_Of_The_North (GIVE ME A TAG!), Rawrapper (the mad lyricist), Rebellionshadow (hm.........i think i need a tag..........), Rebot (I NEED A TAG!!), Relinquished (need a tag), Ressurection, Satan_Loves_You, Schizophrenic, Scifi (--/\I_I<>UNDEFEATED<>I_I/\--), Shadow_Night (I NEED A TAG!!), Shadowki_Ninja, Shadowki_Warrior, Shimano (Sparticus), Shiva_Archer (Ceasar), Shrimp (little lobster), Sidekick_Supernova, Skar (TAGLESS), Snit_Snat, Soul_Blazer (God's Son), Stephen_Cool (~~StepheN~~), Storm_Warrior (Storm_Warrior), Supersonic (/\/\ä®l<), Tarasque, Tazmanian_Devil (Spinner), Te_Mac (~SEXY!!!~), Unwanted, Valados, Valasca (u want?), Vocal (I NEED A TAG!!), Walker_Boh, Whitedevil (I'm the devil's brother but i'm white.....), Wip (hell fire), Xenobia (I NEED A TAG!!), Xiaoxiao, Zelenda (PK Hater).

we are a fairly new clan established just 2 monthes ago. we are currently recruiting new members. we are a clan with lots of allies and few enemies. we know how to have fun. this clan goes out on training missions. Angel_of_Death is usually the main person to bring peeps out on training missions. in our clan we have a massage room aka sauna, slaughter house aka kitchen, clan bank, reg bank, sex room, clan vault, 1 room arena working on more arena rooms, and a pub. rome also offers a chance to grow to be leader or even founder. if you wanna join up page or memo any founder or leader. Vegeta and Angel_of_Death are on almost all the time. theres rarely a time when a leader or founder is offline. well thats all i gotta say for now have fun yours truely Angel_of_Death :)

#2 Despair

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Posted 04 May 2004 - 05:41 PM

good luck :)
If I were the rain... that binds together the Earth and the Sky, whom in all eternity will never mingle... would I be able to bind two hearts together?

#3 PureMourning

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Posted 04 May 2004 - 10:05 PM

I really think this clan is pretty cool, like the name and concept. (Even though I'd liek it a whole lot more if it was 'Rome').

I wish your clan good luck!
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#4 snizzlesnaps

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Posted 05 May 2004 - 01:03 AM

The rome, ranked 25, with score 560, consists of 156 members and 8 rooms:

Edited by snizzlesnaps, 05 May 2004 - 01:09 AM.

#5 snizzlesnaps

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Posted 05 May 2004 - 01:04 AM

were growing rapidly

Edited by snizzlesnaps, 05 May 2004 - 01:09 AM.

#6 snizzlesnaps

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Posted 05 May 2004 - 01:08 AM

The rome, ranked 21, with score 640, consists of 160 members and 10 rooms:
were still growing keep up the good work if anyone wants to join page or memo any founder or leader the main founders are vegeta and angel_of_death and phyco
the leaders are Andariel, Benaden, Elf_Druid, Johndoe, Leshrac, Pureza, Rebbo, Skater_Spaz, and Thrain theres usually a leader or founder on but if there isnt then memo angel-of_death vegeta or phyco. and once again special thanx to all the people who donated last night and gave us the ability to make 2 new rooms. have fun yours truely Angel_of_Death

Edited by snizzlesnaps, 05 May 2004 - 10:14 AM.

#7 snizzlesnaps

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Posted 05 May 2004 - 11:17 PM

The rome, ranked 20, with score 667, consists of 171 members and 10 rooms:
still growing strong remember if ya wanna join page or memo angel_of_death phyco or vegeta or page any leader thats on and they will gladly invite ya

#8 snizzlesnaps

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Posted 12 May 2004 - 08:02 PM

The rome, ranked 20, with score 699, consists of 184 members and 10 rooms:
if any clan wants to merge page a founder the founders are sneek_strike phyco angel_of_death and vegeta.

#9 snizzlesnaps

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Posted 13 May 2004 - 06:29 PM

The rome, ranked 18, with score 741, consists of 187 members and 11 rooms:
were still growing like i said before rome is here to stay keep up the good work guys and gals. if any1 wants to join page or memo angel_of_death phyco vegeta or sneek_strike. good luck to all the rest of the clans forming and the clans that are currently around yours truely Angel_of_Death

Edited by snizzlesnaps, 13 May 2004 - 06:30 PM.

#10 snizzlesnaps

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Posted 20 May 2004 - 06:02 PM

this is to all rome members who are looking to be leader or founder:

To be a leader you must prove to the current founders that you are capable of being a leader by:
  • Invite 5 or more members to the clan
  • Atleast twice a week you must go leveling with atleast 3 clan members
When you invite 5 or more people to the clan your alts do not count. You must page or memo the founders with the names of the people you invited into the clan so we can confirm it. When you take people out leveling page or memo the founders letting them know you are being a true leader and helping people grow. We will also confirm that you took those people out leveling.

To become a founder you must:
  • First become a leader
  • prove that you will represent the clan as if the members of the clan are your brothers or sisters.
  • Lastly you must be voted in by ALL current founders. If 1 founder says no then its no. If you still believe you should be a founder then you must pursuade the founder that said no to change his or her mind.
All new founders will be kept under constant survailance until we fully believe that you are trustworthy and that you represent the clan in a manerly fassion. You may lose your founder or leader position at any time. The way you lose leader or founder position is:
  • If you are a leader and you dont take 3 different members of the clan out leveling twice a week.
  • if you are a founder and you change any description of any room in the clan house
  • If you appoint a person founder without the approval of the current founders.
  • If you are caught stealing
Other than that have fun yours truely Angel_of_Death

#11 Tabloid

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 03:51 PM

:) Hi am the hottest new boy on nightmist and am sexy to a just wanted to say that i just joined rome and found out they are da best and we will show the other clans that we are da best P.S I love and am married to Sexy_Pussy :)

#12 Tabloid

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 04:16 PM

Yo im a sexy boy and am back if you check my profile you will see that i have a giant p.e.n.i.s if you wanna join rome and have some good dirrty fun page the names above PS i love and have s.e.x every day with my girl :)

#13 Wolfgang

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 09:28 PM

/t Tabloid I hope you die. I really do...

What the what?

#14 Haku

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Posted 23 May 2004 - 01:49 AM


#15 Jimmyjobobbado

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Posted 26 May 2004 - 11:45 PM

hopefully u r still recruting

#16 snizzlesnaps

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 11:46 AM

Jimmyjobobbado hopefully u r still recruting :)

yea were still recruiting if ya wanna join then just page a leader or founder theres usually 1 of us on at all times.
  • Angel_of_Death
  • Vegeta
  • Sneek_Strike
  • Balthasar
  • Blizzario
  • Leshrac
  • Andariel
  • Shadowki_Warrior
  • Skater_Spaz

#17 Jimmyjobobbado

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Posted 27 May 2004 - 01:59 PM

i paged vegeta and i joined it is awesome

#18 snizzlesnaps

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Posted 03 June 2004 - 12:09 PM

this 1 is for all the current members and soon to be members of rome every1 needs a tag if you dont have 1 then post on here ur in game name and the tag you would like. if your looking to join rome then when ya get in please have a tag ready. have fun yours truely Angel_of_Death

#19 PacMan88

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Posted 08 June 2004 - 11:06 PM

Im not in this clan but i want to say that it is a good one to join...the people there actually help out their new members unlike some. The only reason i know is that my little b***h brother is in your clan.

Good Job

~Daheala in game
*POOF* I'll have a coke! ~Daheala~

#20 trauma

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Posted 09 June 2004 - 02:42 AM

ill knock every founder in your clan smooth the hell out.. :)

#21 Angelus

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Posted 09 June 2004 - 08:51 AM

Omg, aren't you cool...
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#22 Thunderja


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Posted 09 June 2004 - 09:36 AM

Yes big man.... Pheer her
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#23 phyco

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Posted 14 June 2004 - 10:18 PM

:) im not happy die_die_die booted 277 ppl from rome if u were 1 of the ppl that was booted plzz join rome
im so sorry plzz fo give rome and join back

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