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Member Since 03 May 2004
Offline Last Active Private

Topics I've Started


25 May 2006 - 03:42 AM

well im leaving after 2 years i wanna transfer colleges in 2 years wanna go to usc or florida state or syracuse or washington state and i know financial aid wont cover both tuition and books for those bigger name colleges so i got a second job when the semester ended so i can save for college when i transfer so im now workin 80 hour work weeks and this is the first time ive actually been online in like 2 or 3 weeks so newayz its been real ill miss every1 i chatted wit every day when i played and not gonna say bye to every1 at a time cuz ill prolly miss people and dont wanna miss ne1 so im just sayin to every1 whether ya liked me or ya hated me bye

To Clear A Few Things Up

08 May 2006 - 04:51 AM

to clear things up a little i never once accused paul of theft i trust him full heartedly ne1 accusing him of theft should get facts straight first. first off i havent been online in 3 weeks i got online friday and seen i had an email it was from bri who was telling me that all hell has broken loose and needs me to go online to restore a little order. he went on to say that paul was being accused of robbing acct i replied wutcha mean i never accused paul of theft that paul is 1 of the few online that i trust full heartedly then i went on to tell him that i havent been online much cuz im in college and well the semester is coming to an end quickly and i been stressin bout my final papers in both economics which the paper was due last friday and history which is due in 8 days at noon. i also got a math final exam b4 the end of the semester which i been stressin bout and i prolly wont be on much until the end of the semester because as any of the people who are or ever have been in college know the last few weeks the teachers try to cram as much info as possible down ur throat. and secondly 3 weeks ago i talked to paul and i asked him to keep an eye on acct that i believe my puter has been hacked and dont want nething to happen and as a result he changed pass because of a request from myself so ne1 accusing paul of theft needs to get the facts straight talk to me b4 talkin shyt and ill see yalls whent he semester ends lata


18 January 2006 - 08:06 PM

i know people say moshes were put in for players start to try and weed out the gold in nm but its getting a bit irritating having a mosh being run every second of every day so i was thinking maybe price to start mosh should be raised to say round 200k itd weed out the gold quicker and make players think twice bout starting a mosh every second of every day


17 October 2005 - 12:30 AM

i was just wonderin if its just me or has nm been lagging quite a bit for the past few days i know i been lagging out on almost every crit atleast twice in a 30 min span

Selling Level 1 Elfs

09 September 2005 - 01:15 AM

Deck's stats are:
Race/Class: Female Elf Initiate Mage. Str: 11, Int: 21, Dex: 19, Con: 18, Wis: 20, Chr: 15, Lev: 1, Exp: 0, HP: 14, MP: 25, Stm: 1.