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Member Since 14 Mar 2004
Offline Last Active Jun 16 2005 05:37 AM

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In Topic: Having Troubles With Installing This In Linux.

25 May 2005 - 08:28 PM

I got the thing installed. I just can't run it... >>

So did I, (install ran ok on Wine configured to emulate winxp), but when trying to run the game I get libbz2.dll missing :angry:

Heh - got it working mostly:

In winetools edit config file add:

; Nightmist
"Windows" = "nt40"

"Desktop" = "1024x768"

The results aren't pretty and sound is missing, but the game works.

Thank you. As soon as I'm done installing Gentoo, I'll try that. (Decided to switch to Gentoo)

In Topic: Having Troubles With Installing This In Linux.

15 May 2005 - 04:44 PM

fixme:msi:MsiInstallProductW L"nightmst.exe" (null)
fixme:msi:MSI_OpenDatabaseW open failed r = 80030050!
Wine failed with return code 91

Different error message this time... >>

In Topic: Having Troubles With Installing This In Linux.

08 May 2005 - 11:46 PM

It's ok. I'm just kind of annoyed that a while ago I asked if Nightmist could be run in WINE and people told me that they did it no problem... and now that I go to do it, the people who did it in WINE no problem disappear... >>

I got the thing installed. I just can't run it... >>

In Topic: Having Troubles With Installing This In Linux.

08 May 2005 - 06:59 PM

Ok I got it installed using Cedega instead of WINE. The problem is: Now I can't run the program... >>

In Topic: Having Troubles With Installing This In Linux.

08 May 2005 - 05:40 PM

Thank you for that. I tried running it, but it gave me and error message saying "Invalid Picture", though... Maybe it doesn't automatically download the pictures like you said...