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#1 Epic

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 09:19 PM

Whats your favorite NES(regular nintendo) game?

I'd have to say Mario 2 is my favorite...that or Contra

#2 Consumed


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Posted 01 July 2004 - 09:24 PM

duck hunter :)

or mario bros. 2
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#3 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 09:27 PM

Super Mario 2/Duck Hunter game. :)
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#4 Jimmyjobobbado

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 10:24 PM

That surf/skate/skateboard game. I think. /lol

#5 Deval

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 10:31 PM

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"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#6 Bowlin

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 10:39 PM

I think Kung Fu or Kung Fu Fighting would be my favorite.

Edited by Bowlin, 01 July 2004 - 10:40 PM.

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#7 dognapot

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 10:50 PM

River City Ransom. i can spend days playing that.

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wouldn't it be funny if rich had registered this name first, and you were bickering with him?

#8 Deval

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 10:53 PM

River City Randsom is being re-released by Atlus on the Game Boy Advance.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#9 Akira

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 10:59 PM

What's with Mario 2 being everyone's favourite? That has to be the weakest of the NES Mario series in my opinion. The only redeeming feature is the marvellous character select screen music :) .

As for my favourites, I'd say Legend of Zelda, Snake Rattle n' Roll and Wizards and Warriors.

Oh, and those of you who still own old NES games, don't get rid of them, as I saw some being sold in my local game shop for £20-40 each :).
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#10 JLH



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Posted 01 July 2004 - 11:14 PM

ah yes, the times when developers had to actually work to make a decent game with playability, rather than today, where many games are similar, have little plot, but have a lot of fancy graphics to look cool so people buy them.
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#11 Epic

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 11:36 PM

I used to have snake rattle and roll, forgot all about it..pretty decent game. And Dognapot that screenshot...isnt that double dragon?

Edit: also, Excitebike is awsome and there used to be this overhead view offroad racing game with like 4 trucks and you could buy NOS, that was a good game too

Edited by Epic, 01 July 2004 - 11:38 PM.

#12 Deval

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 11:36 PM

JLH shut your face and go back to playing the latest Tomb Raider. Here's a strategy guide for the first one, that should be sufficient to get you through it.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#13 Deval

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 11:41 PM

And Dognapot that screenshot...isnt that double dragon?

Double Dragon wasn't on the nes as far as I know. I know for a fact it was a master system game tho.

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"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#14 Akira

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 11:52 PM

Actually, the screenshot dognapot posted is from Street Gangs :).
And Double Dragon was available on the NES, in many different forms :)
(I own Double Dragon & Battletoads, but was never a fan of the series.)

Oh, and the truck racing game was called Ivan 'Ironman' Stewart's Super Off-Road. which I also possess :).

Edited by Akira, 01 July 2004 - 11:56 PM.

You have to forget about what other people say, when you're supposed to die, or when you're supposed to be loving. You have to forget about all these things. You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.

#15 Vodka

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Posted 01 July 2004 - 11:58 PM

Only ever consoles I bothered to play... were... Super Nin, Reg. Nin, and Sega. I prefer them over the others.

but... majority of the Marios.. pwns you...

I still need to find a Super Nintendo somewhere. I've been wanting to play it badly. >.<
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#16 newb

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 12:07 AM

Metroid is like, the best NES game ever.

Blaster Master was awesome as well.


#17 Deval

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 12:15 AM

Mario is a gaybo.

Sonic owns Mario.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#18 dognapot

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 12:23 AM

it's river city ransom guys. i know it very well. that screen is from the road to the the first shopping center. it's the second area of the game, just past the H.S. it's not double dragon, or street gangs, it's the best fighting game i've ever enjoyed and everyone would do well to waste some time on it. it's genius is in it's simplicity, punch, kick, jump, learn acrobatics, slam into people, get the girl, go shopping. perfection.

Edited by dognapot, 02 July 2004 - 12:25 AM.

wouldn't it be funny if rich had registered this name first, and you were bickering with him?

#19 Akira

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 12:41 AM

I believe it must have been renamed for the UK release.

You read books to learn new techniques, such as Stone Hands and Dragon Feet,
and the best place to stock up on money is on those 2 bosses under the bridge.
And when you shower, the guy has a smiley face for an ass.. right?

I am certain these are the same games, just with different names.

Oh, I found this personality test for the game, so you can find out which gang you would fit into best :)

My #1 gang would be The Zombies.

Edited by Akira, 02 July 2004 - 01:30 AM.

You have to forget about what other people say, when you're supposed to die, or when you're supposed to be loving. You have to forget about all these things. You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.

#20 Deval

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 01:11 AM

Meanwhile it's being rereleased on GAME BOY ADVANCE!
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#21 newb

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 01:15 AM

Shut up fatty. This is about NES. Not your Sega fetish.

Megaman was one of my best friends. *dreamy sigh*


#22 Deval

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 01:25 AM

Game Boy Advanced is Nintendo!

*throws arms in air*
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#23 Harky

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 01:31 AM

I always had sega consoles too, never did own a nes. Wonderboy on the master system, the one where you morphed into different animals after killing the boss dragons, was and is one of the greatest games ever.

I eventually caved in and bought(or borrowed and never returned, I don't remember) a snes just for street fighter, and ended up getting hooked on rpg's/strategy games because of it.. then I dumped the snes and fed my newfound addiction with king's bounty and shining force on the megadrive constantly, booo snes.

#24 Deval

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 01:38 AM

Harky, everyday I fall even more in love with you. Shining Force is my greatest addiction.

Shining Force: Ressurrection of Dark Dragon just recently came out on GBA! A new Shining Force game is set for the Playstation 2, as is a new 'Shining' game: Shining Tears.

Meanwhile, that was Wonderboy 3. That was the awesomest of awesome games. Changing into all the different monsters was the best, the bird and the lion were ULTRA AWESOME. I always hated that pig looking dragon that threw horse shoes though.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#25 Harky

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 01:56 AM

Yeah I was considering getting a gba just for that, but I don't think it's released here yet. Plus I read somewhere that it's sticking more to a full battle oriented game, as opposed to having exploration sections (I guess like shining force on the mega cd was, which I found disappointing.) If they have actually stuck to the old formula though, I'll have to check it out.

They remade king's bounty on the ps2 recently as well (with a new name, 'quest for the dragonbone staff'). It blows in comparison to the original though, plus they don't give any credit to the original game and the creators. They claim it's an entirely new game, even though the dialogue even remains unchanged, the only thing updated from the old game are the graphics and increased loading times - I bought it just because king's bounty was probably my favorite game of all time, and they destroyed it. I hope they don't do the same thing for the ps2 version of shining force.

#26 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 01:59 AM

I actually enjoyed the Sega more then the Nintendo myself. Aero the acrobat r0x my s0x.

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Edited by Vër§íðñ 1.0, 02 July 2004 - 01:59 AM.

I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#27 Deval

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 02:09 AM

Yeah I was considering getting a gba just for that, but I don't think it's released here yet. Plus I read somewhere that it's sticking more to a full battle oriented game, as opposed to having exploration sections (I guess like shining force on the mega cd was, which I found disappointing.) If they have actually stuck to the old formula though, I'll have to check it out.

They remade king's bounty on the ps2 recently as well (with a new name, 'quest for the dragonbone staff'). It blows in comparison to the original though, plus they don't give any credit to the original game and the creators. They claim it's an entirely new game, even though the dialogue even remains unchanged, the only thing updated from the old game are the graphics and increased loading times - I bought it just because king's bounty was probably my favorite game of all time, and they destroyed it. I hope they don't do the same thing for the ps2 version of shining force.

What you read was untrue, it still has the town exploration and the missable characters.

I got a GBA just for Shining Force: ROTDD and Final Fantasy Tactics. Shining Force ROTDD has already been out for around a month in Australia, and the game is great (If you live in Europe, the game definately is out for you, I forced Charon to go buy a copy for herself). It is however, pretty much a direct port. They have modified the story a little bit, added 3 new characters and changed all the graphics and portaits, and revamped the music (all the tunes remain relatively true to the original score however). The most dissapointing thing about it was that it got bitten by the pokémon bug, where you can collect all the cards of all the characters in the game. It's still a very worthwhile purchase however, and I highly recommend the game.

Take confidence in the fact that they have stuck to the old forumula for this sucker. I hated what they did with Shining Force in SF CD.

I've never played Kings Bounty, perhaps I'll have to check it out. Meanwhile, if you want a game sort of similar to Shining Force for the PS2, which has a great sense of comedy, very in depth combat, and a load of extra options and super duper fun, check out Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, it'll roxor your soxors.

EDIT: I forgot to say, they also added a second substory (that you play as one of the new characters) to SF:ROTDD which helps to explain King Ramladu's involvement in regards Runefasts involvement with the war.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#28 Akira

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 02:36 AM

I always wanted the Shining Force game for the Megadrive ever since I saw the comic strip in my old Sonic the Comics but could never find it, despite looking at several second hand stores and carboot sales :).

Now I've been taken in by the hype... I shall purchase a copy for the GBA at the weekend if I can find it.
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#29 Teh_Fluff

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 03:08 AM

I'd have to say Destiny of An Emperor was pretty sweet, but I enjoyed pretty much every game I had for the NES and also Ash I still own a super nintendo in working condition with 2 controllers a long with a few games however I ain't sellin' it to you
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#30 dognapot

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Posted 02 July 2004 - 04:39 AM

I believe it must have been renamed for the UK release.

You read books to learn new techniques, such as Stone Hands and Dragon Feet,
and the best place to stock up on money is on those 2 bosses under the bridge.
And when you shower, the guy has a smiley face for an ass.. right?

I am certain these are the same games, just with different names.

Oh, I found this personality test for the game, so you can find out which gang you would fit into best :)

My #1 gang would be The Zombies.

sounds the same to me. i had to spend probably hundreds of dollars renting it over and over and probably should have never returned it because i could never find it for sale ever. luckily emulation came along and i was able to have rcr for good. i still keep an eye open for the cartridge at game shops and garage sales because i still have an nes i hook up now and then when i feel like hyperventilating on connectors. if someone could explain to me why blowing on the damned things made the cartridges play i'd love to hear it.
wouldn't it be funny if rich had registered this name first, and you were bickering with him?

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