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Member Since 18 Dec 2006
Offline Last Active Jun 22 2007 04:42 AM

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In Topic: The Return Of A Demon

18 May 2007 - 11:59 PM

Pwenf sighed. "Ah....Ye might be rigth Mr. Elf. We should be goin." Pwenf got up, grabbed his things and gave a small wave to the priests. "Well elt's be gettin te tha Boar's Tusk. Ah like tha Inn." Pwenf brushed past the priest and was out the door.

In Topic: The Return Of A Demon

29 April 2007 - 05:14 AM

Pwenf looked cautiously at the canteen he had just been handed. "well Ah much appreciate this mr. elfy." He opened the canteen and took a long swig, paying not much attention to Shapeshifter, and trickles of the drink ran down through his unruly beard, which had fallen into poor care during his recovery.
As he finished the swig, Pwenf let out a refreshed "Ahhh." he looked at Shapeshifter, and spoke. "So whats' this crazy elf scheme ye've devised now??? Ah beg yer pardon but Ah weren't payin ye much attention. Fine drink by the way."

In Topic: The Return Of A Demon

20 March 2007 - 06:40 PM

Dreams of Ale and hot meat ran through Pwenf's mind as he slept by the window. He had fallen asleep soon after the caretakers had cast the binding spells around his bed, to prevent him from hurting himself by trying to get out of the church, and he was awoken by a voice. He shook his head and looked over and saw Tears.

"Wha de ye want?" pwenf asked gruffly

In Topic: The Return Of A Demon

14 March 2007 - 05:13 AM

As Pwenf lie unconscious on the bed, slowly recovering, his mind led him elsewhere. He stood in front of the gates of his mountain home, looking in awe at the beauty he had been away from for too long. He smiled and walked through the gates leading into the tunnels within the mountains of Resthaven. As he passed through the small town he recieved the unwelcoming glares of his kin with each step.

Ah dinnae 'nderstand...me kin be givin me the look as if Ah be an Elf. This innit right, why do me kin glare at me so?

Pwenf looked at the blacksmith, one he had known since he was a young dwarf, just learning how to mine.
"Klangro! Me friend, it be a great sight ta see ye blacksmithin!" He said merrily to Klangro, who was pounding hot iron into the shape of an axe.

"Get away Pwenf, Ah dinnae want any treble. Jes keep walkin." Klangro said without looking at Pwenf.
"Wha? Ah dinnae 'nderstand! Tis me! Pwenf! Champion o' our people how can ye ignore me?"
"Ah cannae answer yer questionin, ye had best see yer father, tis forbidden fer any o' us ta be talkin ta ye."

Pwenf glared at Klangro for a few seconds, and scoffed, then went on his way.

Ah 'avent been banished 'ave Ah? Wha' in the Nine Hells is wrong with mah people?

As he appraoched The castle gates, he looked in amazement as a crew of demolishers were tearing down the statue of him that had been erected in honor of his becoming Champion of the Dwarves of Resthaven.

"Wha be the meanin o' this!?" Pwenf demanded as he grabbed the shoulder of a worker and spun him to face him.

"Oh my, 'tis the champion 'imself. Ye'll be needin ta talk te yer father. Ah cannae answer any questions."

"Yea, and e'er other damned dwarf in these mountains, get outta mah way." He said as he flung the worker to the ground. Pwenf was mad now and soon the workers darted away from the scene leaving Pwenf walking through as his statue came crashing down behind him.

As he entered the throne room, he glared at his father, a venerable Dwarf, who was nearing his 410th year of life.

"What be the meanin o' this father!? Damned if Ah dinnae get an answer from any of the damned townsfolk. But ye Father will give me an answer." He said angrily as he approached his father.

"Ah, Pwenf...my son. Ah'm afraid tha ye are no longer welcome here in Resthaven. Word has come to me that ye 'avent been upholding our values an befriendin strange company. Ah'm afraid that ye cannae come 'round 'ere anymore."

"What in the Nine Hells Are ye talking about!?"

"Meddling with magicians and elves 'as not done ye a service."
Pwenf's father pointed at the mirror to his side.

Pwenf turned to look, and when he saw his reflection, he was horrified...He was an elf.

Pwenf lurched forward with a loud scream. The caretakers quickly rushed to him and calmed him down. ensuring he did not injure himself further, for he was still very weak.

"Are you alright Master Dwarf?" The priest asked
"Get me an Ale, and make it quick." Pwenf said as he regained his composure. He sat up and leaned heavily on the wall.

"I'm afraid we cannot give you any Ale, for you are in the house of God." The priest replied.
"Ye'll get me an Ale, or Ah'll be tearin through Ye with my Halberd."
"You are in no condition to be doing such activity you need rest."
"Ah'll be damned if Ah cannae get an ale." Pwenf said as he struggled to get to his feet, he managed two steps before falling over, too weak to continue on.

The priests quickly got Pwenf back into the bed, and cast a spell to keep him there, at least for the remainder of the day.

"God's be damned. Ah'm stuck in a church with no Ale. Could this day be gettin any worse" He muttered "at least ah'm not an elf" He sighed a sigh of relief and stared out the window.

In Topic: The Return Of A Demon

02 March 2007 - 04:30 AM

(i wonder how long ill be falling through it)