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Member Since 06 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2005 07:04 PM

Topics I've Started

The End

03 September 2005 - 07:05 PM

My small reign on Nightmist has come to an end, and I have seen all the destruction Nightmist has to offer. It was fun playing Nightmist and talking to all the people on there. It's been, what, 4 years since I played nightmist with my first weak character known as Gotenks. I'd say he had a str of 16 and a dex of 20 for a halfling, but still it was fun. I remember when I'd kill snakes back on Grassy Paths for gold to buy a Halberd that costed 85k back then. Three years later, I learnt how to reign desert, I had three berserkers and a fighter with two cleric healing them.

Nowadays, players are much more advanced, and I must say I am impressed with how the others play. I liked that, it provided me with challenges to face in Nightmist.

First, I must say thank you to all of the players I know on Nightmist, that it was a swell ride up to the top. The challenges I faced in a duel, the hardships of a trip, and the difficulty the bosses gave us. Quite fun.

Secondly, thank you but not kindly, to all of the other players who were volatile towards me and found it fun pking me. It's at least the thrill, the adrenaline that counts when you see you're being attacked.

Lastly, thank you to the staff who worked hard on Nightmist, although the last two years would've been much better with more staff quests. Nonsense, I take pleasure in playing what you all had to offer. Too bad the other old staffers might not be here to read this...

...I bid you all farewell.

Amulet Of Hermes

21 December 2004 - 04:53 AM

I'm looking for an Amulet of Hermes. Looking to buy just one.

Page/memo Oni_Link ingame. Thank you.