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Member Since 06 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2005 07:04 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: 5 And 6 Stats

23 July 2005 - 04:35 AM

I don't believe luck plays in this role, it's just a chance you roll... I don't remember everything but I remember seeing a forum while back, JLH or someone said there was a 1 in a billion chance of rolling a 6 stat. I don't know about this, can anyone confirm the ratio of rolling a 6 stat?

In Topic: Mages With Hance

19 July 2005 - 03:21 AM


In Topic: Thief Races

16 July 2005 - 08:49 PM

you can't power train anymore? when/how did this happen?

'They' (yes I said they) found out about power training and considered it an easy way out of getting arch thieves, you could just stick as much gold as you wanted on a monster, lets say 10 mill. I don't know how much a thief could steal from a monster holding 10 mill in 1 stam but for each one gold you steal, you gain 5 exp. 10 mill times 5 pod is approximately 50 mill exp. You could arch a thief in 1 day if you had that much gold... I believe so.

In Topic: New Thief Skill

15 July 2005 - 11:40 PM

Quite a foolish idea. I do not support this feature, only because then it would make it too easy to just wait around behind a training party such as maybe one in a desert. When they have gotten up to an extent of gold, you can just switch in the windows, one-click every training crits that's on the screen, get away with 100k+ without even trying. It would also possibly make bosses much harder to kill. I don't mean bosses become stronger, I mean thieves that are hidden walks with you unsuspectingly. Then when a boss such as the Atrium Monarch falls into mortal wounds, thieves that have tracked in w/o anyone's knowledge and at the same time show no effort in retrieving the possible keys that are needed to go in a boss square as long as it is with the party can take the party and kill everything in sight then get away with it. I don't think so. Therefore, no this should not be supported.

I believe that this game should be challenging, but thieves tracking? That's overdoing it. That's my two cents. ^_^

In Topic: Founder Chat

14 July 2005 - 02:37 AM
