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A Winter's Tale

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#1 Trevayne

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Posted 18 December 2006 - 08:52 PM

The old man in gray sat quietly, his gaze drifting to the flickering lights of the fire. The children gathered in loose disarray on rough twill cushions, their own attention torn between the leaping lights of the fire and the jet black bird that perched on the man's shoulder.

"Pfft... he's not real." One of the more rambunctious children broke the tenuous silence.

"Yeah. I ain't seen him. He don't come around here."

"He's just in yer maginations."

The children seemed to be completely satisfied with this supreme act of reasoning until the man in gray spoke.

"Are you sure?" His voice was quiet and steady, and the fire seemed to pick up the echoes of his words, crackling and repeating the final syllables.

They sat in silence again for a few more minutes, the only sounds the whispers of the fire and the occasional rustling of the raven stretching its wings.

"Yeah. He's got to be fake. Can't go gettin 'round so quick like that. 'specially not for a big fatty like him."

The room grew quiet again. The children nodded their approval as the fire continued to spark and crackle. The man in gray shifted his gaze from the fire to look directly at the child who had spoken.

"Ah... a non-believer. You don't think that he would make his way to all the cities of the land all on his own, did you? That he would walk through the meadows and ford the rivers? He is one of the ancient ones... and he knows the ways that have long been hidden."

The raven, who had been contentedly preening its feathers, suddenly raised its head to listen now. The man in gray spoke once more.

"Hidden they are, and hidden they remain... until the time for their use comes close. Then, and only then, it is said that even a mortal might find them."

The children sat still for just a moment while these words sank in. Then, as a single body, they turned and bolted out the door... searching high and low for these passages in the hopes that they might see the jolly old Elf for themselves and know for certain that he was real.

[Five portals are carefully hidden throughout the land. There is no reward for finding them, but the quest will not progress until all five are found.

Staff who contributed to the planning of this quest (and thus are ineligible to participate) include: JLH, Oracle, Amy, Azure, Elf, Stadius, Trevayne. Other staff have no knowledge of the event and are allowed to compete on mortals.]

Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#2 Trevayne

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Posted 19 December 2006 - 09:46 AM

The old man in gray had seen them take shape within the dancing flames, watching as the long-forgotten portals were uncovered once again. The bright crimson and gold flames lept into the air, spinning and wrapping about each other to form images from distant places. First an image familiar to all... the well-traveled road between Dendeya and Blackthorn as a solitary elf stumbled across the ancient stones of the first portal. The scene shifted to reveal a rocky mountain path near the outskirts of Resthaven. A young druid had found the second portal and then disappeared into the night just in time to avoid the razor-sharp claws of a griffin. The flames sparked and sputtered as the scene shifted again. The old man watched in silence as the flames gave life to a third scene, a shifting sand dune just north of the port of Silversail moving aside to reveal the telltale arch of a portal. The shadows from the dancing flames lit the room with a warm, shifting glow that made even the bare stone of the floor look as if it were a living thing, breathing in and out with the tempo of the fire. Another vista, this time of a dead woodland surrounding a darkened tower, as the dense underbrush was pulled aside to reveal the ancient standing stones. The raven slumbered on his shoulder, his beak nestled beneath a wing, his black feathers glistening in the firelight. A final shift and the dancing images revealed the dense entangled overgrowth north of Harabec as vines and brush were pulled away from a final portal. The fire cracked and hissed as the old man continued to stare silently.

And then, something changed.

The leaping flames sparked once before they vanished, as if some giant bellows had pulled them into the mottled brimstone embers that now lay dormant in the hearth. The raven bolted upright, spinning in place to stare intently on the space where the flames had been. The man in gray hardly moved, but the sharp intake of his breath spoke more than any words could.

Something was very, very wrong.

With the trumpet of a grass-reed kazoo and the accompanying fanfare, a few of the children stumbled back into the darkened room, happily boasting of their adventures with no small amount of good-natured shoving and teasing. Their joyful parade brought them a few steps inside the room until it came to a quick, and silent, halt. The man in gray stood now, staring into the empty hearth. The spiraling flames were gone from their stone cradle, but the flames still danced and spun in steady gaze of the man in gray.

"Something dark moves... Children, it is time for you to go home."

They started to back away even before he had finished speaking.

"Something is coming... something old... very old."

The children were gone now, running along the well-known paths to find shelter in their mothers' arms. The man in gray closed his eyes slowly, purposefully. The raven lept from its perch to soar out through the window, climbing higher and higher with unnatural speed.

"Something... hungry. Such longing... such want... such desire..."

He saw then through other eyes. From high above, the land passed by as a blur of color and texture. The view settled on the stone archway of a portal. A creature, clumps of earth still hanging from its limbs, lumbered forward and then launched itself in the air. It's body froze then, hanging lifeless in mid-air while some dark, vile shadow of itself ripped free and smashed into the ice of the portal. The inner glow of the portal seems to darken ever so slightly as the empty husk that was the creature's body collapses to the ground.


He saw the portal, and he knew the danger. They were coming for the portals...


[The five portals are under attack, and it is up to you to defend them! Rewards for this quest will be revealed if and only if the portals are able to withstand this onslaught for the next few days!]
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#3 Trevayne

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Posted 22 December 2006 - 02:59 AM

Its body pulsed with life. Fur feathering outward as it drew in a breath, whiskers twitching in the wind, it slid its tail low along the ground in the hope of staying hidden beneath the long, wind-swept grasses. He watched from a distance. Watched as it lifted its nose to the air, catching the scent of the grain scattered along the rocky shore of the riverbank. Watched as it ventured out from the taller grasses and paused to scan the horizon for danger. Watched as its plump, juicy body moved slowly, cautiously out into the open. He dipped his wings, diving toward his prey.

"Come. We have work to do." The voice came to him moments before impact. With powerful strokes, he abandoned his prize and gained altitude. There was an urgency to the summons that was impossible to ignore. His pace was rapid now... slipping quickly over field and stream, his focus coming now into sight.

The portal had been weakened considerably since he first saw it only a few days ago. The shimmering blue-white light within it had been slowly darkening as more and more of the horde of creatures broke through, bringing corruption and decay. The ice filling the portal was now thin and riddled with fine fracture lines.

A creature stumbled toward the portal... only the most recent in the unending assault that had plagued the land. Like the others that had come before it, the creature screamed with pleasure at the sight of the portal and launched itself at the gateway. The others had fallen then, some vile shadow of themselves slipping onward to defile the portal while the mortal body came crashing to the earth.

But not this time.

Where the others had been held back, repelled by the power of the ancient stones, this one creature ... succeeded. With a force that shattered the ice and sent shards flying in a rainbow of colors, this one creature walked between the stones. It's body staggered for a few additional steps before it fell to the ground, a horrible, silent smile on its face. Where once there had been the tell-tale blue and white shimmer of the portal's entrance, a gaping rift of black and gray now stood.

"We have but one hope left then." The voice was desperate now.

Wherever it was that the portal once lead, it was clear that it now served a much more sinister purpose. Where once there were feelings of serenity and joy, now there was little but despair and fear.

"Go ... hold the door open for them... for as long as you can... "

He shuddered at the thought. But there was no other choice for him. With a tilt of a wing, he sent himself on a rapid dive toward the portal. A wave of nausea and vertigo overtook him, but he was committed to this course. The stone archway loomed larger and larger, the black void within growing at a startling pace.

"Tell them..."

He touched the portal. The voice was lost. He was gone.

[The attacking creatures have gained control of one of the portals!

When a portal is captured, it opens and leads to a dark and very dangerous place! In this place of shadow and mist, a powerful servant of Greed has orchestrated the attack on each portal. Your only hope is to enter the portal and defeat the creature that has gained control of that particular portal.

If you succeed, the portal (and the quest prize associated with that area) will be restored.

If you fail to destroy the creature before 00:00:01 GMT on 12-25, the portal will be destroyed and the reward for that area will be lost forever.

There will also be a special reward given at the end of the quest to any individual character who kills a boss creature from this area. Check /system log for other details.]

Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#4 Trevayne

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Posted 24 December 2006 - 05:53 AM

He had done all he could. Small messages scratched into the undisturbed dust, small warning signs near the deadly Shadowrunners, barriers placed to prevent them from wandering aimlessly into the void.

He stood watch over the monumental battles. He saw Alester dodge the stinging Rippled Blade of the Herald of Greed and then strike one final blow. He circled silently while the young Sands raised a symbol of faith, destroying Greed's Apostle. He hid quietly behind a discarded shield while an arrow from Radical's quiver flew true, felling the Protege. He took shelter among the fallen while Soul struck down Greed's Disciple with a powerful storm. And he was almost crushed when the Handmaiden of Greed's massive carcass fell, knocked to the floor by the power of Zipo's faith. With what remained of his strength, he had opened small portals to allow the valiant to return home.

It was pure luck that he had been able to outrun the collapsing tunnels. He lacked the strength for another portal for himself. He hid in the shadows, alone, isolated in this horrible place of swirling mist. The creatures that remained had flown into a frenzy; their desires thwarted, their hunger overwhelming, their anger a tangible force that spread over his skin and filled his mouth with bile.

He tried to avoid them, searching for an exit that he knew in his heart did not exist. But he was tired. So tired. He hardly had the strength to move from underfoot before a Scavenger almost crushed his skull. He found a corner within the twisting maze where he tried to rest. He knew that it would be the end of him, but he could hold his eyes open no longer.

He had no regrets. He had done what must be done. He had done the right thing. He settled in, knowing that they would find him soon. Many others had sacrificed much... this would be his sacrifice. All that he had to give.

He closed his eyes.

The next few hours were a vague blur of fragments of sound and flashes of darkened light. The fetid breath of a Minion drawing close. The screams of frustration of a Servant in the distance. The pounding footsteps of hordes upon hordes of these creatures struggling to be freed, to roam on the world and take all that they could. And then, he was lifted. A gloved hand. The feeling of soft velvet or fur. A glimpse of flowing white hair. A flash of red, and of white.

He woke to find the man in gray standing over him. He stood and stretched his wings, glancing down to see the silken pillow with a red ribbon that he had been placed on. The gray man smiled, a sight that was unfamiliar to him, but at the same time, seemed... right.

"It seems the jolly old elf brought me a gift after all. Welcome home, friend."

The gray man turned back to stare into the fire. He hopped up to his favorite perch on the gray man's shoulder. The stone room. The crackling fire. The piles of rough twill cushions. It was all there, just as it had been.

Just as it should be.

Thanks to everyone for participating in the quest! I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks to Elf for the wonderful pictures, and to Azure, Stadius, Amy, Oracle, and JLH for making it possible.

Prizes for the defense of the portals are available from the elves in Nightmist, Resthaven, Blackthorn, Harabec, and Silversail in exchange for the appropriate slivers. Each elf will only take slivers from the nearest portal, and each elf wants two slivers in exchange for an item. Each elf has a different item reward. If you have a fragment, you can give it to the appropriate elf, who will exchange it for 10 slivers. Elves will remain in game until New Years.

Prizes for killing one of the Greed bosses will be awarded to the five characters who struck the killing blows. Each of these characters will have one non-perfect stat increased by one point. This will be awarded directly by JLH in the next few days.

Everyone can also purchase certain Holiday items in the market in Nightmist and Christmas Trees are now available as clan-house creatures.

Congratulations to everyone, and Happy Holidays.

Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

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