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Small Party Areas

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#1 Sarah

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Posted 13 December 2012 - 07:20 AM

So lately I've been thinking that 1-alt needs some new content catering to the lower population of the server at the current time.
I suggest a few small areas designed specifically for small parties. Areas that are not very hard, but can be done in less than an hour, something like instances. I was thinking they could be locked to 5-alt parties, and perhaps level locked, with a "boss" at the end. Maybe monsters (or bosses) in an area could drop items for a new 36+ leveling system. I suggest hourly (or daily) bosses that drop equipment that could be needed by all classes (rings, bracelets, amulets, etc) so they wouldn't be camped hardcore, but something a few people could gather together and do when the "big bosses" aren't possible.
I would be willing to write up some designs for areas/items/monsters (and I'm sure other players would like to contribute too!) if theres some interest in the idea... I think it would be cool to have a few player designed areas.
What do you all think?!

Just like to add that there are a few areas with similar ideas, but are not executed perfectly. One such area is Castle Darksparrow, which can be done with a small party, but it takes a long time, is too class specific and with so few pallies in-game doesn't get done often, and once there are enough Sword of Lights in game nobody will want to do the area. The Twilight Jungle had the right idea, it can be done with 5ish people, but with the stam loss while moving, the huge hp on the monsters, the low drop rate on the boss, and the size of the area, it takes way too long to get through, so its rarely done.

Edited by Sarah, 13 December 2012 - 07:31 AM.

Corinne in-game.

#2 Freek

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Posted 13 December 2012 - 01:17 PM

Shall I link all the threads I've made in the last two years!?
Freek ingame.

#3 Sarah

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Posted 13 December 2012 - 09:18 PM

Shall I link all the threads I've made in the last two years!?

Haven't you figured out by now that nothing ever happens with your ideas because everyone hates you?

Corinne in-game.

#4 Freek

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Posted 14 December 2012 - 04:18 AM

Shall I link all the threads I've made in the last two years!?

Haven't you figured out by now that nothing ever happens with your ideas because everyone hates you?

Alrighty so I'll make them in notepad and copy and paste them to you and watch the magic work!
Freek ingame.

#5 Desendent

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Posted 15 December 2012 - 05:03 PM

Everyone knows that suggestions from the almighty Jordan aren't taken seriously :lol:
Neo Ingame

#6 Freek

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Posted 15 December 2012 - 08:36 PM

Freek ingame.

#7 Cruxis

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Posted 15 December 2012 - 11:08 PM

Even though they're some of the best constructed and well thought out..

The general playerbase has something against thought..I swear! Or maybe, change for the better would be more so what they're against. A huge problem with this whole world actually, people get so comfortable with how things are that they don't consider change for the better! Even worse, they go against it to keep their comfort, not thinking they could be MORE comfortable!

As for the actual idea of this topic. 36+ individual class areas would be nice, or small party areas, or whatever. The basic idea has been said so many times that everyone has had it in their mind at some point. Some form is probably being worked on, and should be implemented by 2015 k

Would be nice to know what's being worked on, so we can stop suggesting certain things over and over. Even if it's something just 10% complete, and being put off for a few months while something else is being worked on. The fact we'd know it's coming (eventually) will give us more to look forward to, and maybe give people a reason to lvl.

Someone may make a very well thought out post tomorrow, and spend all day on it to help better the game. But if something else is being worked on already that will fix the problem at hand, they wasted their time! Don't waste our time! Let us know whats up!

Stig, I'm looking at you. You're the only dependable staff member. Really, he's the only staff member! Everyone else is a mostly inactive advisor! Funnily enough..the advisor title goes to the one active staff! May I ask you what you have in mind in development for 1a atm? I don't expect a completion date or anything, just what you're working on! If all you wanna say is "fixing classes PvM" or "making more engaging 36+ guilds" then cool! It's better than nothing.


Edited by Cruxis, 15 December 2012 - 11:13 PM.

#8 ice_cold

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 07:30 AM

Even though they're some of the best constructed and well thought out..

The general playerbase has something against thought..I swear! Or maybe, change for the better would be more so what they're against. A huge problem with this whole world actually, people get so comfortable with how things are that they don't consider change for the better! Even worse, they go against it to keep their comfort, not thinking they could be MORE comfortable!

As for the actual idea of this topic. 36+ individual class areas would be nice, or small party areas, or whatever. The basic idea has been said so many times that everyone has had it in their mind at some point. Some form is probably being worked on, and should be implemented by 2015 k

Would be nice to know what's being worked on, so we can stop suggesting certain things over and over. Even if it's something just 10% complete, and being put off for a few months while something else is being worked on. The fact we'd know it's coming (eventually) will give us more to look forward to, and maybe give people a reason to lvl.

Someone may make a very well thought out post tomorrow, and spend all day on it to help better the game. But if something else is being worked on already that will fix the problem at hand, they wasted their time! Don't waste our time! Let us know whats up!

Stig, I'm looking at you. You're the only dependable staff member. Really, he's the only staff member! Everyone else is a mostly inactive advisor! Funnily enough..the advisor title goes to the one active staff! May I ask you what you have in mind in development for 1a atm? I don't expect a completion date or anything, just what you're working on! If all you wanna say is "fixing classes PvM" or "making more engaging 36+ guilds" then cool! It's better than nothing.


The problem with what players want, is that normally they don't use what they want or are fairly biased about what they want. I for one, have always wanted more low level areas, though most people wont use them. Examples of what staff have done, that players requested on the 1-alt priority list (which I heavly argued against the list):

5) Encourage players getting along and working together to complete major areas - nerf Cobalt, make bosses harder, ect
9) New area (focused on very small parties which takes skill more then simply hitting, i.e. avoiding some monsters, killing others etc. etc.) - Coldmonger Cavern
10) New area (focused on class diversity). - Coldmonger Cavern, Twilight Jungle
11) New area (focused on party training). - Coldmonger Cavern, Twilight Jungle
14) New/more frequent events at scheduled times - Gaz was hired back, did events, no one joined
21) Opening up Pacifist part of Pyramids (Pyramid of the 3rd Moon) (NOT CLERIC ONLY). - Never been completed!
32/33) Trasnfer Dverger Stronghold/Shifting Sands - We can't even get together to do kunal, or for that matter 80% of the bosses.

On that note. I'm in favor of lower requirements for parties. Though these areas shouldn't be restricted to 36+ in my humble opinion. Another note, 75% of the game is 'player created' areas as most staff have been players.
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#9 Sarah

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Posted 16 December 2012 - 08:24 AM

The problem with what players want, is that normally they don't use what they want or are fairly biased about what they want. I for one, have always wanted more low level areas, though most people wont use them. Examples of what staff have done, that players requested on the 1-alt priority list (which I heavly argued against the list):

5) Encourage players getting along and working together to complete major areas - nerf Cobalt, make bosses harder, ect
9) New area (focused on very small parties which takes skill more then simply hitting, i.e. avoiding some monsters, killing others etc. etc.) - Coldmonger Cavern
10) New area (focused on class diversity). - Coldmonger Cavern, Twilight Jungle
11) New area (focused on party training). - Coldmonger Cavern, Twilight Jungle
14) New/more frequent events at scheduled times - Gaz was hired back, did events, no one joined
21) Opening up Pacifist part of Pyramids (Pyramid of the 3rd Moon) (NOT CLERIC ONLY). - Never been completed!
32/33) Trasnfer Dverger Stronghold/Shifting Sands - We can't even get together to do kunal, or for that matter 80% of the bosses.

On that note. I'm in favor of lower requirements for parties. Though these areas shouldn't be restricted to 36+ in my humble opinion. Another note, 75% of the game is 'player created' areas as most staff have been players.

I put this suggestion out there not to demand anything from staff (aka people that actually can put things into the game instead of lord their opinions over us peons), but just to suggest some ideas for new content for the future. All the things you're bitching about us not doing (not even top of the priority list) are entirely because there simply aren't enough people to do them. If we had areas that were actually catered to a small party and worth our time to do (NOT THAT WE DON'T APPRECIATE ANY AND ALL NEW STUFF <3 Stig), it would happen. Also note that it was never said that we demand 36+ areas, I just suggested level restrictions.
The fact is we simply don't have the playerbase we had last year, or the year before that. There are usually less than 10 people online. New content that caters to that fact would be appreciated.

Corinne in-game.

#10 Desendent

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Posted 17 December 2012 - 05:07 AM


That's my name :lol:
Neo Ingame

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