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Equipping And Stamina Use

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#1 Wolfgang

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Posted 15 September 2005 - 11:40 PM

This occured to me the other day when I was having a friendly little duel with someone in my clan. I attacked him with a hydra thorn, and hit him with 30's poison, then switched to a halberd. Now that struck me as more than a little unfair.

If a person wanted to change weapons during a battle, wouldn't it take time for them to actually pull it out and start using it? For example, to unequip it shouldn't really take much time at all. They just drop it, or something.

So I guess my proposal is this:

I don't really have any figures to throw out. Anything I did would be completely theoretical. But... stamina usuage to equip an item would be either just set by the kind of item that it is (IE: weapon, armor, shield, helmet, etc), or by the BD/AC.

Either that, or your stamina regeneration is slowed for a set period of time. And, as above... either by a set ammount (determined by what equipment you mess with), or by the BD/AC of what you choose to equip.

I can throw together some formuals while I'm in class, but like I said. This idea was kind of a whim.

Oh. Before I forget:
Things of note:
(1)I'm aware of how this could be unfair to low level characters with low stamina, and things like that. But technically, wouldn't and expert fighter be more familiar with his armor, and how to easily remove/equip it than a journeyman?
(2)The stamina/regeneration charges wouldn't be applicable in towns, aside from places like the arenas or dueling arenas.

Anyway, like I said before... I haven't really had time to throw any numbers or formulas together, but uh... any thoughts on the general idea?

What the what?

#2 JLH



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Posted 16 September 2005 - 01:33 AM

a time basis on things along with stamina like you have mentioned can't really work in this version of nightmist
nightmist 2 has a much better stamina system
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#3 Wolfgang

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Posted 16 September 2005 - 02:26 AM

Alright. that had occured to me as an issue soon after I'd posted it.

Thanks for your quick reply, though.

What the what?

#4 Snoopy


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Posted 16 September 2005 - 10:38 AM

Its also even in that if before you switch back to your hally (for example getting clicked) you would drop and prolly loose it. So its not really somthing that could be 'abused' as such
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#5 alone

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Posted 16 September 2005 - 03:07 PM

I remember seeing part of the dev. for some game a while back, where the stamina was based on a progressive bar. Where after you did something, it'd slowly refill.
Allowing such things as this, to actually affect you. Could also be set so that certain items/spells would allow your regain to increase.
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#6 Crane


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Posted 16 September 2005 - 05:01 PM

One suggestion that cropped up a while ago was to have a secondary weapon slot... and the player could switch which weapon they had currently active - I think this came up from this idea, switching between a poison weapon and a conventional weapon, like the Spectre Bow and Elven Long Bow or, in this case, the Hydra Thorn and Halberd. Although that one I feel is a bit unfair as it stands.

Switching between weapons lightning-fast is a bit unrealistically unfair (just like Rangers carrying heavy shields while using a bow), but as Snoopy said, if you get killed, you are likely to drop one of your weapons, and something like a Halberd or Blade of Time is something that most people are uncomfortable with losing. Personally, I think that risk balances things.
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#7 <3!

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Posted 16 September 2005 - 05:17 PM

a time basis on things along with stamina like you have mentioned can't really work in this version of nightmist
nightmist 2 has a much better stamina system

Woot 1000th post.. :(
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