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New Area

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#1 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:10 PM

-Would like to hear your thoughts about the area im putting together, don't gotta flame or yap, its just an idea, nothing compared to Cranes area but its something new and it ain't to tacky...

I came up with a list of monsters and their descriptions to add to the area...

This great beast stands around 8 feet tall. She holds an enormous club, which looks to have been crafted from an entire tree! It stumbles around clumsily as it advances toward you! The Ogress is in a healthy condition.

Black Orc
This tall, menacing-looking orc stands with uncharacteristic discipline. He wears black chainmail armor, and wields a heavy sword. It appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Black Orc Captain
This tall, powerfully built orc has jet black skin and glowing red eyes. He wears glittering black chainmail, and wields a heavy scimitar. His evil grin exposes his sharp yellow fangs. He appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Black Orc Shaman
This brutal-looking figure is garbed in a rough brown robe. Glowing red eyes peer at you from the depths of its hood, and it waves its clawed hands about in mystical patterns. An evil aura emanates from this creature. He appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Cloaked Figure
This evil-looking goblin has dusky grey skin and luminescent red eyes. He wears shiny black hide armour, and wields a long curved sword. His pointy white teeth are bared in an evil grin as he advances towards you. It appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Dark Acolyte
This shady character looks at you with hatred in its eyes. He is wearing black robes and carries a sharp curved dagger. An amulet made of blackened gold hangs from his neck. As you approach him, he begins chanting and raises his arms as if to cast a spell. He appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Dark Assassin
This lean, stooped figure is tightly swathed in jet black robes. A horned skull is emblazoned on its chest, and a pair of straight blades hang on its back. It moves with the incredibly quiet grace of the trained killer. The Dark Assassin appears to be in a Healthy Condition

Dark Goblin
This sly goblin has dusky grey skin and luminescent red eyes. He wears black chainmail armor and wields a cruel-looking morningstar. He leers evilly at you and chuckles. The Dark Goblin appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Dark Goblin Archer
This sneaky-looking goblin has dusky grey skin and is clad in black leather armor. It wields a short bow, and a shortsword swings by its side. The Dark Goblin Archer appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Dark Goblin Warlock
This evil-looking goblin has dusky grey skin and luminescent red eyes. He wears shiny black hide armor, and wields a long curved sword. His pointy white teeth are bared in an evil grin as he advances towards you. The Dark Goblin Warlock appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Elite Orc Guard
This tall, muscular orc is garbed in a well-maintained suit of chainmail, and glares at you through the eyeslits of a steel helm. He wields a slightly curved lovable companion sword as if he knows how to use it, and at your approach he goes into a fighting stance! He appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Hill Centaur
This fierce, territorial centaur warrior roams the hills protecting the boundaries of his tribe. He is garbed in leather armor and wields an impressive composite bow. Centaurs are known to have explosive tempers when provoked, and trespassers are not tolerated. The Hill Centaur appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Ogre Grunt
These brutish ogres are used for intimidation and as shock troops. Their massive bulk and incredible strength, coupled with their nearly inexhaustible fighting power, make them effective fighting machines despite their clumsiness and extreme stupidity. The Ogre Grunt appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Orc Captain
This tall, ferocious-looking orc wears chainmail and wields a razor-sharp scimitar, a sure sign of high rank. He is disciplined and holds himself in such a manner as to indicate that he knows how to use his weapon skilfully. The Orc Captain appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Orc Lieutenant
This tall, ferocious-looking orc wears chainmail and wields a razor-sharp scimitar, a sure sign of high rank. He is disciplined and holds himself in such a manner as to indicate that he knows how to use his weapon skillfully. The Orc Lieutenant appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Orc Rogue
With its squinting narrow eyes, sharp pointed teeth, and harsh, callous demeanor, the figure before you could only be an orc. It is wearing rigid leather armor, and carries a readied short sword. It looks around furtively, as if searching for trouble. The Orc Rogue appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Orc Sentry
This leather-clad warrior has the unmistakeable features of an orc. It wields a wickedly sharp scimitar, and stands with uncharacteristic discipline for its race. It appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Orc Warleader
You are looking at a powerfully muscled orc, wearing a full chainmail suit and wielding a wickedly curved battle-axe. A number of large pouches hang from his belt, and a grey wolf's cloak hangs from his shoulders. Strapped to his left arm is a large black shield. The Orc Warleader appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Umber Hulk
This eight-foot tall monstrosity appears to be a some sort of humanoid insect. Its two arms and legs sport long claws suitable for tearing through stone and flesh alike. Four strangely glittering eyes gaze at you with malevolent intensity. It appears to be in a Healthy Condition.

Ive made a map of the whole area, with a total of 520 squares.

the basic story line of it hasn't been made yet as there is no point going much further if its not gonna be supported or liked...

so its basically an area with new monsters and a new area to explore, there is a quest to it also where you will need to kill small boss' to get much need keys which will lead you to the next area...its a place to train(good enough exp) and its a place to explore(get an interesting drop maybe!)

If you'd like me to continue making it please say so below! :(

#2 Black Prince

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:16 PM

i really like the idea of another new area as much as we havent xpolered the previous new areas its would surly draw some crowd off of the other new areas and at the same time but quests back into the game i like it prz continue.
Drizzle/Soldier ingame.
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#3 Dark


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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:19 PM

hmmm maybe

#4 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:22 PM

Sounds like a nice idea, what kind of damage will the monsters hit? Will it be for alt abusers? :(
Disaster ingame.

#5 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:27 PM

well, other monsters will obviously hit harder than others lol...there will be small bosses here and there which will drop useful things for the journey later on, the exp should be good, and the gold won't be bad, but overall its an area that is built for alt abusers and small parties, there will be small bosses at the start, and bigger bosses later on, so either way it suits everyone.

Watch out, the mountain side is very slippery and the traps have been known to take parties out!

#6 Carbon

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:28 PM

I like the idea, Crane's area is also good but is difficult if you lack a high amount of crits, so hopefully this area could be added with maybe lower damage based monsters...


#7 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:33 PM

ok, ive sorta come up with a story-line, it is based around an army of orcs, ogres, trolls and many other evil monsters that have tooken over an old ancient temple, their ranks in the army get higher and higher as you make your way threw the temple. Slaying new monsters and finding new equipment will lead you to a much harder area. The deeper you go in, the harder it gets...

The area is available to levels 1-30.

#8 Perfector

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:37 PM

hrmm maybe make it off the paths to connect with the orc cave/winding tunnel area or something?

Edited by Perfector, 30 August 2005 - 08:38 PM.

#9 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:38 PM

theres quite alot of work to be done, any perhaps there cud be a vortex gate out of the area to the winding tunnels

#10 Sprint

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:41 PM

I really like the idea alot gives everyone a chance to do more things and get more, newer items. Im hoping it wont be too far out there so it aint that hard to get to?
Sprint/Direwolf Ingame

#11 Kenzaburokamos

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:42 PM

I'm all for the more areas so less ppl jumble up in one place. So new areas in general sound like a good idea. I say if you have the time, and staff is willing to help, then go for it. Just make sure you don't waste ur time though because there was a post about no new areas will be worked on or something like dat. So good luck, and Supported.

EDIT: ...no new areas will...

Edited by Kenzaburokamos, 30 August 2005 - 08:43 PM.

Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within...
Trance_Steel ingame

#12 Gunshow

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:48 PM

I'd have to play the area to truly give an opinion of it of course, but so far it sounds like there's been a lot of thought put into it and sounds interesting. Another new area would be great, it would divide up NM a bit more, so everyone's not always trying for the same thing, people could explore and figure areas out a lot easier. Sounds like it'll have a darker story than most areas of NM, which I like as well, lots of different stories for a bit of change is always good.

Anyways, a new area would be awesome, so I would definitely like to see you continue on with making it. Just make sure you think through every last thing, such as POD lists, damage, hp, gold, drops, etc. for every monster. And the descriptions for every square, the more you can do, the better chance of it being put in game, and the quicker everyone will get to see it. :ph34r:

Keep up the good work, can't wait to see more. :(

#13 Crovin

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 08:52 PM

I like the sounds of it as does Fyxie so 2 more Supported votes

#14 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 10:13 PM

ok, have been thinking of some background to this story and I came up with this :-

Ogres, Orcs, Goblins, Trolls & many other monsters are related, green-skinned, war-like species that band together in crude camps and villages in the rugged wilderness regions all over the Old World. When the mood strikes the horrid beasts or when population pressure drives them to it, the horde band together into a massive armed force called a Waaagh! And march forth to do battle with anyone unfortunate enough to cross his or her path.

Although this wide variety can make for a powerful army that almost always outnumbers its foes, often the Ogres, Orcs, Goblins, Trolls & many other monsters can be their own worst enemies. The horde is famous for its poor discipline, and there are times that the army can do more damage to itself than it inflicts on the enemy. Animosity in the ranks can slow the army’s manoeuvres and even cause the horde to attack one another. Notoriously poor leadership can also result in the bulk of the horde fleeing from the battlefield before combat is joined in earnest.

Nonetheless, the army are much feared all over the Old World, for their attacks are vicious; their numbers many; and their presence deadly. Waaagh!

Was also thinking why not give the monsters some pets!

Grey Wolf
The animal in front of you is superior in size to a regular wolf. This impressive specimen has a thick grey pelt, under which you can see huge, powerful muscles, which allows it to survive in such desolate areas. They are kept as pets by the rebels that live here. It is in an Excellent Condition.

Enjoy :(

#15 Ryuku


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Posted 30 August 2005 - 10:16 PM

Make a nice complete story line and give me info on boss drops and such and supported!

#16 Venture

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 10:23 PM

Sounds like another area for the huge partys of archmasters, hope it isn't because i'm getting kinda bored of new areas that i cant do much in. But besides that sounds cool supported.

#17 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 10:29 PM

Nope, its not, the area has small bosses at the start of it also, but the harder boss' are further in, so the area will work for everyone

#18 Carbon

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 10:30 PM

Sounds like another area for the huge partys of archmasters, hope it isn't because i'm getting kinda bored of new areas that i cant do much in. But besides that sounds cool supported.

"The area is available to levels 1-30." :(

#19 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 10:56 PM

A long time ago an army from the deep depths of Nightmist has submerged and invaded the secret village Tiania. They wiped the innocent citizens out not even giving them a chance to prepare for the battle! The monstrous beasts have now stolen their homes and conquered their village. Invading this village would seem insane, as General Somuk is skilled at setting ambushes!

General Somuk and his troops seized the Temple of Tiania where the villagers prayed. It is believed that General Somuk is now dormant in the temple awaiting someone brave enough to challenge him and his army. All that remains is the bones of those who surrendered to the merciless General Somuk.

The Generals army have settled in the village and live on the remains of the natives; someone must take revenge on General Somuk and his army.

im not really good at story telling but I think its decent ?

#20 Dark


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Posted 30 August 2005 - 11:04 PM

Ive decided i like it Supported ^.^

#21 Venture

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Posted 30 August 2005 - 11:15 PM

I like your story telling lol, dont think you should think about it as a profession though :ph34r:

and im glad it wont be another realy hard area :ph34r:

but its got to be supported by staff first :(

#22 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 31 August 2005 - 10:53 AM

I support this area,

I like the idea that some parts are harder than others and you have to go in deeper to get to the real hard bit, and the story's that you have made and the monsters are very good, the look over descriptions suprised me a bit as your not that creative ingame :(
Disaster ingame.

#23 Julius

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Posted 01 September 2005 - 12:58 AM

Well I hate to be one to rain on the parade, but there are a few things wrong here.

Firstly, the monster names are unoriginal and/or taken from the D&D monster manual. They need to be tweaked to be more unique.

Second, You need to have a solid story. A few paragraphs is a start, but in order to make the area worthwhile it needs to be complete. Take a walk through some of the newer areas like the pyramids, harabec, swamps, rose garden. These all have story and flavor text that for some people who take the time to read them and enjoy them, add a whole new aspect to the game.

Thirdly, Descriptions. Areas need descriptions. this somewhat ties in to the second comment, but it needs to be reinforced.

On the brighter side, you do have a good concept going. Refine it, fill it with flavor and originality, and then you can wait around trying to get staff into it to consider adding it. (Thats the hard part.)
Julius/Juls main
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#24 Sneaky

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Posted 01 September 2005 - 01:46 AM

I suggest reading this.


I also agree, the monster names are not very original, and the descriptions need to be juiced up a little bit. Give me something exciting to read!
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#25 Sean

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Posted 01 September 2005 - 05:42 PM

Don't care anymore. Supported...

Edited by Sean, 01 September 2005 - 05:43 PM.

Stadic Ingame...

#26 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 02 September 2005 - 06:22 PM

forget it

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