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#1 MysticStorm

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Posted 17 July 2005 - 01:34 PM

After 2 weeks of seeing how it would be running my own clan, I've decided to post that we are recruiting. Whether you are a first day player or the oldest player, we'll take you in.

We are currently ranked 26 with 141 members and 12 rooms.

You automatically get leadership under 1 alt of your choosing. Eventually you will get your own room once we have accomplished our goal of buying 1 of every type of room. (which right now currently I am working on paying for a game room no matter how worthless it is).

Donate 500k and you will attain founder status and if I know I can definately trust you, you will attain founder status. I have no limit on how many founders I will have.

You can either memo/page me under MysticStorm or LadyLover or my other founders Thorin, Sarven, Thorin, or Tizzle (Mad is currently inactive due to being in Hurricain Daniel so will be gone awhile.)

There is usually always someone on (mostly nights). I try to help in training with people and give gold when someone desperately needs it.

Main goal: To have fun. No rules.
Secondary goal: Run every clan out of NM ^_^

#2 Psyche

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Posted 27 July 2005 - 12:02 PM

A bump for nothing.


Yeah.... the more members, the better for me o__O (More people to cling to.... and to bug when I'm bored)

-tries to run away but a stone flies over and hits the target-
.... Searching for an Altruist, because I never thought humanity capable of it.

#3 MysticStorm

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Posted 28 July 2005 - 03:18 AM

lmfao @ Pscyhe.. you're a nut! But we one nutty family.

#4 Perfector

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Posted 28 July 2005 - 09:09 AM

Secondary goal: Run every clan out of NM ^_^

oh man pure comedy.

#5 Psyche

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Posted 28 July 2005 - 05:51 PM

But I don't wanna be a nut.... ^_^.

If I should, can I be a pistachio o_O;?
-another bigger stone flies over and hits her head-


See, people, I hope you join MysticShadows because....

- all my crits are in it.
- I'm bored right now (no clannies,,, yeah)
- Mystic is nice o___o
- so you won't PK me.... lol


Nope, we have all the things we need to be the best clan.... all we need is ... eh.... little bit of support o___O
(reassures herself that it's true)

A really important EDIT: I'm NOT insane or nutty - actually I'm probably the sanest one you can find! -nods to herself-

Edited by Psyche, 28 July 2005 - 06:41 PM.

.... Searching for an Altruist, because I never thought humanity capable of it.

#6 Sarven

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Posted 28 July 2005 - 07:57 PM

/lick Psyche
Ride Into The Shadows

#7 Perfector

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Posted 28 July 2005 - 08:23 PM


Nope, we have all the things we need to be the best clan.... all we need is ... eh.... little bit of support o___O
(reassures herself that it's true)

well then since you guys are so good u surely wont mind making my clan a enemy ^_^ .. see ya while ur out training!

#8 MysticStorm

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Posted 28 July 2005 - 11:52 PM

well then since you guys are so good u surely wont mind making my clan a enemy  .. see ya while ur out training!

Ok first off, I severely have to laugh at this. Perfector, like your clan *which isn't yours but Goku's* is the only enemy that we have? Dude, I have some of the bigger and most respected clans after me and my clan still hasn't been run from the game yet and we won't ever be. So guess what? Bring it because I ain't scared of you or worried of being killed by you. Or by anyone for that matter. Least this chairwoman has the guts to speak for her clan and doesn't have to send others to do my talking. So yeah, go ahead and make us an enemy, which you already have. We have already added Üñþrêdíçtêd Rêtríbútíøñ to our enemy list as well. So have fun even try to keep up with me *winks*

And fyi, the whole thing about running every clan out of NM was supposed to be humorous. I'm a very humorous type of person and realistic to know it will never happen. Next time pay attention to the emotioncon which had a laughing face on it.

So yeah, anyone else want to add us to enemy list for stupid reasons like we are a newbie clan, go ahead. Makes no difference to me.

More than likely though I know how this will turn up.. they will sit at SGH and pick on the lower levels so over-all Protector, not impressed nor worried about your clan. You honestly don't even have my respect yet. Now pk'ing clans like Dynasty, division, Resistance, crypt.. they have my respect. They just come and don't ever have to talk crap. But guess I have to take in account some clans are ran by kids.

Ah well, enough of the seriousness.. time for fun wohooo!!!

I edited this post mostly because something was said that shouldn't have been said. I will however say this, after learning a few things, I'm gonna take Perfectors actions as being a over-zealous founder doing things behind the chair's back. I wonder what Goku has to say about it all?

I'd like to think that my clan is the best out there. Doesn't bother me that no one else sees or thinks this and we do have everything it takes to be a good clan. My clan members show it each and every time they log on. We have fun and enjoy each other's presense as friends and we love others to join in the fun. Sure, not all of us can be on at the same time as others. But hey, when we all do get the chance, it's surely the best experience ever as I am sure it is with most clans and the way it should be.

Psyche, You are now a pistachio. ^_^

Edited by MysticStorm, 29 July 2005 - 12:51 AM.

#9 Roidhun

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Posted 29 July 2005 - 01:36 AM

Your clan sounds like a fun and newbie-friendly place. :)

Best of luck to you ^_^

Edit: /t Perfector Funny, Úñwãñ±êð hadn't been in existance for very long before we had your clan as enemies - and we're still here, and aim to stay :P

Edited by Roidhun, 29 July 2005 - 01:40 AM.

Every country has an army... Either its own or somebody else's
No crits ingame atm...

#10 Dark


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Posted 29 July 2005 - 01:54 AM

/t mystic you type too much i almost feel asleep tryin to read it no offence its late and theres alot... neway best of luck to ya mateys

/t roidhun Amen

#11 Perfector

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Posted 29 July 2005 - 02:58 AM

/t mystic hmm before you try to be high and mighty do your research... the person who owns goku and i are co-chairs we share accts.. so really there was no need to memo the crit with concern. my decision stands.

/t roidhun ty for caring and sharing ... again who are you? ... eh doesnt matter..

#12 bobwitdabob

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Posted 29 July 2005 - 10:21 AM

AAHHHHHHHHH TOO MUCH DRAMA!!! lol cant we all just get along??

ehh... probably not, oh well i dont have to worry about pkers anyway since i just sit in the clan house and chat all the time ^_^ so BRING IT ON!! lol

#13 Psyche

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Posted 29 July 2005 - 09:25 PM

Psyche, You are now a pistachio. :P

Wow =3. Btw, I'm not nuts - I was just being... eh.... energetic, you know o__O; Sorry for sounding so noobish.... (thought I finally got off the title) Still, I feel proud of having you as a chairwoman =D -hugs Mystic-.

However, I don't really like seeing so many red names around.... ^_^ I like green ones though, blue ones are okay, too =D. (I can stand PKing.... it's usual routine and part of a game as certain person said -shots a glance at someone-, but I don't like losing exps)

And I’m certainly NOT going to quit NM. …. Unless my mom makes me to do so o__O;


Psyche clings to Sarven. =3!
.... Searching for an Altruist, because I never thought humanity capable of it.

#14 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 29 July 2005 - 09:32 PM

Psyche clings to Sarven. =3!

That '=3' looks wrong, whats it supposed to be? ^_^

GL with clan by the way, looking good!

*To Perfector*

Roidhun is Bjarne.

Bjarne is God.

Disaster ingame.

#15 Psyche

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Posted 29 July 2005 - 09:46 PM

That's a kitty face =3!

See, take : ), change the eye to =), and finally make a mouth like =3.
.... Searching for an Altruist, because I never thought humanity capable of it.

#16 Dark


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Posted 30 July 2005 - 12:51 AM

Psyche clings to Sarven. =3!

That '=3' looks wrong, whats it supposed to be? ^_^

GL with clan by the way, looking good!

*To Perfector*

Roidhun is Bjarne.

Bjarne is God.


is it because hes old enougth to be god or coz hes awsume?

#17 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 30 July 2005 - 10:46 AM

That's a kitty face =3!

See, take : ), change the eye to =), and finally make a mouth like =3.

:) Looks like male sexual organs... :D

Psyche clings to Sarven. =3!

That '=3' looks wrong, whats it supposed to be? ^_^

GL with clan by the way, looking good!

*To Perfector*

Roidhun is Bjarne.

Bjarne is God.


is it because hes old enougth to be god or coz hes awsume?

Both. :D
Disaster ingame.

#18 MysticStorm

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Posted 30 July 2005 - 02:46 PM

What's with the /t stuff? We are in the forums for god's sakes lmfao!

Sorry I was so type happy. I get that way sometimes.

As to the DBZ ripoff moron who can't come up with an original crit name.. (and yes, I added it this time)I did do my research and everyone that knows Goku said you were two different people. Then again, doubt they knew you were a (bleep).. (for those who wish to know what the bleep represents and are 18 years +, /p MysticStorm in game and I"ll tell you for it's a bad word. ^_^) and shared account. All ya are is a just a trash talkin moron trying to make a name for your clan. Going about it the wrong way considering I did do my research on your clan in particular. I'm far from worried about you doing any type of damage to mine.

Brian, you rule lmfao!

#19 Psyche

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Posted 30 July 2005 - 08:31 PM

That's a kitty face =3!

See, take : ), change the eye to =), and finally make a mouth like =3.

^_^ Looks like male sexual organs... :P

Hey, that's an interesting and weird point of view.... How come it looks like it o__O;? That was one of my favorite emotes and somehow I don't wanna use it now D=.
.... Searching for an Altruist, because I never thought humanity capable of it.

#20 Perfector

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Posted 30 July 2005 - 08:48 PM

As to the DBZ ripoff moron who can't come up with an original crit name.. (and yes, I added it this time)I did do my research and everyone that knows Goku said you were two different people. Then again, doubt they knew you were a (bleep).. (for those who wish to know what the bleep represents and are 18 years +, /p MysticStorm in game and I"ll tell you for it's a bad word. ^_^)  and shared account.  All ya are is a just a trash talkin moron trying to make a name for your clan. Going about it the wrong way considering I did do my research on your clan in particular. I'm far from worried about you doing any type of damage to mine.

as I said we share goku is not my name so nice try on the putdown.. you seem to be confused who is young and who is older then most of the player base, we don't need to make a name for a clan on a text based game infact we are pretty inactive to start with,I jsut thought it was funny how you intended to "run other clans out of nm" being your a new clan with lots of new members ... as for you ... here is the funny part, in my time in game I have only seen a handfull of the females that play that have earned all of thier eq and crits themselves, a good part had all of thier stuff handed to them for cybering or nudie pics.... hopefully you are the earlier of the two. and all in all its really funny how much of a threat you took by us adding you to enemy by responding in such a ticked off manner about it and memoing the chair trying to weasel your way out of it... go train and shh the inevitable will happen.

Edited by Perfector, 30 July 2005 - 09:18 PM.

#21 Sean

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Posted 30 July 2005 - 09:25 PM

Posted Image
Stadic Ingame...

#22 Perfector

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Posted 30 July 2005 - 09:49 PM

LMAO funniest memo ive ever seen:

A memo from Mysticstorm on 07-30-2005 15:09:01 saying: Well, was told by many of the non-newbs that you both weren't the same person. But, doesn't matter either way. Your clan is gonna get trashed because of you and I'll be laughing the whole way.

Hmmm first off the "non-newbs" as you said it are right as i've been stating the whole time we SHARE accts that means there IS more then one of us.

now lets weigh those odds of you trashing us...

U.R(27 arches)

MysticShadows(2 arches)

hmmm yeah your right theres no way our 27 arches can stand up to you guys's 2.... One of our members owns ur clan alone on a bad day .. don't dish out threats you can't fulfill... its simple math 27>2 but ty for making my day ...lol

Edited by Perfector, 30 July 2005 - 09:58 PM.

#23 Dark


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Posted 30 July 2005 - 11:50 PM

dont need archs to pwn just need to be good

#24 Perfector

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Posted 31 July 2005 - 01:00 AM

that may be true that a clan with alot of good players/experts could take out arches .....but not in this case.

#25 Payne

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Posted 31 July 2005 - 01:04 AM

lol this is about as funny as rappys men posts
Astinus on 1alt Only

#26 Perfector

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Posted 31 July 2005 - 01:05 AM

haha i know huh

#27 combusta

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Posted 31 July 2005 - 01:51 AM

lol, ok already talking nuts about other clans

enemied kthx

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#28 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 31 July 2005 - 10:53 AM

That's a kitty face =3!

See, take : ), change the eye to =), and finally make a mouth like =3.

^_^ Looks like male sexual organs... :P

Hey, that's an interesting and weird point of view.... How come it looks like it o__O;? That was one of my favorite emotes and somehow I don't wanna use it now D=.

Only kidding - be my guest to still use your emote :)

*Guffaws as he walks away from Psyche*

jk lol
Disaster ingame.

#29 MysticStorm

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Posted 31 July 2005 - 11:06 PM

1. I don't cyber or have nudie pics.. Cybering doesn't get me excited and don't have nudies.. Too many people under the age of 18 anyways in this game. Not to mention, only person who sees my body is my irl boyfriend. ^_^ So guess what? I have trained my own crits and equipped them on my own with the exception of 1 and I'm currently training the crit for someone else.

2. You are the most retarded person on earth and just contradicted yourself.

A memo from Goku on 07-29-2005 03:48:36 saying id like to talk to you about how i am the same person ... we share accts justin is away at school and we co-chair the clan .. but ty for trying to be a newb.

Now, a sphinxter says what? Newb... For now on, do your own memo checking before you post moron. Btw, if you are gonna check Goku's name, and reply for Goku, the crit will be trashed right along with you. And I didn't freak out
or whine about you adding us to enemy list. I wanted to see what Goku had to say for himself but apparently he had to have someone speak for him which doesn't make him a good chair at all.

As for the new enemy, didn't trash any other clan but Unpredicted Retribution for as far as I could see, no other clan has been involved in this. Either way, makes no difference to me.

#30 Dark


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Posted 31 July 2005 - 11:15 PM

2. You are the most retarded person on earth and just contradicted yourself.

A memo from Goku on 07-29-2005 03:48:36 saying id like to talk to you about how i am the same person ... we share accts justin is away at school and we co-chair the clan .. but ty for trying to be a newb.

Now, a sphinxter says what? Newb... For now on, do your own memo checking before you post moron. Btw, if you are gonna check Goku's name, and reply for Goku, the crit will be trashed right along with you. And I didn't freak out
or whine about you adding us to enemy list. I wanted to see what Goku had to say for himself but apparently he had to have someone speak for him which doesn't make him a good chair at all.

As for the new enemy, didn't trash any other clan but Unpredicted Retribution for as far as I could see, no other clan has been involved in this. Either way, makes no difference to me.

co-chair means they both chair the clan so really makes him either bad co-chair or you just dont grasp what it is

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