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Member Since 12 Sep 2008
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In Topic: Best And Worst Times Of Nightmist

06 July 2009 - 01:34 PM

Nightmist, Cloud City, both Perns, Emerald City, What was the one with the Barren Wasteland all to the north of it? Barbarian settlement if that counts lol.


In Topic: The Challenging Parts Of Nightmist

10 May 2009 - 12:36 PM

Keep your personal arguements to messages, memos, etc.
Further ridiculous posts will cause bans.

You do not like 1a, and have said you want nothing to do with 1a, so why do you interject yourself in 1a biz? So self rightious aren't you? Go piss off and play with main where you can control its environment. Your holier than though attitude is getting to be too upity for most of the playerbase to deal with. At least I have the sack to tell you about it.

OK, everyone listen up. 1A players and their opinions, disagreements, and such do not matter to main staff, and should not be discussed or even argued on the NM forum. We shoulod not even bother posting because we are beneath the main playerbase(all 5 of them).

Go ahead and delete this, because I will direct JLH to it and he will see just how "High and Mighty" you think of yourself. He once said he was sick of this sort of thing. I wonder what he will think of this matter and how the Main staff won't even let us who are alot more in numbers on 1a discuss or even argue a point about something directly related to the way that server is being run( or not even run).

That is right, the staffer who said 1a can basicaly rot is not allowing us to have any sort of opinion about a matter dierctly related to the game. WTF is the antisocial one now?

rofl owned.

In Topic: Opinions!

03 May 2009 - 10:07 AM

ok, so i am fairly knowledgable about druids and would like to say for the record that your stats on what morph does to your damage is terrible hyperbole. come on. 3 to 4 times?!! thats not even close to true. it doesnt even hardly double your damage. the thing it does is raise your hit rate. learn the facts before you post stupid things like this please.

Agreed. I'd say druids need the accuracy boost and the boost in damage to make attacking worthwhile. Walt's idea of shortening the time morph lasts isn't a bad idea if anything actually needs to be changed.

It seems a bit unreasonable to suggest that druids need nerfing just because you now happen to have a cobalt.. if anything needs to be nerfed perhaps it should be the cobalt?

In Topic: Nm Talent Pool

01 May 2009 - 10:53 AM

Nah, but I guess if you want another staff member with an inflated idea of their self importance then I suppose that's the way to go.

The only people I ever came across who take the game for what it is are Walt and Serg. I've been enemies with most of the 1a server, but Walt and Serg are the only two people who haven't reacted to being attacked all the time by either being abusive, crying like a little girl or acting superior and making snide comments.

Walt and Serg make good enemies and allies so they must have a good understanding of the concept of playing a game whereas the rest of the server is perhaps too personally involved with each other and treats Nightmist like a chatroom where they argue about non-game things and so become incapable of separating the game from their personal lives.

Perhaps staff should be chosen based on their attitude to gameplay rather than a popularity contest?

In Topic: Nm Talent Pool

24 April 2009 - 08:54 PM

Rather late for your yearly April fools post.

Bit off topic are we?

How about Walt? He's always unbiased and reasonable.