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A Few New Spells

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#1 Mec

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 07:59 PM

First spell

Power Surge: Level 28

Mana cost: 18

Costs 3 stamina.

Does damage to everybody on the square (including the mage and nopked dudes). How much?

It's like... powers of two...

First of alll, it's two.

You flip a coin, if it's tails, then it does 2 damage to everybody.
If it's heads then you flip again

if then its tails it does four, if not, flip again.

next 8

so on and so forth..

Magic shell: level 17

costs: 40 mana

Magic shell creates a monster (like grasping vines) called barrier. You cannot hurt the mage if the barrier if there.

The barrier lasts only a minute, but this could be a good thing.

The barrier has around 200 hp, if the barrier is killed before the one minute it up, the barrier will explode, causing a blast of power at the mage, hurting him 200 hp. Therefore, the barrier is potentially dangerous, but can be a big help.

Edited by Mec, 29 February 2004 - 08:04 PM.

#2 green_mantis

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Posted 29 February 2004 - 10:58 PM

i believe there is already a topic concerning this idea
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#3 kar

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 12:24 PM

i like the barrier spell, but not the first one\who wants 2 do 2 dmg 2 every1 in a square? no1 will buy that spell, though it is a very creative idea

Edited by kar, 24 April 2004 - 12:25 PM.

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#4 alone

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Posted 24 April 2004 - 12:30 PM

Power Surge sound abit silly, hurting everyone? Then mages will end up walking around alone, and with their diminished HP, that's very bad.

And Barrier.. 200hp?! You don't get that much HP until level 24 (counting a mage with 18cons only getting 8s (is all they ever get, right?)). Why give it to them at level 17.. 200hp is causable in a matter of seconds, useful if the mage can cast it and run..?
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#5 The_Final_Climax

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Posted 25 April 2004 - 01:47 AM

I'd assumed that magic shell only stays around if the mage is on the square..otherwise you'd cast it, it'd get beat down, and you'd be near death. A rather useless thing even in the sense because you might have well just let them target the mage..unless the barrier has super high beefed armor..and even then, an assisante/magic would ruin it pretty quick. I'd say "could invs be cast on it?" but then that would make a mage pretty much invincible..so..I'm sorry to say I dont agree with this one.
As for power surge ontop of what Alone had already said, I dont get this "flip a coin if this blah blah then this" it would have to be happneing rather fast, I doubt anyone would just stand there and wait for a coin to be 'fliped' or..whatever it is..sorry..but I don't agree with this being a possible new spell either.
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#6 Squee



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Posted 25 April 2004 - 06:51 PM

I wouldn't take the risk of KO'ing myself with Power Surge. I could deal 256 damage to everyone...but that would most likely just kill myself.

If I'm going to be a kamazakii-mage, I want it to be a sure thing.
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