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Death Of Nightmist

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#1 Shane

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Posted 25 February 2010 - 02:45 PM

Yea its been sometime since I've played this game as much as I did years ago. Since the time I have left I have come back and checked this game out from time to time. Such a shame that a game that had this much enjoyment back in the day has gone downhill as it has.

With the player base being as small as it is, and it has been this way for quite some time, I do not see why JLH even keeps it up and running. Updates are far and few between, staff members are nonexistant, and there is nothing to draw in new players. Even if there was something to draw in the new players what chance do they have? First they have to get past the roller .... which is a joke. After a few minutes of rolling anyone who trys this game will give up and uninstall. Trust me I know because I have tried to get people I know to come and play. They all give up on the roller and go to play other games. If these new players go on Main they have to keep rolling for more than 1 crit because Main is set up for multi crits. If they go on 1 alt they have to level on their own and deal with leveling on their own ... since the teamwork thing that 1 alt was supposed to bring about just isn't there. I could go on but it all boils down to ... why even keep the server up and running. It has to be costing JLH a lot to keep it running and to be quite honest I do not see how the little player base makes it worth the pay out.

At any rate, I have noticed over the year or so that this game is at the edge of death and the few scrubs that still play are trying hard to keep a game going that is in all aspects is dead. Let it die, Nightmist had a good life but it is like keeping someone on life support when there is no brain activity.

Flame as you will, my post is honest and true. It is fact and if you can't see that fact then you are blind. Those who flame this thread are those scrubs trying to keep the game alive. Its dead people, so stop beating a dead horse.

"Before my time is done I will look down upon your corpse and smile!"

#2 Prototype

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Posted 25 February 2010 - 04:18 PM


If (people == active) {
run server;
close server;

If (enjoyment > 0) {
keep playing;
stop playing;

In all seriousness, kudos to start a thread pushing through your beliefs no matter what and then beforehand label people who will reply to you in a negative sense. it's a sure way to win, right?

Soooo..anyone who responds negatively to my response in any way is a sheep shagger.

As for facts, which your post seems to lack although you so hammer it on. It doesn't cost JLH anything, those servers he keeps running for his business anyways. Nightmist doesn't take much to run as is.

Things are how they are, people might have trouble joining as a new player, but why would they? The game is shyte, people play it because they came attached to it early on. It will die on it's own, not because some self righteous cabbage demands it.

At any rate, I have noticed over the year or so that this game is at the edge of death and the few scrubs that still play are trying hard to keep a game going that is in all aspects is dead. Let it die, Nightmist had a good life but it is like keeping someone on life support when there is no brain activity.

Actually it's like feeding someone the bullet who lost his legs, he can still enjoy life. But for some reason there's always some numbnuts who thinks it's a life not worth living.

Aaaanyways, shouldn't you be out shooting down some people who have down syndrome, or are paralyzed. I'm sure mr. self righteous has more to 'cure' then simple ol' nightmist.
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#3 SuperJase

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Posted 25 February 2010 - 06:30 PM

Believe what you want shane, but we have seen some very good additions to the 1alt server recently. A complete new leveling system to allow more people to level that wernt part of the pandemonium "click".

There are also a very few dedicated people that are willing to attempt to improve the game :P

#4 Shane

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Posted 25 February 2010 - 07:36 PM

Additions? In how long? I have been back here watching this game for roughly a year and there hasn't been an addition in that whole time. There are never any staff on, and the most players on at any given time on either server has been no more than 15 - 20. So in the time I've been gone JLH has graduated from college, gotten a job that he is high enough on the ladder to actually run his personaly created and personaly ran game at work. Perhaps in the time I was gone JLH has had this much happen. But I doubt it .... Hell I even remember JLH saying many times that the cost of running the server was quite a burden on him.

As for Prototypes reply, it was his failed attempt to flame someone. He could find nothing more than his banter to flame at since everything I said was fact. My post is fact, my post is the truth. Some of you just aren't ready to give in to the fact and move on.

"Before my time is done I will look down upon your corpse and smile!"

#5 Jumpsteady

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Posted 25 February 2010 - 07:40 PM

NM is not dead. Last night there were 30+ people on at once. If it had been multi and if each person had on 4 alts 120+ crits online(considering most people on main have 10-20 alts on at a time). I have quit and cameback many times. It's not that bad. Lol If you dont like it then you dont have to come back. At points the server has seemed like its on life support but usually in winter - summer things pick back up. Maybe you havent found the right combination of crit and clan to make it more enjoyable for you this time around. I am in DA and we were able to get me 5 tokens last night to lvl. There are verry little people who still play that I started NM with. The only ones who still play that I know are Manda and Walt. I think its great we been able to stick it out and play as long as we have. But if you look alot of the older players are comming back and former banned players that helped make the server fun/challenging are also back. The one alt server was new for nightmist and has gone through many changes as did the main server the first couple of years. I have played 1a since like a month or two after it was released and have been playing nm 8 years or so Manda and Walt would know lol. I had times where I quit because of drama and stupid crap. But everytime I came back. I will probably keep playing until the server dies(off and on of course. But you cant really have to much on expectations when it comes to text-based game. Or expect too much change.

#6 Pureza


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Posted 25 February 2010 - 07:46 PM

Additions? In how long? I have been back here watching this game for roughly a year and there hasn't been an addition in that whole time. There are never any staff on, and the most players on at any given time on either server has been no more than 15 - 20. So in the time I've been gone JLH has graduated from college, gotten a job that he is high enough on the ladder to actually run his personaly created and personaly ran game at work. Perhaps in the time I was gone JLH has had this much happen. But I doubt it .... Hell I even remember JLH saying many times that the cost of running the server was quite a burden on him.

As for Prototypes reply, it was his failed attempt to flame someone. He could find nothing more than his banter to flame at since everything I said was fact. My post is fact, my post is the truth. Some of you just aren't ready to give in to the fact and move on.

Why are you beating a dead horse then? Have you nothing better to do with your time. And if you've been watching the game for the last year, remind me to never let you baby sit cuz you don't pay attention for nuts. As Jase mentioned, 1a recieved a new leveling system, and that's been in the last 6 months. I also belive 1a has gotten some new areas added to the game recently to help with the new leveling system. http://www.nightmist...showtopic=32026

I have to agree that the multi alt server is and has been near death for quite some time. But we have our faithful and there have been some small additions in equipment for higher level crits. http://www.nightmist...showtopic=31001

Last but not least, Staff. Whether you can see them or not, they are often there. I talk to a few staff members even though it says they "aren't on". They stay cloaked so they don't have to deal with trivial matters.
Jaded ingame.

#7 Gaddy

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Posted 25 February 2010 - 08:35 PM

Shane, if you haven't been around, how the hell would you know?
There are players on both servers. Play is less constant and numbers are juiced up, but people can also cloak on the Main server now, which makes numbers unknown except for the charts that JLH posts. People are more about logging in at times to kill bosses than sitting around the server much, and the people training often cloak, to my knowledge.

On the 1-Alt server, I don't know much, but there are still people around playing it.

Don't be such a hater.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#8 Ember

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Posted 25 February 2010 - 09:13 PM

If you don't like nightmist you can get the hell out mate, because there are still quite a few people that do enjoy playing this game.

Edited by Ember, 25 February 2010 - 09:14 PM.

Eclipse on 1Alt.

#9 Piggy

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Posted 25 February 2010 - 10:12 PM

I'm on everyone day :P

Piggy Or Derlok ingame

#10 Cruxis

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 07:01 AM

Shane, at first I thought your post was going to be utter crap with the direction you were going with it, but you my friend are right, that roller sucks and needs to be fixed! That was the main point right? That word was so...bold like.

Though Nightmist dead? If you are even close to thinking that, you are a moron. You are also one for letting your frustrations out here, but you may be warped enough to where it would be what would make you feel better. If so, enjoy, you are happy :P

Edit: Smiley, just because!

Edit2: Btw, according to Prototypes post, you are now a sheep shagger, enjoy that too xD

Edited by Cruxis, 26 February 2010 - 07:03 AM.

#11 Apocalypto

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 10:33 AM

lol at this post..

#12 Shane

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 12:44 PM

30 people on last night? Interesting ... which game was you logged onto? I was logged on last night and the user count never broke 20.

As for the rest of you claiming the game isn't dead ... odd that the ammount of people that have posted on this thread is just about how many people are logged onto the game each and everyday. The fact is still there, none of you are willing to accept it.

As for being a hater ... some of you need to learn to read instead of guessing at what posts say.

Some of you haven't been around long enough to hit Nightmist puberty yet and those young ones claim that the game isn't dead. Back many many years ago you could log onto the game and type /who and have to scroll up to see the top of the players list. Going from a whole page of people on to barely breaking 1 line just proves that the few that are logged on are trying desperately to keep the game alive.

Now don't get me wrong, I do like Nightmist ... I always have. If there was a way to save the game I would be one of the first to get behind it to help bring it back to life.

As for the updates, you claim that 1 update in the past 6 months is progress? What happened to updates damn near every week? Guess there is no need to update it that much anymore since there isn't enough players around for it to matter.

Gaddy you have been here for as long as I was. You know what it was like back when the game was in its prime.

Ember, where did I ever say I hate Nightmist? Yea I didn't think I did. Try reading it slower next time ... or perhaps reading it period.

Letting out my frustrations? Again some people need to learn to read ... I am pointing out a fact that can be proven each and everyday.

Yes I know about /cloak. I have been a staff member on other games. I know most of the commands and what they are for. My comment about staff was not because I do not see them when I type /who. My comment is based on how the updates/changes they made went from being posted weekly to none at all.

As I've said before, those of you saying the game isn't dying then you are just trying to fool yourselves.

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Edited by Shane, 26 February 2010 - 12:53 PM.

"Before my time is done I will look down upon your corpse and smile!"

#13 Apocalypto

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 01:11 PM

hahahaha your full of nuts.. there were 31 on at one point when i was on

and as for that screenshot. look at what time it is for the average player...

#14 Omnipotence

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 01:33 PM

#1 Everyone I know usally started the game when they hit their first 2 stat and didn't realize the importance of stats in the beginnging. After they spent the time to get to lvl10-15 they noticed the importance and re-rolled or were given something better. It would not be fair to change the roller because there are a lot of players who spend a lot of time rolling characters.

#2 The only draw back in this game is that it is impossible to play more than 15 minutes in the easy accessable areas during average volume (15-25 players online) without being killed. A newer person will struggle most with this and in all honesty, the people killing them did not have to go through the same thing. The people killing them startd leveling from the day 1a launched and didn't have to worry about pk's. Now the acct is established they have no worries.

How to fix this?
#1 - some type of no pk areas that have 50-75% of regular xp that are actually fun. You say arena, I say who wants to sit on the same square for 4 days(average time to arch).

#2 - more level and class restricted areas. Look at the classes that are restricted to certain areas because of what they have to attack/heal. What would it hurt to have 2 or 3 different, 25-30 area's. That would give everyone a chance to go in with a small party and handle their own.

#3 - This is my most radical suggestion and wouldn't know how well it would work. I would suggest making 1a nopk until past lvl20, instead of lvl5. This would give players the oppourtunity to experience the game for 20 levels without dying at all. Maybe then they will realize the fun in it and be more likely to stay.

#15 Shane

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 01:42 PM

hahahaha your full of nuts.. there were 31 on at one point when i was on

and as for that screenshot. look at what time it is for the average player...

I plan on posting screenshots from all day not just that one. You kiddies don't seem to want to accept the fact that Nightmist needs help or it is going to keep circling the drain.

As for there being 31 users on last night .... I ask again which game were you kids logged onto? I was on damn near all night last night and the Users online list never broke 20. Oh wait, you must be talking about Main ... 2 users and 31 characters? LMAO

Atleast someone else sees that there is a problem and is posting suggestions to try and help the situation.

Edited by Shane, 26 February 2010 - 01:44 PM.

"Before my time is done I will look down upon your corpse and smile!"

#16 Cadabra


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Posted 26 February 2010 - 01:43 PM

Posted Image

Me ftw.
Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#17 Rafa

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 02:56 PM

rofl a post of 7:50 am. You have some balls to post that and say the game is dead. People do sleep you know.

#18 Prototype

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 03:14 PM


You can see the live stats there, no need to 'monitor' the game, even last night apparently there were over 30 people on, not that it matters tho. If it was 1 person who was still having fun it would be great too. Do you even understand the debate you are in? You say it's dead and needs to be shut down, players say they enjoy and still want to play, that's pretty much all there is to it. You lose.
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#19 Cadabra


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Posted 26 February 2010 - 06:09 PM

There are 25 characters online, (25 users).

18:09 server time.

Not even at the Peak of the night.

Now shut the moose up and go play with your dolls.

Edited by Cadabra, 26 February 2010 - 06:10 PM.

Nightmist is like Pringles, once you pop you just cant stop.

#20 Walt

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 07:18 PM

There are 25 characters online, (25 users).

18:09 server time.

Not even at the Peak of the night.

Now shut the moose up and go play with your dolls.

What if he collects dolls and keeps them in the casing? How will he play with them then? Should he devalue those dolls and enjoy them, or sit and look at them for a year, and imagine he is having fun with them?

Oh, he already sat and looked at something fun for a year and did not take part. Poor shane. Go eat a bag of turnips, and then go moose a whale, you pregnant dog.

Ryan still sucks.
I would ask myself why, but even I do not know everything.

#21 Cruxis

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 08:15 PM

You kiddies don't seem to want to accept the fact that Nightmist needs help or it is going to keep circling the drain.

Shoving Nightmist is dead down peoples throats, that is what we argue about. No one here but you thought Nightmist is dead. Even 5 players regularly wouldn't be dead imo. Now you say it is declining and has a chance to be saved, thank you captain obvious, everyone who plays and even alot of people who don't know this.

Here is my extremely mature insult to you, go eat some poop.

#22 deadman

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Posted 26 February 2010 - 11:01 PM

1alt There are 32 characters online, (32 users).

6pm est.. still looks pretty alive to me and not dying out, so you may very well be on something.
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#23 Freek

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 12:01 AM


I saw you when you were on shane. With your afk "waiting to see the server break 30 users" it was like 5am central. Wtf you expect.

Also there have been 30people on consistently the last couple days.

And................. Failed attempt at flaming the population.
Freek ingame.

#24 Shane

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 02:09 AM

You say it's dead and needs to be shut down, players say they enjoy and still want to play, that's pretty much all there is to it. You lose.

Read slower please? I never said "it needs to be shut down". What I said was, its not worth the cost of keeping running without people playing it. Some of you people take things said and imagine them into what you want them to say .... when people do that they are the only ones losing around here.

My attempt here is to get help for the server, bring up the player base. Out of everyone that posted one person caught on. Everyone else seen an attempt to attack someone because they felt that their little e-world was threatened. Time to unplug kiddies.

Perhaps I should have saved the conversation when everyone added me to their Friends lists this morning.

EDIT: Funny, this is the most posting that has been done on this forum in months .... those of you who have replied in this thread and have done so with an attack/flame I have a question. If your little world here isn't dying, why do you feel so threatened with my attempt to help bring in new players?

Edited by Shane, 27 February 2010 - 02:13 AM.

"Before my time is done I will look down upon your corpse and smile!"

#25 Prototype

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 02:15 AM

We don't, we're just way to busy ingame that sometimes the forum acts as a real delight.
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#26 Freek

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 02:20 AM

We don't, we're just way to busy ingame that sometimes the forum acts as a real delight.

That and, You kinda took the wrong way for trying to get the game help dont you think?
Freek ingame.

#27 Prophet

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 02:21 AM

Shane: Hi Game your dead.

Game: Erm, no we're not were still here.

Shane: Your dead.

Game: Ok, but the playerbase has actually been increasing in the last few months.

Shane: Your dead.

Game: We had 30 people on last night...

Shane: You didn't, your dead.

Game: Erm there are some stats here showing there was.

Shane: Your dead.

Game: Well you've convinced me we're dead.


I love the irony of posting to a gaming community to tell them they're dead. If it was true they couldn't reply and no one would read your post, thus making the post in the first place pointless...

In keeping with my awards ceremony.

Most Retarded Topic Ever.

Most traditional games only have a couple to several players in a specific game, you wouldn't call those games dead, so why is this any different?

Edit: Can you give me one good reason why you losing interest in the game means it now has to be shut down. Just one plausible good reason and I will support your argument.

Edited by Prophet, 27 February 2010 - 02:23 AM.

Si Senior!

#28 Freek

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 02:25 AM

Shane: Hi Game your dead.

Game: Erm, no we're not were still here.

Shane: Your dead.

Game: Ok, but the playerbase has actually been increasing in the last few months.

Shane: Your dead.

Game: We had 30 people on last night...

Shane: You didn't, your dead.

Game: Erm there are some stats here showing there was.

Shane: Your dead.

Game: Well you've convinced me we're dead.


I love the irony of posting to a gaming community to tell them they're dead. If it was true they couldn't reply and no one would read your post, thus making the post in the first place pointless...

In keeping with my awards ceremony.

Most Retarded Topic Ever.

Most traditional games only have a couple to several players in a specific game, you wouldn't call those games dead, so why is this any different?

Edit: Can you give me one good reason why you losing interest in the game means it now has to be shut down. Just one plausible good reason and I will support your argument.

Best Reply Ever.

Edited by Freek, 27 February 2010 - 02:25 AM.

Freek ingame.

#29 Prophet

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 02:36 AM

self righteous cabbage

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Si Senior!

#30 professional

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Posted 27 February 2010 - 02:38 AM

who cares what this random fool says?

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