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Who Has It Worse?

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#1 Vodka

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 01:10 AM

Who has it worse, males or females?

Be sure to give a reason why when stating which sex.
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

Hump in game.

#2 Exor

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 01:19 AM


its a mans world.
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#3 two

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 01:26 AM

dudes have it so easy.
1. no make up
2. no periods
3. can't get raped
4. don't have to watch what we eat
5. don't get periods
6. don't need 40 pairs of shoes
7. reach orgasm quicker, easier, more consistantly
8. don't care about drama
9. don't have to talk on the phone as much
10. don't get periods
11. can drive cars better
12. are more accepted into work community
13. our opinions matter more than women's
14. can play sports
15. don't get periods
16. don't need a friend to walk us home/go to bathroom
17. don't need makeup
18. don't have to take more than 7 minutes in the shower
19. can sleep around and not get tagged "slut"...if you do it's a badge of honor with us
20. can waste money of cars/entertainment/booze without any reprocutions
21. won't have to go through childbirth
22. don't have periods
23. high fives
24. we don't carry baggage (emotional nor physical)
25. don't have to wear painful shoes
26. pooping and farting are considered funny for us, gross for them
27. don't get periods
28. don't go through menopause

but girls have it easy too:
1. they get things bought for them
2. they can dance no matter what (place arms above the head, proceed to wiggle)
3. they can manipulate men with sexual pleasures to get whatever they want
4. they don't have to shave everyday

it's close, but dudes win in the end 49-22.

#4 Rattlesnake

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 02:01 AM

/nod two

#5 Stotic

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 02:02 AM

In today's society women are seen as more "revolutionary." Take this for example. A women can join the NFL and be considered a national hero by the world and an idol to women. A man can join ballet and be looked down by society and taunted aggressively by men. Odd how that works, eh?
We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

#6 An Eskimo

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 02:04 AM

dudes have it so easy.
1. no make up
2. no periods
3. can't get raped
4. don't have to watch what we eat
5. don't get periods
6. don't need 40 pairs of shoes
7. reach orgasm quicker, easier, more consistantly
8. don't care about drama
9. don't have to talk on the phone as much
10. don't get periods
11. can drive cars better
12. are more accepted into work community
13. our opinions matter more than women's
14. can play sports
15. don't get periods
16. don't need a friend to walk us home/go to bathroom
17. don't need makeup
18. don't have to take more than 7 minutes in the shower
19. can sleep around and not get tagged "slut"...if you do it's a badge of honor with us
20. can waste money of cars/entertainment/booze without any reprocutions
21. won't have to go through childbirth
22. don't have periods
23. high fives
24. we don't carry baggage (emotional nor physical)
25. don't have to wear painful shoes
26. pooping and farting are considered funny for us, gross for them
27. don't get periods
28. don't go through menopause

but girls have it easy too:
1. they get things bought for them
2. they can dance no matter what (place arms above the head, proceed to wiggle)
3. they can manipulate men with sexual pleasures to get whatever they want
4. they don't have to shave everyday

it's close, but dudes win in the end 49-22.

/rofl that is awesome, and true.
GÚñ§ Ñ' ®Õ§€§
Support Eskimos. Down with the Penguins.
Metal in game.

#7 An Eskimo

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 02:05 AM

In today's society women are seen as more "revolutionary." Take this for example. A women can join the NFL and be considered a national hero by the world and an idol to women. A man can join ballet and be looked down by society and taunted aggressively by men. Odd how that works, eh?

I do agree...that is very odd..
GÚñ§ Ñ' ®Õ§€§
Support Eskimos. Down with the Penguins.
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#8 deadman

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 02:17 AM

actually guys can get raped far i know lol
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#9 Dc

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 02:26 AM

yeah guys have it way easier though
I believe in the Triune God;God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit.I believe that while I was helpless and sinful, Christ died for me. Therefore, I now have the righteousness of God, old things have passed away and I am a child of God. I cannot be separated from the love of God, Christ lives in my heart by faith and therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been chosen by God and appointed to bear fruit for God. I resist the devil and he flees from me.

#10 Stotic

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 02:27 AM

i know

Not by personal experience by any chance?
We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

#11 Rattlesnake

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 02:32 AM

i know

Not by personal experience by any chance?

You wouldn't be jealous would you?

(just playing. rape in any sense isn't a matter to joke about i know)

#12 two

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 02:34 AM

when guys get rapes, they don't call it the horrible occurance it is. they call it the best day they've ever had.

#13 Deval

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 02:54 AM

I'm sorry, but to me, getting forcefully anally penetrated doesn't constitute a good day...
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#14 two

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 03:13 AM

like you said, according to you...

#15 Deval

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 03:16 AM

:) :blink: :blink: Posted Image

Edited by Deval, 24 February 2004 - 03:17 AM.

"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#16 deadman

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 03:34 AM

it could be best time they ever had or if it my a big beastie ugly bish its the worst time of their life so its not always a good thing.
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#17 newb

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 04:04 AM

Respectively, each gender has their plusses and negatives. A lot of them are stereotypical, though, and shouldn't really count.

I personally think I would have rather been a girl than a boy if I had had a choice. Here, I will just come out and admit it. I wish I was a Japanese schoolgirl. hah


#18 Darkling

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 06:51 AM

Only advantage guys have is how fast they can pee... wiz and go :)
Leave the sig alone you rabid monkey

#19 two

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 07:16 AM

Only advantage guys have is how fast they can pee... wiz and go :)

you're forgetting we can write our names in snow, dirt, or sand. or we can add "sucks" to someone else's name. mwahaha, take that peter...ass.

#20 Aidon

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 09:16 AM

I think this picture explains it all.


What most men have to look forward to. :)

#21 Darkling

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 09:31 AM

Guys deserve to be screamed at... they dont have to do anything cept eat sleep and uhh w/e. And just the fact that females have to eat carrots instead of ice cweam gives us the right to scream at the chubby hairy fkers :)
Leave the sig alone you rabid monkey

#22 Aidon

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 09:42 AM

I didn't realise it was a prerequisite to be a guy that you had to be chubby and hairy. It could explain alot of your attitude problems if the only guys you know are that way.

#23 Darkling

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 09:47 AM

All the guys i know are lazy and never do anything. At least when a girl is like that she gets punished by the natural order of things. Guys just have it to easy. Period :)
Leave the sig alone you rabid monkey

#24 Issy

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 10:37 AM

uh, to the person that said males can't get raped, you're an idiot.

As i explained to someone else, if you had a gun pointed at your head, and the person, male or female, told you to drop your pants, what would you do???

Unless your a complete imbecile, you'd drop your pants so you wouldn't get shot. As i've been told by other people, they'd rather be dead then be raped, or live with being raped.

As for the rest of this conversation, i will have no part of it.

Good day :)
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

#25 Deval

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 10:39 AM

pwned by man rape.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#26 Sera

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 11:59 AM

21.  won't have to go through childbirth

*giggles* I wanna see a man push a baby out their .. exit hole *giggles* (and I'm not talking the back one)

Edited by Sera, 24 February 2004 - 12:02 PM.

#27 Iron_Maiden

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 04:06 PM


Edited by Iron_Maiden, 24 February 2004 - 04:10 PM.

Sorry, no images in profiles - Crane

Inappropriate Avatar - Crane

#28 two

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 09:52 PM

uh, to the person that said males can't get raped, you're an idiot.

As i explained to someone else, if you had a gun pointed at your head, and the person, male or female, told you to drop your pants, what would you do???

Unless your a complete imbecile, you'd drop your pants so you wouldn't get shot. As i've been told by other people, they'd rather be dead then be raped, or live with being raped.

As for the rest of this conversation, i will have no part of it.

Good day :)

haha. silly kids, you think you thought of everything.
there's such a thing called performance anxiety disorder, in which the two fluid chambers in the turnip cannot hold blood to properly hold an erection. men get this when they are sober, and feel too much presure to acheive an erection. it happens all the time to men, more often than you'd beieve. this is not connected with premature ejaculation, as the turnip muct achieve erection to get to the point of ejacultion.
possible explanations reside in the amount of adreneline in the blood, which is a known thinning agent. the same results can be found when a dude has had too much beer or does a couple rails of cocaine. these substances thin the blood to a point where acheiving an erection is pretty impossible. but more evidence supports a psychological disfuction, in which the erectile disfunction can best be treated with a cognitive behavioral approach, utilizing a real life desensitization process to yeild the most effective and efficient results.
to get back at the idea of a gun, knife, bomb held to your head, i'm guessing there will be an increase of anxiety, as well as adrenaline. either way, the dude will probably be under a lot of pressure, and will most likely not be able to acheive an erection.
also, the lengths a woman would have to go through to subdue a man appear to be pretty extensive. physical force could be used, but even inebriated, the size difference would have to be great for a woman to man handle a....man. she could get you doped up and then when you awake in her bed chained up, she could have you achieve an erection by physical stimulus (sans gun or other threatening object) and have her way with you, but lets be honest, that only happens in porn movies.
true it is possible for a man to get raped, but to the same extent it's possible to ride a motorcyle on the ocean floor: the amount of effort put into the deed results in an action hardly ever done.
as for anal rape, the problem isn't as large as male-female rape. there is a very small population of women who anally rape men, a fraction of the national population so small, i believe we can discount that as a problem on the same level as male-female rape. Homosexual rape does occur, but in far less numbers than heterosexual rape. this could be due to the lack of reports filed by men (due to the shear embarassment). true, homosexual rape is a growing problem, but the numbers simply don't compare to those of heterosexual stagatory rape. feel free to check rape prevention sources, or even take a class on sexuality (not a high school propoganda class mind you).

so i believe that rape for women is a far greater problem than male rape (excluding the prison system, which is a small population compared to the nation, but it's still a problem). i don't think there should be equal funding for the prevention of male rape as female rape, as i don't believe the problems are of equal size (don't read importance). Just playing the numbers and not testimonials, there are far greater numbers to support heterosexual rape is a vastly greater problem than anal rape, so i omitted that from my argument.
i know you are not arguing which is imoprtant, you said if a gun was held to my head, i would drop trou. yeah, you're right, but it'd be hard as hell to bone a woman, and the chances are slim to none that a dude would do it. so it'd never happen. so in general (a rather large general, even larger compared to women)men don't get raped.

and you kinda contradicted yourself when you said "Unless your a complete imbecile, you'd drop your pants so you wouldn't get shot, " and then followed with "As i've been told by other people, they'd rather be dead then be raped, or live with being raped." so would i be an imbecile and get raped or live and wish i would have died? i didn't know how to respond to that, i think i need more information on what point you were trying to get across.

so yeah, you have a swell day too, kiddo.

#29 Dan

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 10:10 PM

Plain and simple, men have it worse. This is because whereas men struggle to bring home descent money, women can go out and get paid good for...

1. Sexual favors
2. Stripping
3. Just having big boobs
4. A lonly boss who just wants eye candy in the office.
5. etc..

Note: Not all women have to look good for some of those, but for a man to do it, he has to be a regular Chippendales dancer type in the way of looks.

Not trying to come off as being a sexist person, but look at society today. There is a strip club on almost every corner, there are brothells(#####houses) in every 3rd town. A guy who is a drug addict has to come up with money for his drugs, whereas a woman can offer oral payment for hers.

So yea, men have it harder in this aspect.

#30 Dc

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Posted 24 February 2004 - 11:30 PM

even if you get rid of all male and female stereotypes, guys still have it easier....
I believe in the Triune God;God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit.I believe that while I was helpless and sinful, Christ died for me. Therefore, I now have the righteousness of God, old things have passed away and I am a child of God. I cannot be separated from the love of God, Christ lives in my heart by faith and therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been chosen by God and appointed to bear fruit for God. I resist the devil and he flees from me.

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