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Warning For Pet Owners

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#1 Medora

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Posted 28 May 2004 - 10:50 PM

I used an over the counter flea medicine, the kind you put behind your pets shoulders. Within 4 hours I had to take all of my cats to the vet because they were having full body seizures. The product is Hartz brand flea drops, sold by Walmart. Apparently its been on the news here that this product is causing animals, cats and dogs alike, to have severe reactions, such as the full body seizures, and in some cases death. How this product is still on the market is beyond me. I personally dont want anyone to have to experience what I did when I noticed all my cats start seizuring. If you own a pet, you know its heart breaking. I got to the vets office thinking that my kittens had ingested the medicine and it had effected their central nervous system somehow. Well he then informed me that all of his patients that had used this particular product had the same thing happen, and also told me about the news report on it. I was also informed that all of his patients are either sueing the company or demanding reimbursment for the vets bill. You can chalk me up on that list, I will not sit by while a company continues to make a distribute a product that is known to do such horrible things to pets. Im posting this here, as well as another forum I frequent, so that I can get the word out, and save some pet owners some heart ache and vet bills. If I had not gotten my cats to the vet when I did, the vet informed me, they would all be dead.

Do Not buy HARTZ brand flea drops from Walmart!

I know walmart is called something else in england, someone else can post that, and the products probably under a different name, if sold there at all. It can and will cause your pets at the least to seizure, if not die!
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#2 alone

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Posted 28 May 2004 - 11:22 PM

ASDA over here, owned by Walmart.. I'll pop in tomorrow see if I can find anything out - Thanks for the heads up, we used some blue stuff on our cat.

Edited by alone, 28 May 2004 - 11:22 PM.

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#3 Iron_Maiden

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Posted 29 May 2004 - 12:05 AM

Thanks for the warning
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#4 Dan

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Posted 29 May 2004 - 01:53 AM

1) Hartz brands are all no good.

2) Flea and Tick control is alot simpler then having to use products on your animals. I take care of the yard and house thus my pets having no fleas for 7 years running now.

3) A poison that is supposedly safe for pets, should only be bought and approved through your vetrinarian. You can call any vertrinary hospital and the receptionists will even tell you the info they know.

4) A heads up on flea and tick collars: Don't waste your money, they last no longer then a week tops if that long.

I was a Vet Tech for 12 years, went to college for Vet. Med. (dropped out my 3rd year due to reasons I won't explain) so I can alwasy answer questions for you if needed.

#5 Penguin


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Posted 29 May 2004 - 02:21 AM

/me whispers "use heartline".

Penguin whispers "use heartline".

#6 Shane

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Posted 29 May 2004 - 03:18 AM

We dont have fleas here in Utah. They dont care for the dry climate I guess. When me and my wife moved out here from Florida our poor dog had fleas but here he doesnt.
I also heard an old wives tail that garlic will run fleas off, not kill them, but the fumes are supposed to be distasteful to fleas. Never tried it cause the garlic would chase away the pets too. :)

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#7 Squee



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Posted 29 May 2004 - 04:21 AM

...Do you like...crush up the garlic and rub it all over your pet? o_o;

I'm sure your pet will really appreciate that. ^^;
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#8 Penguin


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Posted 29 May 2004 - 04:25 AM

I doubt your pet would care seeing how animals can't appreciate anything....

#9 Medora

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Posted 29 May 2004 - 07:28 AM

I now know not to use anything but what my vet prescribes for my pets lol. Flea prevention is a pretty simple method yes, unless you have 2 outside cats that run the neighborhood. Then keeping your yard doesnt do any good since they are usually in someone elses yard lol.
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#10 Darkling

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Posted 29 May 2004 - 08:27 AM

My grandmother had this teacup chihauhau that had gotten worms, and thought if she force fed the dog whiskey that it would throw them up. Long story short, shes senile and the dog mooseing died so now my family dun allow her to have any pets afraid shes going to turn into the story of the woman putting her dog in the microwave to dry it off x.x
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