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Ðårk Å££ïånçê

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#1 XxDarkAlliancexX

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 03:41 PM

This is my formal resignation from TH. Lawl…. Jk.. I’m posting to say that I am willing to co-operate with TH in alliance to outrival pandemonium.

Anyways, Ðårk Å££Ïånçê is the clan I am resurfacing for a more structural clan enviornment. These are the rules and other procedures that will be applied to the clan.

Rules and Procedures:

First off in DarkAlliance, there will be no talking bad about one another. In all serious this will happen time to time. Because of this founders will act to resolve the issue quickly and warn the violator of a possible boot. We obviously don’t want to lose members over petty matters so it will be asked of you to be as mature as possible.

The clan will be ran in democratic form. Big decisions, such as alliances, enemys, invitation of new members*, ect. will be made by founders. Founders will take in account for what members wish for, what will make the game more fun, and what will be best for the clan in the long run. Leaders and members will have a say in smaller matters that founders will present to vote on either via memo, or possibly a vote of the current players online. Votes that are held online are usually about someone joining or petty issues and will tried to be held with a sizable amount of members online (sorry if you miss a vote). Lastly, if you have any complaints, leave them via memo to DarkAlliance. They will be addressed as soon as possible, and you will be notified the status of the situation.
*Founders or leaders who invite someone without a founders vote be sure to memo me with the name of the person, alt’s names, and the tag they have requested. They will be voted upon at a later date, if the majority of founders says no (not all that likely), then the person you have invited will be removed, so use your judgment wisely.

Clan trips will be ran as regularly as possible. Bosses, ect will be ran within clan, and with co-operation from ally, and possibly neutral and even enemy clans at times. Drops will be randomized for all people that go to boss. We ask if you get random on bigger items, to either keep it, or sell to clannie. The more big drops we have in clan, the better. On drops of lesser value feel free to do with what you like. /pickplayers 1 will be done by person who kills boss.

Donating is not required, yet highly appreciated. The vault will be emptied every time there is enough gold to buy a room. Upon removal of the gold we will use 90% of the donations for rooms and brew runs. The other 10% of the donations will beput aside for a random that is held on a set date that I will leave via clan memo. To be in the random you must donate atleast 10k per week, which will add up to be 40k a month. The random will be held once a month. The pot with just 10 people will be at least 400k. Not to mention all other donations below 35k will be added to this pot as well. So, if you want your donations to go to a fun idea that lets the clan grow, be sure to donate in increments of 35k and smaller. Donations higher than this will go straight to clan house.

This is all I can think of as of now. I will probably make a site with rules and what not on it eventually. Finally if you want to join page me on DarkAlliance (or other alts listed below), Matty on Chaos, or Rob on Astinus. We currently are the only founders of the clan. If you are interested in a founder/leader positions you can request as well. Anyways, peace.

Edited by XxDarkAlliancexX, 13 November 2008 - 03:50 PM.

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#2 XxDarkAlliancexX

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Posted 13 November 2008 - 11:20 PM

membership is open now... didnt intend for people to join for a couple days... but oh well.. things happen...
anyways i just started working on a site and i bought 10 rooms... ill be selling 6 rooms for vaults for 100k each... thats about it...

also the randoming for the 10% of donations is not decided yet, however i decided to ad a extra 25k to the pot a month... if things work well i will raise my contribution a little... dueces

edit:The Ðårk Å££Ïånçê, ranked 3, with score 607, consists of 72 members and 15 rooms:

Edited by XxDarkAlliancexX, 13 November 2008 - 11:22 PM.

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#3 XxDarkAlliancexX

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Posted 15 November 2008 - 11:35 PM

Clan Website

edit:not totally finished but good enough..

Edited by XxDarkAlliancexX, 15 November 2008 - 11:36 PM.

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#4 Tietsu

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Posted 01 December 2008 - 03:33 PM

It's Alec. I'll be getting my net back in a week or so. I have some things to add to your website, PoD of rareish monsters/alchemy things.

#5 Dangerous

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Posted 02 December 2008 - 07:03 PM


#6 Tietsu

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Posted 04 December 2008 - 03:17 PM

This is the best way to updatemy comming back status. >.> - I did some work for a guy that is a producer for NASCAR, he ended up giving me an unprecedented tip, >.> - Other words is, I have the cash, just need to figure out which route to take on what service to get, or pay off.

#7 Dangerous

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Posted 04 December 2008 - 08:49 PM

The sooner the better! =(

#8 Wind


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Posted 03 January 2009 - 06:34 PM

Not bad clan :ph34r: I like to say I don't play much
Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

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