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Llra - Boars Tusk Winecellars

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#1 joanna

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Posted 31 January 2008 - 08:43 PM

Boars Tusk Winecellars.

This is an area joining the Boars Tusk pub, and the story is that a band of rogues have taken over the winecellars underneath the Inn. The landlord is looking for mercenaries to get his prized possesion, a bottle of his ancient vintage wine, and will reward anyone who gets it for him. The story behind the area will progress as the party moves through it.

The Boars Tusk itself will have a small description change, something like 'You hear a voice asking if anyone can help coming from the kitchen to the North'

Go north of the tusk inn and you go to the kitchen. From there you go down to the main area
The whole area is shady, log-to-local, and all monsters bar rats and rugged rouges are KTP in all directions. No monsters follow anywhere.

Boars Tusk Kitchen (Nightmist)- (im sure someone can come up with a better descrip for a kitchen, so i wont put one here)
You can go South to the main part of the inn or Down a dark stairwell
A Waitress Katalina is here with you
(Player attempts to go down with crit higher than L17) - 'Katalina stops you from entering the winecellar. "Im sorry, but the landlord insisted we only hire less experienced merceneries, for fear they might be working with the rogues"'
(Player attempts to enter with a Pacifist) - 'You hear a screaming voice from the landlord in the room above. "I told you to hire mercenaries, not pacifists!"'

Passageway (Boars Tusk Winecellars) - You are in a cold, dark passageway, lit only by the occasional torch. You hear whispers of conversation and the sound of scuttling rats, but it is too dark to see where they came from.
There is a strong smell of wine and sweat in this area, presumably from the many broken bottles lying around the floor
Monsters - Mutant Rat, Rugged Rogue (varies between squares)

Winestore (Boars Tusk Winecellars) - This is a dead end, the far wall covered by a giant keg of wine. The walls are occupied by extensive shelving, containing dusty bottles of wine.
Some of the bottles are empty, some are full. Some are smashed, some are intact. You wonder how the owner keeps track of which bottle contains which wine, for there are no labels on the bottles. However, you notice something drawn on the keg.
/read - various messages, there are 7 of these rooms, each with a different message. Such as 'On this keg is painted a large skull and crossbones, presumable the owner is fond of its contents and wants prospectives thieves to look elsewhere thinking it is poison', and 'This keg has a crude drawing of a manrelieving himself, presumably testament to the low strength of the contents'
Monsters - Keg of Wine

Toolroom (Boars Tusk Winecellars)- This room is unusually well lit, and on its walls are several tools of the trade. Unfortunaly they are almost all rotten, broken or otherwise unusable.
It seems that this room hasnt been used in a while, for there is no door in the doorframe and unless you search thoroughly nothing worth stealing either
Monsters - Green Slime, 4*Rugged Rogue

Storeroom (Boars Tusk Winecellars)- (Locked - The door is securely bolted with 5 seperate chains, and the locks are rusted shut to prevent picking. However the door itself looks pretty rotten, and with the right tool could easily be broken through)
-You are in a small storeroom in the winecellar. Just about everything in here is rotten, and rats scuttle amongst the containers.
Crates, boxes and barrels of random stuff adorn this room, and on the shelves lie axes in various state of repair. The room smells musty from all the mould accumulating on all the wooden products
Monsters - 2*Green Slime, 3*Mutant Rat

Rogue Hideout (Boars Tusk Winecellars) - This hidden passageway must be where the rogues plan thier intrusions. Unlike the winecellar it is well lit, but your presence here hasnt gone unnoticed, as the occupants reach for thier daggers and confront you.
You notice several rogues lying on the floor lifeless. Whether they are acutally dead of just passed out from the copious amount of empty winebottles lying around you wonder, but you dont really have time to check
Monsters - Green Slimes, Rugged Rogues, Rogue Captain

Hoarding Room (Boars Tusk Winecellars) - This is where the rogues keep their booty from thier raids. Bottles and chests fill the room, and at the centre is a large keg made of old wood
This room must have been gradually filled over the years, for it seems the rogues have been raiding shops in Nightmist covertly long before they decided to openly take over the winecellars themselves
/read - You read the date on the keg, and discover to your astonishment the contents are from a vintage long before you were even born! This must be the wine the waitress is wanting
Monsters - Old Keg (invincible), Chest, Coffer, Purple Slime, Rugged Rogue

Secret Passage (Boars Tusk Winecellars) - A secret passage within a secret passage. This however looks like the original part of the hideout, with the second hidden door as extra security.
Unlike the rest of the hideout, there is no wine here, no rats here, all the occupants are sober, and the torches are lit by magic rather than fire.
Monsters - Green Slimes, Purple Slimes, Rugged Rogues, Rogue Shamen

Bottling Room (Boars Tusk Winecellars) - This room contains many bottles, both empty and full. There is also tables and chairs in here, with charts on the table - presumably with plans of the group's next attack.
Again the astonishing thing about this room is how tidy it is. All the bottles are neatly organised, the furniture is in good condition, and the place is well lit.
Monsters - 2*Purple Slime, 3*Rugged Rogue

Underground Entrance (Boars Tusk Winecellars) - An unintresting dark room, although you are sure you can hear something coming from outside that sounds different to the shouting of the rouge gang
You notice the Western wall is made of mud, not stone - and through a small hole you see an underground river!
Monsters - None
(This room is a possible entrance to a follow-on area, which would be very hard and require large numbers of L17 alts.)


Rugged Rogue, as standard
Mutant Rat, as standard
Green Slime - A large pulsating green blob of goo. The Slime it seems to take an intrest in you, and slithers towards you looking for something to eat!
A Green Slime lashed out at you for xx pod
You kill the Green Slime
orc strength, average magic resistance and around 60 pod

Purple Slime - This creature looks similar to the Green Slimes,but is purple... and bigger. You are sure these things are magically created. (same attack/death msg as green variant).
Troll strength, average MR and around 62 pod

Rogue Captain - The leader of this group, the Captain is well armoured and carries a large club. He does not look happy that you have found his hideout.
Troll strength but with around 6* the hp, very high dex and AC but low MR.

Rogue Shamen - The Shamen is the brains of this operation, and also the creator of the green slimes you have faced earlier. You realise that the purples ones are simply adult versions of them. He is wavcing his hands out frantically, building up a massive fireball.
Troll stregth but with around 4*HP, low dex but high MR, attacks with magic, spawns Green Slimes


Stone Axe - This items looks useless as a weapon but might come in handy as a breaking tool (0bd axe)
Empty Winebottle
Bottle of Wine
Bottle of Vintage Wine
Gallian Club - Although this weapon looks dangerous and of fine craftsmanship, it IS still a club, and hence even the most inept of adventurers are capable of using it. (8BD, all classes, lvl1)
Kishmar Cloak - This enchanted cloak is made from scrap materials lying around, then magically hardened to deflect blades. It offers unrivalled protection for young spellcasters. (Stats same as the L20 cleric armour, but usuable at l15 by druids, clerics and mages)


Waitress Katalina - She runs around the kitchen trying to do four jobs at once, but when she sees you she stops to ask a favour.
'Ahh, look! You might be able to help me"
'Down that stairway lies the winecellars for this inn. Everything was fine until one day a band of rogues took over, and attacked anyone that went down there. Where they came from I have no idea!'
'Id gladly bolt planks over the entrance and get our city's High Mage to magically weld the cellar shut, but...'
'The landlords famous vintage wine is down there. It was made by his great-grandfather and passed through the generations, and he insists he will not abandon it. He will reward anyone who can bring even one bottle of the wine back!'
You give Waitress Katalina - Bottle of Wine - 'Oh no, thats not the stuff. Thats just the plain old wine we serve to drinkers here'
You give Waitress Katalina - Bottle of Vintage Wine - 'Oh my! You did it! Here is the reward you were promised'
The reward itself is undecided at the mo (all the items described above are drops or examines). It could be an inv of pots, a gold money order, a scroll of aid, or anything like that.


Part 1


Part 2


Part 3


(sorry about the ascii art, no multimedia on this pc so i cant see proper pictures online)

(total 39 rooms, + kitchen = 40 rooms)

Ive kept the full map (which tells you which room is which), the secrets, examines and monster locations in a seperate map.
If anyone is intrested in making this area, I will send the full version

#2 Sleeping

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Posted 01 February 2008 - 07:30 AM

lol love your maps
Does not play well with others.

#3 himpy

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Posted 23 August 2008 - 05:00 PM

not a bad idea at all

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