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Member Since 02 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Oct 21 2006 06:46 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Healing Party

21 July 2006 - 05:58 AM

Theres aid at lvl 18.. divine restoration on clerics at 27.. juss thought id add on, lol

Yea, I doubt he'd have any clerics that high of a level yet... especially if he doesn't know how to use the basic level ones. He'd figure out the higher end spells, long before he was able to use them.

In Topic: /load [critname] Function

30 June 2006 - 07:13 PM

When most refer to 'uninstall', its usually 'assumed', that you:
Delete the entire directory after uninstallation. Read only files can't be changed/modified/copied over, and I have had several problems with that particular issue, causing some.. strange.. results..
Uninstall > Delete Directory (after saving the macro txt's if you wish, to another folder) > reinstall > update

In Topic: I Need Help,im Computerlly Challenged :(

30 June 2006 - 07:08 PM

nevermind,i fixed it,had to delete a host file.

Dude, you can delete your own threads.... Look near bottom left corner of window, I think's its labeled 'thread moderation options' or something like that.

In Topic: A New Paci Trick.

25 June 2006 - 10:25 AM

And how many alts can 2 PC's run on the same connection? No real change their? But, I know it was before, and 'should' still be now, where a Paci on the same IP, should not be allowed online with normal alts. I have 3 PC's in my room (not sure what 3rd would be for), doesn't mean I have the right, to run a party with a pacifist. Its the whole point of the class.
At one point, a paci could lead a party (by druid/ranger tracking). That is no more. Why? People abused it.
If people are using a paci WITH alts on 2 of thier PC's, that is abuse, and should be dealt with accordingly.
2 people in the same house, should not be running a paci + alts on each comp. Thats the Whole point of WhY they are NOT allowed online with alts. If it was NOT the reason why they couldn't be run together, then they should remove the whole 'not being able to load with normal alts' thing, because, people are just bypassing it. And bypassing is just another word for cheating.

In Topic: H-elf

24 June 2006 - 07:08 PM

Try telling that to all those crazy kids with their halfelf zerkers. And most/all of them don't even have 20 char! Mad world, I tellya ;)

Well, I've seen a lot of the old old characters, that have long been arch's, but have poor stats by comparison to the newer versions. I guess more people are spending their time rolling/selling, than being in a hurry to train.... But.. having the only arch of something, is quite a 'unique' item.....