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Member Since 13 Aug 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 30 2018 12:22 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Hi

09 April 2018 - 08:33 PM

It does seem as though a "few more" people are playing 1alt around 5pm-11pm gmt. As for multi it's harder to judge how many people are on. But I occassionally see some activity on there also. So it's all good stuff

In Topic: Boss Thread

03 April 2018 - 04:59 PM

So I've only been back a couple of days but things have been reasonably busy! (Not sure what got done whilst I was off for 5 days last week)

Shadow Wraith * 2 - Shadow Soul * 2

Spider King - Spider Gauntlets

Banshee - Soul Fragment

Bolted Chest - Gauntlets of Virtue

Hedge Lord - Animated Branch

Crystal Giant - Cracked Vibrating Crystal Shard

Bandit Leader - Embalmed Dagger (Basically a Null, now at 23 kills without a Key!)

In Topic: Boss Thread

23 March 2018 - 07:11 AM

Just before I dashed off for a mini holiday we did a bit of a trip. On Saturday just gone. It was actually quite productive!


Spider King: Gauntlets

Bandit Leader: Null

Giant Hawk: Feather -> Turned into Azure Robes

Olist: Seal of Betrayal

Hedge Lord: Animated branch


Also passed 900mil exp on Magi, which was a mini-bit of an achievement. We managed to do the Hawk and get into Tirantek with just 3 of us.


Ontop of this we "bossed" pun intended. Herald a few times to get some Herald Tokens to level up Boss to 40. But unfortunately couldn't remember where to go to level up! So he's stuck in Tirantek red for level 40.

In Topic: Nightmist Browser Client

20 March 2018 - 07:03 PM

Instead of looking to develop the client as such, why not go down Oracle / Vagrant boxes? Something like what travis does for Open Source repositories? (Although that uses Docker)


Could spin up a VM, run it through your shell, and play, then tear down the box at close.

In Topic: 1A Fighter / Ranger For Multi Gold/items

18 March 2018 - 09:40 AM

Bump. I know someone memo'd me about a Lvl22 Paladin a while back. If that person is still active re-memo me and lets get the trade done. Otherwise if anyone else wants multi stuff totalling around 2.5million let me know. Wanna just clear it all away as I hardly touch it.