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Member Since 04 Jan 2005
Offline Last Active Jan 11 2005 07:24 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Looking For Dungeon Key

09 January 2005 - 10:11 PM

The Bandit Leader is not undead and takes quite a few Expert crits to take him down. If you can't take him on yourself with non-Pacifists, post the fact you require a Dungeon Key in the 'Wanted' board.

Addendum: Or find someone willing to sell one in-game.

They sound expensive that way for a paci

I don't think I'll be able to afford the key for quite some time. :unsure:

In Topic: What Are All The Baddies A Pacifist Can Kill?

07 January 2005 - 07:23 AM

Very detailed... and very helpful I'd imagine :)
I'd imagine you put a lot of thought into it- I myself am a little surprised there are quite so many yellow things on that list ^^

However ... I think putting a big list like that with places as well as names... takes all the fun out of finding them :unsure:

*Charon puts on her rose tinted glasses and remembers people exploring to find things... and moves along*

I was excited by the detail of Crane's post. Though you are right on the game being about exploration.

I was going to quit playing a Pacifist, if there were only a few things I could Kill and do. That is why I asked for a complete list of monsters I could kill.

Crane being so helpful posted this. I can say the locations of the monsters are really helpful, but are spoilers. I could of done with out them, but now that I have this list I'm going to use it as a reference. Thanks again Crane.

Next time I ask for help I will see If I could get more general help, instead of risking getting spoilers. Though I do believe some information is essential to keep others interested, like me B)

In Topic: What Are All The Baddies A Pacifist Can Kill?

05 January 2005 - 06:11 AM

Wow! Thanks Crane. I didn't think there would be so many :unsure:

In Topic: Pacifists And Clans.

04 January 2005 - 08:53 AM

My thoughts.

I've been playing a Pacifist for a little time now. I Don't know if they should be able to join clans or not. I do think since they can not join clans they should be able to have their own home. To be able to have their own chat and place to call home. I feel so segregated from everyone playing a pacifist.

On another note. I believe Pacifists should be abled to get PKed. What are they Gods. Since they can't fight, and if they could get PKed, I believe only certain times, places, crits could PK them.

Get rid of those dumb spells that destroy the fun of playing for other people
-Subdue and Justice Zone- I can understand trying to help people not get PKed
but to take away the ability of another wanting to PK. Pacifists could make a lot
of enemies.

enough of that. My only real thought, little off topic for this discussion, is Pacifists need to be more part of the game, more part of the society of Nightmist. Why even have a class of Pacifist if they are not a real part of Nightmist but just a big joke.

I need a life,
Stacie :unsure: