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#1 Bean

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Posted 30 March 2004 - 06:14 AM

((Ok, Im going to be starting a story here, and I'll write it while im waiting for the unconventional healing one to get along. I need permission to use some character names Etc etc. So Write on this topic, write what your characters name is, and how you would like them introduced. If it doesnt matter just describe them, and I'll try to fit it in, thanks. Keep in mind, this is not open. This is storytime by bean /smirk))

A faint grunt sounded as Talar struck the training dummy with his schimitar "Krash'Tal" He swung high with a powerful downward arc in the arm of the training dummy. The should of the dummy splintered and with another quick upward thrust Talar had cut the arms clear off the dummy.

"Enough, You have learned much in the past few months here Talar, You are a skilled Swordsman no doubt about it, Shall we move onto the range to test your archery?" The voice came from an old man leaning heavily on a cane to the side of the small arena containing the dummy. The old man, Name Nilshar, Had once been a legendary swordsman, and archer, but now Talar suspected that all the man could do was lean on that cane of his and grunt out instructions. The old man wasnt fat, he was lean, and muscular just like Talar himself, Seeing as they were both of Half Elven descendance. The old man had dark brown eyes that seemed to catch the whole world, and everything in it, and examine it. His hair, while thinning still held some of the natural elven shine, and was very long. His face was wrinkled as if little valleys had formed on his face over tim, and rivulets of sweat worked their way through those valleys. It was hot out today... Very hot... Unnaturally hot.

"Fair enough old man, I only wish I could have acctually learned from you while you were in your prime, what an experience that would've been" Talar joked like this often with Nilshar, and Nilshar rarely replied with anythin different. Today was not a let down.

"Get to it you young pup or i'll take after you with my cane!" He yelled in mock anger while brandishing his cane like some sort of stick of the gods.

"Yes yes, Which will I be shooting at today for my test." Talar seemed almost uninterested. With good reason too, He had not come to learn Archery from the old man, he was already naturaly gifted with that, not to mention his bow was one of a kind. He liked to call it SwiftWind, seeing as no wind nature could conjure would take the arrow off its course, all Talar had to do was point the arrow where it had to hit, and let fly. He was a master marskman almost unequaled.

"That one" The old man smirked as he point to something in the distance.

"You can't be serious" Talar blurted as he spotted what Nilshar had been pointing at, A small apple placed at the base of the cliff beyond the compound. It was at least 200 meters away, and that was at the minimum. It was an impossible target to hit, and Talar said so "You are a fool old man, no one can hit that, no one can even make an arrow fly that far"

With that Nilshar grunted in anger and said "Fair enough pup, I have a man out there to replace the apple anyhow, Now watch you little devil, and dont distract me." He grabbed SwiftWind from Talars grasp before he could even think to clutch it close. "Its only fair we both use the same bow" The old man sneered.

As nilshar took aim, Talar was overtaken by amazement, the old mans movements had become sure, and swift. They had purpose behind them, purpose that could be deadly at a moments notice. Suddenly Nilshar let the arrow fly and a sharp whizzing was heard for a split second. Almost as if he had fired a bee from the bow. Talar watched the path of the arrow as it sailed towards the apple. As the arrow struck the apple it exploded into a million pieces leaving almost nothing behind. Talar was amazed, and he wasnt trying to hide it.

"Oh my god.... how... how could you possibly..." His jaw hung slack, and his arms had lost all strength to them.

"Practice, practice young pup, now you do it." He handed SwiftWind back to talar, and guided his aiming, then commanded "Now draw, hold steady, and release"

Talar did so, and was amazed to see his arrow fly so far. The arrow made the same whizzing sound as it left the bow, and continued on almost the same flight path, striking the rock the new apple was sitting on. The arrow itself shattered into bits.

"Good, good, now this time, dont tremble, and do not think about your shot, Feel the shot"

Talar aimed once more, this time without nilshars guidance, and just as he pulled the drawstring back it was if something had clicked inside of him. He could see the flight path the arrow needed to make, and could feel the exact way he needed to hold the bow to make it reach its intended destination. Without hesitation he lifted the bow, pulled the drawstring, and sent the arrow whizzing. More loudly than ever before. The arrow struck true, and not only blew the apple to bits, but kocked a chunk of the rock underneath off.

"That is the power of your bow, and your own arm, never underestimate it again, promise me that" Nilshar seemed oddly insistant that Talar should udnerstand this lesson. Almost urgent.

"Yes, of course, I will never forget friend" Talar used the word friend to describe Nilshar, he only used the word when he was gravely serious. As he was now.

((Talar is my character if you dont know by now. I havent described him yet, because there is no need yet, he will be described after this next scene. Suggestions, etc etc are welcome feel free to post them.))
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It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#2 Deval

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Posted 05 April 2004 - 04:26 AM

Well come on then, on with the story!
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#3 Bean

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Posted 05 April 2004 - 04:40 AM

Yeah yeah, I will write more, but only when it comes to me, I hate to plan a story.... takes all of the flair, and surprises out of it. I just read my initial post, and even I was interested in what would happen next.... :)
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It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#4 rebo

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Posted 13 April 2004 - 01:58 AM

wait.....so only u r making it up?

#5 Charon

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Posted 13 April 2004 - 02:11 AM

wait.....so only u r making it up?

Yep :blink:
'Storytime' is Bean's domain, and we all wait patiently and consider throwing heavy objects at him to make him tell us what happens next

*Charon digitises her computer desk, picks it up... goes to hunt for her friend Bean* :)
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#6 Bean

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Posted 13 April 2004 - 02:57 AM


Ok ok! I get tommorow Off work, More on the story tommorow. Promise.
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It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#7 Charon

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Posted 13 April 2004 - 03:05 AM

*Charon puts the desk down and smiles happily* :blink:
*Charon goes back to sit in the 'Storytime' Corner*

Edit: You erm... you do know I was kidding right? The little " :) " gave that part away right? ^^;;
I wasn't trying to rush you or anything- I know inspiration can't be rushed.
That said... have a good day off work tomorrow

Edited by Charon, 13 April 2004 - 03:06 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#8 Bean

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Posted 13 April 2004 - 03:26 AM

Heh, I was acctually just waiting for a day off to continue. It may be a long second installment.
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It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#9 Charon

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Posted 14 April 2004 - 01:19 AM

But books arent normally written by people you vaguely know ^^
And... online stories written by people have the advantage of being unique and 'uncensored' in that they arent manipulated by countless editors before you get to read them.

And they're free :)

Note: The remark here is assosciated with an unneccessary remark that I have now deleted. It was simply posted to disrupt condusiveness of this thread ~ Deval

Edited by Deval, 14 April 2004 - 01:30 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#10 green_mantis

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Posted 14 April 2004 - 07:07 PM

If you need a character bean you can use this one

Nestalfos is a young necromancer, around the age of 17. He is never without his pet, a Homunculis that he created named Bob. (Bob stays on his shoulder)
Eyes: left: green, right: blue
uses a shortspear.
wears a red tunic and black pants. He owns a black cloak that he can use to turn himself invisible at will.
He is accomplished at conjuring things but lacks social skills.
he has short, silver hair. he has a ruddy appearance.

If you want him, use him, if not...well, if not, dont use him.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#11 rebo

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Posted 15 April 2004 - 01:56 AM

Well, this doesn't really have anything to do with the story thing, but i figured I should ask someone who knows what there doing. How hard is it for a newb to start a new story (with other people writing in it too)?

sorry for the inconvienience (or whatever its called)

#12 Bean

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Posted 15 April 2004 - 02:00 AM

Not hard at all, Just do what squee did on his other topic. *read his first post, and then figure out what you wanna do for yours*

Then just let everyone know its open, and other people can join.
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It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#13 rebo

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Posted 16 April 2004 - 01:06 AM

ok cool ill try it. it will propabably end up being gay though....im not good at writing

#14 Squee



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Posted 16 April 2004 - 02:24 AM

Not hard at all, Just do what squee did on his other topic. *read his first post, and then figure out what you wanna do for yours*

((Hey! Don't make it sound like I don't plan out these things! T_T

Some things happen exactly like I plan in my RP's!))
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#15 Bean

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 02:59 AM

((Well, Finally, Im getting around to furthering the story, huzza!))

As Talar awoke he could already sense something was wrong. Usually when Talar awoke he was greeted with the sight of the old man staring down at him, his crooked grin always at ready, but this morning there was only silence... No not silence, there was sound however faint that might be.

What IS that sound... I have heard it before...

With a quick stun of realization Talar realized what he was hearing. Fire. As he rushed out of his bed, and gathered his schimitars and Swiftwind he could smell the acrid smoke the compound gave off as it burned. Stepping out into the hellish firestorm all Talar could see was fire, It had totally engulfed the entire compound. Even his room had now started fire. As he glanced around, he saw Nilshar, standing near the center of the compound. Looking as if he were ready for battle, and battle it was, because even as Talar though to call out to the old man an arrow pierced the old mans chest knocking him to the ground.

"NILSHAR!!! NO!!!"

As he started towards the old man a roar of fire cut him off, and Talar watched in horror as the fire consumed the old mans corpse. Tears of anger, and remorse welled up in Talar's eyes, making them sting even more. His anger was almost absolute, driving him into a berserker frenzy. In on swift motion Talar had retrieved Swiftwind from his back, and notched an arrow in it. He now searched for his target, the archer who had struck down Nilshar.

Zzzzzing! The arrow sounded off of a rock near Talar, and he realized the archer had found him first. His only chance was to run, put as much distance between him and the archer as possible, and cover his back while doing it. He re-placed the bow on his back, along with the arrow into his quiver, and started a quick sprint to the gates of the compound drawing his twin schimitars as he did so.

Whzzzzzzzzzz The sound of the arrow coming at him was faint, but oh so clear in his ears, and in on swift motion he dropped and sliced in dual upward arcs cutting the arrow into three pieces. Talar regained his footing, and continued his sprint to the gates. As he reached them he could hear the sound of feet, many feet. They were coming towards the gate, and Talar's only way out was into the waiting hands of the enemy.

Let them have only what they can take... I will not give in as quietly as they please.

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The bloodcurdling battle cry came from some hidden reserves Talar had not even known he possessed. He unlatched the gates of the compound, took a few steps back, dropped his should and barreled through the gates knocking them open wide. This motion caused the soldiers nearest the gate to fall, as they had just been about to open the gates themselves.

A battle frenzied Talar was upon them before they could think of anything to do, or even knew what had just come charging through those gates. With three quick swings Talar had disarmed two men, and decapitated a third. The remaining soldiers *Talar counted about 15 at least* were slow in circling thier 'Prey'. As they started to circled Talar simply launched himself towards the nearest man, neatly slicing the tip of his halberd, along with the mans arm at the elbow with his second schimitar. The man screamed, tossing himself backwards, and causing even more dissaray among the soldiers. Talar once again took advantage of his frenzied state, as well as the confusion of the soldiers. Flashings of steel, and bodies landing with wet thuds followed closely behind the flailing soldier. Only four soldiers remained.

What am I DOING!? Talar thought to himself, as his frenzied state finally wore itself thin. He began to think rationally once more, and decided against fighting the remaineder of the soldiers. With a quick slice, the soldier nearest to him was disarmed, and Talar bowled the man over as he dashed onto the road behind the man. Turning to see if the soldiers had followed him, Talar was dissappointed to see they indeed had taken chase after him. With a sigh, and a small muttering of 'Fools' He sheathed his dual schimitars, and lifted his bow from his shoulders. Whipping an arrow out of the quiver, and notching it in less than a split second, Talar let his first arrow fly. It caught the man directly in the throat, and caused him to fall to his knees. Talar could hear the man choking on his own blood, the gurgling making him almost sick. He could not stop though, he must defeat them before they had a chance to defeat him. He notched yet another arrow, and let it fly at a second soldier. This arrow caught the man directly in the eye, sending him flying backwards, already dead before he hit the ground. The remaining two soldiers faltered in their pursuit, but did not give it up completely.

'You fools will not die today, You will go back to your masters, and tell them, tell them I WILL NOT rest until I have their heads. They will suffer for the crimes they commited today!' With those words Talar summoned all of his concentration, and rapidly pulled four arrows from his bow. He launched first one, and a split second later another, then another, and finally the last. The arrows struck the soldiers only centimeters above their knees, causing them to fall, but not injuring them mortally.

'Count yourselves lucky, But remember this, If my message is not delivered I will dispatch you as well when I come for your masters' Saying these words made Talar shudder ever so slightly. What was he doing, what was he getting himself into.

Talar turned his back to the compound, and started to run along the road, not knowing where he would go, or even why he continued to move....

((If this isnt that good, please forgive me... There is a DVD on in the same room as me, and the title music is playing in a loop... Its VERY distracting. Anywho, enjoy))
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It's so exciting I need to poo~Deval

#16 Squee



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Posted 19 April 2004 - 09:00 PM

((Awesome! I want to read more. XD ...Also...poor Talar. :) Someone needs a hug!))
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#17 green_mantis

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Posted 20 April 2004 - 03:20 AM

((The poor kid might just need a friend or at least a travelling buddy))
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

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