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Ok Something Has To Be Done

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#1 §møké

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 03:47 AM

ok you can all say iam a baby and iam crying and whining cause i got owned by someone ingame or wth ever you want to say, roll out i dont get a damn

iam sick and tired of this bs where the game is all about how fast of an internet you got and computer and how many friends you got ok for example which is one reason why iam posting this

ok tonight i logged on boss checkers, was doing my checks, found the hl in and no one even in dendeya that i could see me and cousin go to it and there is someone geting ready aswell(heading to it at the same time as us i assume) ok so they're like ok MS are you all ready to get owned?

ok eventually it ends up to me and cody siting there on jon's chars and if not mistaken one other person came from clan, that was all that was on atm ok now somehow we end up with UR, Crypt, and i think a mutual clan there and one more enemy(maybe one more enemy not sure) ok there is like 60 red's vs our lil like 20 now you cant say we suck or any bs like that cause iam just as good as any of you other people, personally my problem is i cant afford a better internet and computer, so my max char limit is like 6 plus i lag really bad when alot of ppl arround so dont even bring me into this part

ok in a normal game, any game that i know of like this one it involves SKILL, INTELLIGENCE, AND COMMON SENCE. well guess what ladies and gentlemen, much of our nightmist population has lost most of that, not saying all, there are some very very respected people on here, but seriously ppl like to talk nuts and boom all of sudden they got 50 friends arround them to kill just lil ol you and why is that? cause they know good and well, it doesnt matter how much skill you have on the game or knowledge, if you got 20 nutsy rangers or zerks or fighters vs 10 good ones the good ones are screwed cause their out numbered. personally i would like to see that the limit is set to 10 instead of 20

this in turn would limit the ability of people being to solo any major boss, and the game would be on a fairer basis cause they would then of course use their brains and decide what equipment to buy for the characters they allready have instead of how many more characters they can buy example: druid is a very good class for skill, because of the many ways you can use a druid in a duel but on the other hand a berserker is simple as hell 1click and hold down pots, woot omg you have you make on choice!! hmm smite or berserk? omg such a brain buster now there is nothin wrong with that for the people that simply like it like that, personally i like using zerkers in events BUT if the limit was set to only 10 then the fact still remains people would have a reason to gang up on each other, and would need their friends to help them do something because the game would take that much more skill, not that much more characters

now you can flame on this all you wont i dont give a rats ass but ive said what i wanted to say and its over, now FLAME ON

#2 Tyler

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 04:04 AM

Well, only thing I can say here because I can't understand most of it is you have to deal with it.

Many people will get friends. If you go towards a fight, that isn't their fault they had reinforcements. Happened to me many of times, but I'm still here and doing just fine.

Better luck next time I guess?

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#3 deadman

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 04:12 AM

Alright let me run this here....

I was the first to see the HL in.. I got on 10 crits.. myself.. and came.. MS and UR were there before me... i got in a battle with MS beat them down.. then my friend from dynasty came to help as you guys got more on me.. then someone from MS hit an ran me invis until a paci came.. so the UR person never got involved.. it was me on 10 and my friend on 8.. so was 18 on however many you had... the alt limit is fine.. learn to fight with the numbers you have.. i did it..
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#4 AnEskimo

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 04:31 AM

Join a strong clan that will back you thats all I can say.

Hook up with lost cause, we'll support you against anyone.
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#5 Gaddy

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 04:52 AM

I'm tired of hearing people cry about being killed, especially when they rant about how Nightmist is a game.
Where is the logic there?
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#6 draykill

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 04:57 AM

Shut up you pansy. (Directed at Smoke)

Edited by draykill, 29 April 2006 - 04:59 AM.


#7 combusta

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 07:17 AM

rofl, MS noob got OWNED and now hes crying, kinda funny

ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#8 Raylen


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Posted 29 April 2006 - 07:37 AM

Just to add...some people see your chairwoman as maybe having a bit of an attitude about her. So when there's a chance to kill some of her clan, people will gang up and waste you. Even if you are only on 6 crits or whatever, lol.

It's interesting, because Karla/MysticStorm has enough high level crits to put up a good fight, as far as I can see...but the majority of the rest of MS don't...so when she winds people on clan thread, you lot end up suffering for it.

In reference to the original post...just deal with it lol. Or else people will be more likely to want to kill you again ;)
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#9 Prophet

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 08:39 AM

Don't steal and there won't be a queue of ppl to kill you.
Si Senior!

#10 Pandilex



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Posted 29 April 2006 - 10:18 AM

Wait for nm2. First release should be in a few months.
If you build it, they will come.

#11 alone

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 11:34 AM

Let me direct you here..

Edited by alone, 29 April 2006 - 11:34 AM.

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- AfterAll


#12 Wind


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Posted 29 April 2006 - 11:59 AM

M.S crying.. ;)
Cry me a river!

Character Name: Wind on both servers!

#13 combusta

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 04:11 PM

Let me direct you here..


ah the intelligence of combusta, the envy of all nightmist players...

o shut up tony

#14 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 04:14 PM

LMAO Nice one there ALone ;)
Disaster ingame.

#15 §møké

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 06:00 PM

Alright let me run this here....

I was the first to see the HL in.. I got on 10 crits.. myself.. and came.. MS and UR were there before me... i got in a battle with MS beat them down.. then my friend from dynasty came to help as you guys got more on me.. then someone from MS hit an ran me invis until a paci came.. so the UR person never got involved.. it was me on 10 and my friend on 8.. so was 18 on however many you had... the alt limit is fine.. learn to fight with the numbers you have.. i did it..

ok you think you was the first, i think i was the first, now WHO WAS THE FIRST? NO ONE KNOWS so dont even try that bs and yes more was attacking than you've said

rofl, MS noob got OWNED and now hes crying, kinda funny

omfg iam so going to leave this gd clan, everyone is stereo typing cause iam in a clan omfg ill leave then you can another nightmist person is crying?

Don't steal and there won't be a queue of ppl to kill you.

your about retarded, what did i steal?

#16 Trevayne

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Posted 29 April 2006 - 06:18 PM

Ah, flamebait. It tastes crunchy, but gets soggy in milk far too quickly.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

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