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Member Since 27 Dec 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2008 11:30 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Too Much Tecton?

26 February 2008 - 10:10 PM

/nod Crane. Yeah he is good staff and seems like a good guy... Least he is around and always acting cool so far... Moshes are getting a little much but heh it happens. Constructive Criticism Tecton... We love you but the moshes are too much! I actually like the idea of the staff comments though..

In Topic: Juan

19 November 2007 - 03:41 AM

Wow... Ok so this is late but whatever.... Hey Juan sorry to see you go... I havnt been on in a while but I was just about to go check out the 1-alt so I thought id check the forums when I saw this... Wow its been a while... I remember WAY back when I was like 13 and I joined Painful Addiction... I brought Heather into the clan (Before I pissed her off ;) ) and learned alot from you guys... You, Josh and Rick all told me I had crappy stats to but I didnt care I was a stubborn little kid and never listened... (I should have) I loved that clan I had alot of fun there and miss the old days..... I think I still have you on my MSN so I will say whats up.... (Oh yeah Heather and all the people I pissed off when I played sorry lol... I hope you understand that I was just a little kid :ph34r:) anyways good luck with life your son is a handsome guy... (Last time I saw a pic on Tanya's myspace.) Later.