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A Mage Tweak

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#1 lowmion

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 11:42 AM

i've posted this in other parts of the forum, and so apologise to those who read the forum in its entirety, and have thus seen this b4, but it fits into this 1 as well:-

If you God type's or sysop's, (which-ever you prefer), want to change something in relation to the mage class, just to 'tweak' them a little, why not make them a TRUE magical class.

Which if you think about it, that is what they really are, as a mages best offense/defense is magic /casted by self on self and no other.

Unlike the other hybred class's such as druids, rangers and clerics; mages are reliant on magic, a mage has no real physical armor, nor any realistic physical weaponary.

As mages beam is a weapon using magic to focus etc on victim to cause incredible amounts of damage, I suggest mages and only mages, be 'tweaked' to allow their primary magic attack, (ie beam), damage any monster even those that spells cant affect, ie Crystal Giant,

Now before you all inundate me with cry's of but what about 'cleric this' , and 'ranger that', etc, etc, etc, all those other class's are hybred's - not true creatures of magic and only magic, and rely on physic armor and physical weapons as primary defense/offense,

And i'm sure almost all who've leveled from lvl 1-25+ by self on a mage would agree that this would be a tweak on an accepted given, not something new.

So what you all think?


#2 Silverwizard

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 05:52 PM

Your spamming the forum, please it is annoying, 3 posts of the same thing.... not needed.
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#3 THC

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 06:50 PM

You (Silverwizard) telling people Mages suck all over the forum is not needed. I Mainly a mage user totally disagree. Only thing Mages need is a Mana reduction for spells.
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#4 Poison

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 07:16 PM

Even with lower mana costs I don't think would be enough for mages. They would still be getting clicked left right and centre. They still won't do enough damage to dent anything substantially. They would still be resisted and fizzled too much.

Also I can't see beam being lowered in mana cost, to be less than Aid or Divine Restoration so mages actually have a chance against healers. Bearing in mind Aid for pally's is about 60/70 and 80/90 for clerics, and Divine Restoration is about 90/100. A beam only does about 50 depending on wisdom, which is mainly 18+ on most crits now. More would still need to be done, however, lowering mana costs would be a start.

Edited by Poison, 27 March 2004 - 07:16 PM.

#5 THC

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 10:50 PM

Being clicked is a mages downfall. Low hp etc. It's always been that way.
I can duel 2 arch rangers no pots/mana and win. But yes, with clerics using 7 MP to use divine restoration.. its almost impossible to kill one. But isnt it that way with just about everyclass vs a cleric? I agree Mages do need some changes, but try using an arch mage fully equipped before posting suggestions.

As far as Mages and CG, I dont think thats really needed. lol They can hit it with an Auric Staff now. But as far as other magical weapons, ie Christmas Blade/Cobalt (Not enchanted bow) should work on the Spider King.
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#6 lowmion

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Posted 27 March 2004 - 11:46 PM

the point i was trying to make is simple,

a mage's primary weapon is a magic attack, and as such is therefore a weapon, not like cleric's spells which are meant to heal not destroy,

the very description of beam explains why it should be physical magic attack as well as non-physical,

and if mana costs are reduced then every 1 will lvl up mages, so keep the costs high, to keep arch mages rare, and yes a spell equal of divine restore in damage/heal for arch's would be good, but i was only suggesting a tweak, not another same old same old about rehashed stuff.

lol :)

ps /t silverwizard suffer :blink:

#7 Silverwizard

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Posted 28 March 2004 - 01:43 AM

I personally like the fantasy genre simply for mages almost and ask people who know me, fantasy is my favourite genre. The thing is, this is nightmist, if you have a mage they are going ot be killed by anything and have dispell to weaken your spelled up opponents and also invis to hide, otherwise they will suck, I am getting cynical, I have worked hard for my mage, but nothing is ever listened to.
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#8 lowmion

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Posted 28 March 2004 - 03:12 AM

The thing is, this is nightmist, if you have a mage they are going ot be killed by anything and have dispell to weaken your spelled up opponents and also invis to hide, otherwise they will suck, I am getting cynical, I have worked hard for my mage,

um I do agree that some things about mages need to be made equal such as beam costing 17 mana but only doing 50-70 damage on gnolls where as clerics etc mana cost for 7 and heal for 90, but hey MAGES DONT SUCK !!

This has been my main crit right from the third time i pressed reroll a year ago, it's also my first crit ever,
I rolled a thief to use as a pack mule when this was lvl 15 the thief is now
lvl 26 1/5th, and the mage only lvl 27.

The clans i've been in are all good ppls, who understand the drawbacks of lvling mages and help as a clan to be a clan,

Pk'rs are getting further apart in successfull assassinates, and i can now kill those who fail,

So why do you think Mages Suck, i reckon they rock, few tweaks needed maybe, but as a whole lotsa fun, keep them hard to lvl thus keeping arch mages rare, but like Aeon said when they get to arch they should own or was it pwn? who started that stupid thing anyways (the pwn) ?

Have ya sold ya arch mage Silverwizard? or didnt ya ever bother to take the time to lvl 1 from scratch to arch?
and if ya still got it then sell it to some1 who'ld appreciate a mage as it is !!


#9 Sneaky

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Posted 28 March 2004 - 03:21 AM

Mage changes needed:
1. Offensive Spell in between Shock and Flame
2. Lower Mana Costs
3. If mana costs aren't lowered, increase mana gained every (whatever) seconds from 2 to 3
4. Increase damage of each spell slightly
5. Spell after Beam for arch
6. Intel count for more (Make Cats Eye Amulet worth it)

Thats all I can think of now... Arch mages should be feared, yet difficult to train.... A way to combine #2 and 3 are to have the amount of mana gained increased with level, such as: From level 1-10-> 1 gained, 11-20-> 2 gained 21-30-> 3 gained.
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#10 Squee



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Posted 28 March 2004 - 03:34 AM

I, personally, have levelled mages to level 1 all through 30. On top of that, I didn't have the luxury of alts. I tend to train alone since I know that it's bothersome to have a party member who is constantly needing mana and heals.

I'll agree with you when you say the difficulty of training mages is what makes them fun. I can only train mages since the other classes...well, they bore me. Mages keep me on my toes.

I'll also agree with you when you say mages "don't suck." I've won duels I never thought I had a chance in with my mage (fully equiped with AoP and other goodies, mind you).

However, I hate how mages are only about killing right now - killing and making people invisible. I want to see mages act like mages, not like savages. Mages should be respectable and, as such, they should have wide multitude of spells at their disposal. I don't even care if these spells are "powerful" or not. I just want to be able to do a wide range of things instead of "beam, beam, beam, beam, invisible."

I guess what I'm trying to say is...yes, I agree with some of what you're saying. Mages aren't absolutely terrible. However, they aren't absolutely great, either.
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#11 Silverwizard

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Posted 28 March 2004 - 11:13 PM

My mage refuses to lvl past lvl 22, I have been trying for a long time, and I am losing any confidence mages are ok.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

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#12 lowmion

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Posted 29 March 2004 - 03:25 AM

/t sneaky
That point made about the mana recharging thats a very good 'tweak', it wouldnt cause too much hardship to be put on other class's, but would allow a mage to be more useful, you should do a poll on that and see if it will convince JLH to in include it in future Mage adjustments.

/t silverwizard
if you're having so much trouble with your mage, i'll train with you untill you get to lvl 23, it is boring at times but it depends on your dedication to your crit.

and of course the lag factor,

/t squee
Apart from curing noobs from being drunk, what does dispell do? I've not yet found any other use for it..... :)

#13 Silverwizard

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Posted 29 March 2004 - 03:40 AM

I was dedicated to the char, but I am starting to lose it, I have been on a Paci mostly, its all good, I have just given up on mages so meh, eventually I will lvl silver again, once I get a lvl 30 or 10 to defend 'im.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

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#14 Squee



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Posted 30 March 2004 - 12:11 AM

/t squee
Apart from curing noobs from being drunk, what does dispell do? I've not yet found any other use for it..... :)

I didn't mention dispell once.

What I was saying was that mages need to be able to do a wide range of things. Dispell is a step (a small one but a step none-the-less) in the right direction.
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