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#1 Xlithan


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Posted 06 April 2004 - 09:45 PM

How many of you are sick and tired of hearing about how somebody lost their stuff due to sharing, and getting ripped off?

well i for one definately am. So, in desperation to stop hearing about it all the time in the leaving/returning forum, what are your ideas for doing something to the game that will stop people from sharing accounts?

it really is annoying when i hear crap like.... "omg!!11 i was sharing with some guy, and he stole my stuff" or... "me and my bum chum had a petty fall out and now he wont give me my stuff!!! THATS IT..I'M QUITTING!!!"

/shrug :)

Remember, assigning a specific IP to an account wont work, as people's IP addresses sometimes change.


this might work...

assign the IP address to the account on signup, and make sure an email is put in. Everytime the IP changes, you can have nightmist send you an activation code to your email, you can then put in the activation code, and the client will assign your new IP.

This shouldn't be a problem as every month, more and more people are upgrading their internet connection, and soon, there will be no more 56k modems out there.

#2 PureMourning

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Posted 06 April 2004 - 09:59 PM

How about everytime you see a title of a thread that has relations to a sharing/theft issue, just not click on it?

I share with someone, been sharing for I don't know how long anymore. And we both know nothing will happen. It's just the dumb people who share with people cause' they think about all the cool stuff that they'd get access to, then greed hits them. They're merely not completely sure.
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#3 Xlithan


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Posted 06 April 2004 - 10:01 PM

ahh yes, i don't have to click it and read it, but we should be working to prevent theft, not ignoring it.

#4 Vodka

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Posted 06 April 2004 - 10:10 PM

Uh, if you personally don't like sharing... then don't. Just because you have problems with it doesn't mean that others will.
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#5 Kharybdis

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Posted 06 April 2004 - 10:43 PM

I agree with PureMourning and Vodka.

Sharing is purely optional, so anyone who chooses to share should just deal with the potential consequences on their own. They know the risk they're taking when they choose to share account(s).

Edited by Kharybdis, 06 April 2004 - 10:44 PM.

#6 alone

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Posted 06 April 2004 - 10:52 PM

Sharing is purely optional, so anyone who chooses to share should just deal with the potential consequences on their own.

The main point here, is that people don't deal with it themselves, they feel the whole of NM cares that they've been stupid (yes, I share accounts :) But he never plays, and I'm not the sort to cry).

I do however, dislike the idea. I know many people who play NM from multipul locations, and it'd be awkward to keep having to 'activate' your account at work, then home, then work, then home etc etc..
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#7 Xlithan


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Posted 06 April 2004 - 10:52 PM

Uh, if you personally don't like sharing... then don't. Just because you have problems with it doesn't mean that others will.

no... thats the thing, im NOT having problems with it, other people ARE! lol.

what im doing is trying to help, not make things worse

Edited by Squiggle, 06 April 2004 - 10:52 PM.

#8 Hatchet Crew

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Posted 06 April 2004 - 11:03 PM

I share and have for quite some time and have never had a problem if i see a thred that even looks like a thread about stealing i don't even go near it. I don't like this idea at all. It is not theft at all. If somone lets somone share then by then they automaticly knowingly give that person the access to do what ever they choose to your crits. Me and my acc partner are in total understanding of whats mine whats his and who controlls what. If i need sumthing of his i ask or replace it. Same with him. Some don't work this way i know but alot more do. You just dont hear about them. I totally disagree with you squiggle

And by making this thread you bring yourself to the level of those who cry about having there accounts stolen. I ask that this topic be locked or tossed because it is no diffrent than a post on losing crits due to sharing.

Edited by Hatchet Crew, 06 April 2004 - 11:05 PM.

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#9 Deval

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Posted 06 April 2004 - 11:26 PM

I believe Squiggle had the best intentions for this thread, as sharing is, as stated a million times by the administrators of the game, not supported AT ALL. The ones you are all so fast to flock to, so that you may throw flowers before their feet, yet you blatantly ignore what they say.

I have already locked a thread that was related to people complainign about being jacked while sharing, and I promise you all - Any threads posted involving complaints of people being ripped off due to sharing will be removed IMMEDIATELY. You've been told not to do it - therefore if you choose to continue with the activity, well then suffer the consequences in your own stupid isolation.

This thead will now be locked, as any discussion regarding alt usage between players results in mindless flaming and agression, aside from the fact that the issue of sharing has been covered in more posts than there is cow pats in a paddock.
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