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Mandrake's Coliseum

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#1 Trevayne

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 10:14 PM

This is an attempt to draw some additional gold out of the playerbase and to provide some entertainment and interst without providing substantive in-game rewards. My thanks to Sleeping, Mistical_Aura, and Zalia who helped to put together this idea.

The short idea: Introduce a new arena-style area to Arilin in which players could pay to fight a number of existing in-game bosses, such as the Spider King, Blue Dragon, or Imhotep. The cost for a ticket to fight simpler bosses like the Crystal Giant would be low (~20k) while harder, rarer bosses like Imhotep would be more expensive (~80-100k). Tickets would allow your party (and only your party) entrance to a single-room arena where you would fight an arena boss. These arena bosses would have the same statistics as their real counterparts, but would drop only small amounts of gold (~2-5k) and a token specific to the boss. They would not drop their normal items (no way to get SGs this way). Multiple tokens could be redeemed for small carnival style prizes, which would have no armor or stat mods.

Benefits (why people would pay gold to do this):

-- Who wouldn't want a Imhotep locket (just two Imhotep tokens!) or a Spider King plush doll (yours for only ten SK tokens!)?

-- Inexperienced players could use this as an opportunity to try to battle bosses that are difficult to find and/or currently dominated by more experienced players.

-- Experienced players could use this as a testing ground for strategies against more difficult bosses. Can you really solo the blue dragon yet?

-- We suck gold out of the economy and replace it with collectable items which have no significant impact on game play.

Background story:

As the occupation of Arilin continued, the common folk began to chafe more and more under the iron rule of King Housmeld. But the King was no fool... he could see the anger and hatred growing in the peasantry, and he knew that there was no direct way to address their discontent. He needed a distraction. A public spectacle of such immense proportions that would allow a man to look past the misery of his daily life. He needed an illusionist.

It took only the kidnapping of his wife and child to convince the master illusionist Mandrake to come to Arilin and oversee the construction of the monstrous stone structure known simply as the Coliseum. At the King's direction, he placed within the varied chambers phantasms of the most hideous, most rare, most dangerous creatures of the realm. Who would come to test their strength against these beasts? Who would risk life (and their purse) for the chance to be torn to shreds by the claws of a dragon? Who would emerge with the triumph of victory and the cheers of the crowd?

To appease the peasantry further, the King had small tokens made to allow the victors the public admiration that would carry the influence of the Coliseum throughout the land.

So come one, come all... test your mettle in the Coliseum. Pay your fees, give the fight of your life, and win your prize!
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#2 Trevayne

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 10:15 PM

Sleeping was kind enough to put together a map of what this might look like. Remember that each arena boss would drop a token... multiple tokens from the same boss could be exchanged for a prize. More tokens would bring more valuable prizes.

Map of the Coliseum

I'd be more than happy to write item and area descriptions for this if people are interested.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#3 Perfection

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 10:18 PM


More tokens would bring more valuable prizes. ... i would hope prizes to be worthless pretty much though

also wouldn't want these monsters/bosses to have and gold drop or exp gain, u want that i say u go to the real area where there is risk of death and loss of exp

Edited by Perfection, 13 January 2006 - 10:20 PM.

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#4 Trevayne

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 10:20 PM

Sorry... forgot to mention a few things.

The prizes would always have no armor value and no stat bonuses... so they would technically be worthless. They would have value only as collectors items in the same way that a Chocolate Spider King is. (They might, however, be equippable and worthless, like a lover's locket.)

The bosses would be worth a fraction of their regular exp (perhaps 10-15%), so they would be useless for training.

They would drop only small fixed amounts of gold (2-5k) and a token... nothing else. The arena Crystal Giant would have no chance of dropping a crystal ring.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#5 Perfection

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 10:22 PM

Sorry... forgot to mention that. The prizes would always have no armor value and no stat bonuses... so they would technically be worthless. They would have value only as collectors items in the same way that a Chocolate Spider King is. (They might, however, be equippable and worthless, like a lover's locket.)

mhmm perfect
Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#6 minooka

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 10:32 PM

i like it supported
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#7 Black Prince

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 10:37 PM

supported 100%
Drizzle/Soldier ingame.
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#8 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 10:54 PM

As I can now post, supported greatly. Also am glad to see Aeryn putting so much time into thinking up all these new developments and suggestions, good work :(
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#9 Squee



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Posted 13 January 2006 - 11:16 PM

Ha, I wish I could be an Illusionist. XP

Very much supported - great idea! ^__^
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#10 Gaddy

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 11:36 PM


However, I think there could be some items put in place that were copies of Hades Amulets, Amulets of Hermes, and Silver Amulets.-Simply make it so that players would have to spend enough on fighting bosses to gain the tokens to get these items around 1.5m for the AoH like one, 250-500k to get a Hades Amulet plush, and 100k for a Silver Amulet look-a-like.

I think making them in that way would cause more players to use the facilities---thus pulling more gold out.
Don't get me wrong, many cool little items would be very nice, but to put in items of value would draw out the people who shrug off things like Chocolates, etc.

I really don't see this as harmful because the cost would be greater due to paying more to fight bosses, which you may lose to, in order to build up tokens to trade for the items.

PS- I'd say simply- No items that cannot be paid for in shops. (IE- Feathered Shield copy, but not a Boots of Time copy)

Edited by Gaddy, 13 January 2006 - 11:38 PM.

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#11 Final Universe

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Posted 13 January 2006 - 11:52 PM

Making items such as AOH be earned with tokens would only be fair IF there was also the term that you cant sell the item. What happens when I sit outside the arena's all day and offer players 1k for thier tokens. They think its a quick buck when its really making me gold by sitting on my rear.
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#12 Perfection

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 12:03 AM

Making items such as AOH be earned with tokens would only be fair IF there was also the term that you cant sell the item. What happens when I sit outside the arena's all day and offer players 1k for thier tokens. They think its a quick buck when its really making me gold by sitting on my rear.

cost would be according to the boss u fight paying upto and over 1 million to fight a boss for a token u deffinatly arn't going to sell it for 1k.. u think people will be that stupid ? i know thers a lot thats not to bright but come on... :(
what would it matter if the item could be sold or not when it's cost so much to get?

Edited by Perfection, 14 January 2006 - 12:03 AM.

Pulsar, Gremlin or Old_Dog in game. (multi alt only)

#13 Trevayne

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 12:24 AM

I'm against getting anything of real value from this. You can argue that making the reward an AoH would make people use it more often... that's true, but by doing so, you're actually putting money/value back into the game. That AoH has a standard value, since it can be bought in a shop and resold for about 90% of its value.

If you need to beat a 100k boss 15 times to get an AoH-equivalent, you've paid out 1.5mil and gotten back something worth 1mil. The amount of gold we've sucked out of the economy is much reduced, and you've gotten something of real value to your characters.

If you need to beat that same 100k boss 15 times to get a super-duper Blue Dragon plushie that curls around your neck and rides on your shoulder, but provides no benefit to you, you might find someone willing to pay a good 700-800k for the item, but not nearly as many people will be happy to do this. You've created a collectable but not something that benefits your characters and something that will be much more difficult to resell.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#14 Gaddy

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 01:07 AM

The items could not be sold back to shop in this case though, and it seems frustrating to earn the items and not be able to show them on a crit.

I will not take off my AoHs or Int Mods in order to show that I earned a Blue Dragon plushie---or I'd still have my Gold Teddy Bear Necklace around.
Thus, I wouldn't use the place but maybe a time or two because it'd suck my gold away for things I would not have any use for...

It seems reasonable to me to give players who play on a reason basis (as in, they do not spend 500k for a Chocolate rather than getting a Spyglass)---Not everyone is as far along in Nightmist to decide to do such, but many are far enough to enjoy a few bosses, spend extra gold (even more if they ever fail), and get an item not many people have.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
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#15 Sneaky

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 03:23 AM

I suggested an arena of this type for clan houses and it got shot down :(.

I think i like it though.
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#16 Redheart

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 05:45 AM

Way cool Idea :(
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#17 deadman

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 06:00 AM

Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#18 Alchemy

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 06:07 AM

Supported :(
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#19 shomer

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 08:49 AM

Page me on Heritage

#20 Guest_Simon_*

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 09:14 AM

I personnaly wouldnt spend any gold at this location for the items would not be worth the effort if im gonna log crits on to fight a boss for minimal exp and gold even though it has its normal hp and attacks and such im dang sure will want to get something of value out of it

Basically, IF this is implemented (doubt it) there is going to likely be alot players that just won't be interested in this for they don't wan't a worthless plush toy when they can save thier gold and get the real thing.

And i bet eventually some even more experienced players, the ones with the gold you wish to sap, will quickly get tired of it, may not be interested at all and/or run out of toys to collect and still have multi-millions. I certainly dont know any of this for sure but so far its happened with everything else with exception to moshes

NOTE: Not speaking for any other players

#21 Trevayne

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 02:08 PM

Nothing is going to work for every player. Charging 50k per mosh is a great way to get some money out of the economy, but I'll never pay that since I'm not interested in moshes. I do think that this will work for a large percentage of the players who have a lot of cash on hand... this was designed to appeal to them. I know many of these players who will log in, check for bosses, and then sit bored when they can't find anything. This would offer them something to do while giving us the benefit of drawing out some gold.

Nothing is going to be a permanent solution. The gambling hall in NM is a great way to pull some cash out of the economy, but it hardly ever gets used anymore. People don't seem to get tired of bosses or moshes as easily, but that's just a guess on my part also.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#22 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 02:27 PM

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#23 Gaddy

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 02:52 PM

I personnaly wouldnt spend any gold at this location for the items would not be worth the effort if im gonna log crits on to fight a boss for minimal exp and gold even though it has its normal hp and attacks and such im dang sure will want to get something of value out of it

Basically, IF this is implemented (doubt it) there is going to likely be alot players that just won't be interested in this for they don't wan't a worthless plush toy when they can save thier gold and get the real thing.

And i bet eventually some even more experienced players, the ones with the gold you wish to sap, will quickly get tired of it, may not be interested at all and/or run out of toys to collect and still have multi-millions. I certainly dont know any of this for sure but so far its happened with everything else with exception to moshes

NOTE: Not speaking for any other players

That's basically what I said, but I SUPPORT the idea anyway.
I would simply like it if things that were already store bought would be put in as prizes as long as they would cost more, well more, than the item they're exactly like.

It would work either way, but it would work for MANY more players if it went both ways.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#24 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 05:45 PM


Was wondering if you lost a crit, do you lose Exp at a monster that you gain no Exp at?

Also, Is it possible to create new bosses specifically for this Arena, or perhaps have some Dragons(apart from Blue Dragon) & stuff like that...

#25 Scripto


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Posted 14 January 2006 - 07:18 PM

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#26 Wolfgang

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 07:52 PM

Supported. :(

What the what?

#27 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 10:16 PM


Was wondering if you lost a crit, do you lose Exp at a monster that you gain no Exp at?

Also, Is it possible to create new bosses specifically for this Arena, or perhaps have some Dragons(apart from Blue Dragon) & stuff like that...

I like this idea, maybe some King Black Dragon's, or Black Demon's, or maybe the odd Horny Dragon (One with horns) :(
Disaster ingame.

#28 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 14 January 2006 - 11:03 PM

Wow.. Something we both agree on.. :(

#29 fallen

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Posted 15 January 2006 - 12:12 AM

Supported :(
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#30 Dark


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Posted 15 January 2006 - 03:30 AM

i like it, supported

dont support gaddys idea of them dropping useful items tho :( maybe next to useless like 1 ac amulets n stuff perhaps that way they have a use but they still crap?

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