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Member Since 22 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Jul 14 2005 10:48 PM

Topics I've Started

Happy Birthday Shawn!

22 May 2005 - 08:21 AM

Not like I don't want to talk to you anymore in rl, but I think with all our extended birthdays recently it's easy for your friends here to miss that you have a real one.

Happy birthday! I still love you, even if I don't show it a lot, and being 30 won't be that bad, trust me. ^_^


30 April 2005 - 12:08 AM

I know that after I originally quit playing, the clan started to slowly fall apart. Well, Maha is back now, and I am working on getting Broken back to what it was before I quit.

I know that Broken got a rather bad reputation during my time of absence, and I will try to work on that as well.

As always, I will not restrict people who want to join by level or amount of expert/master/arch crits, because I always have and always will believe in new players having a chance to grow with the clan, but I do expect a decent attitude towards your fellow clannies and allies and the willingness to learn and improve and help clannies out, after all that is what a clan is there for.

If you care to join, page or memo me or any other founder or leader.

Yes, I Am Back

28 April 2005 - 08:42 AM

When I said I would quit, I had every intention of never logging onto the game again, but too many people have asked me to please come back, people I missed a lot, probably as much as they missed me.

I saw the clan I worked for so hard fall apart and people asking me to do something about it, so I decided to come back after all. There are still things in the game I am not happy with, but I guess the friends I have on here are worth putting up with that downside.

I'm going to attempt to turn Broken into what it was once before, hoping my fellow clannies will help me with that task.

See you all in game.

Message From Newb

30 March 2005 - 08:44 AM

I received the following message in my email:

Post this somewhere on the NM forums for me. I was going to make an account
to post it, but I couldn't. I would appreciate it.

Well, a couple of you know about this, but for the most part, it's on the
downlow shhhh.

On March 31st (Thursday morning of this week), I leave this country for an
awesome adventure to Japan. Now I bet you are thinking I am some kind of
loser who likes anime and stuff like that. I probably don't even know any
Japanese! Hah! Who does this...this NEWB character think he is?

Newb thinks he is a guy who doesn't like anime, and has been studying
Japanese by himself for over a year and is pretty damn good at it.

Why did I choose Japan? Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself.

I will be going to Japan for 3 months, studying abroad. I guess you guys
would call it being an exchange student. I'm not an exchange student because
there is no student from Japan coming here in my place. I'm just going over
there. I will be going to a Japanese high school and living with a Japanese
host family. I will be living in Gifu prefecture. I'm not too keen on that
idea right now because it's pretty countryside. The city I'm going to be
living in has 58,000 people. I am used to 4 million. Needless to say, it's
going to be quite different.

My goals in Japan are to create friendships, learn more about the history
culture and to improve my language skills.

As I mentioned before, I have been studying Japanese by myself for over a
year. To be honest, I don't remember why I began studying Japanese. But
through Japanese, I have met some really awesome people, have gotten job
opportunities and a number of other things. Keep in mind I could have chosen
a multitude of things instead of Japanese. The important thing (one of them
anyways) is that I picked something and I stuck with it, and I got good at
it and I am reaping benefits. Well, reaping isn't a good word to use, but
you get my point.

My mom just came in and started talking to me and I forgot what I was trying
to get at.

Oh yeah.

I encourage you all to explore the world. Of course North America is a
pretty cool place (most of you are from North America, (Canada and the US,
so don't start stuff) but the world is huge and there is so much to see. I
haven't even been to another country save Mexico, which doesn't really count
because it's 20 minutes away. But just through studying another language and
making friends from other parts of the world, ((insert race)-Americans don't
count. At all.) I feel like I am a well-traveled person. I mean, you don't
even have to learn another language (I do, however, encourage it). Most
people nowadays can speak English, so there shouldn't be any worries.

This was inspired by the American population's general lack of interest in
other places. I think it's really lame that Americans are so ignorant that
they think their country is the only one worth going to on the entire globe.
I know I am going to have an awesome time, and I would like to see more
people with an interest in other cultures, histories, places, languages etc.

So during my 3-month stay in Japan, I have no idea what my internet/computer
situation will be like. I'll probably be able to get internet access
whenever I want, but I'll lack the unhealthy amount of free time I have been
having these past two months. I'm just saying this because I might be cool
and post some pictures or something. I don't know.

If you want, you can contact me at gilbertmsd@hotmail.com

Oh and hey, here is a picture of me for no apparent reason. This is probably
what I am going to be wearing to school everyday. It's pretty snazzy, isn't

Keep it real (NM) playas~

PS Send me some $$ because it's kind of expensive over there

There was no picture attached to the mail, so I think that got lost somewhere.

Wuv ya, old Newb, and enjoy the trip.

Goodbye, So Long, Farewell!

14 February 2005 - 01:09 PM

I wasn't going to post at first, since I figured just vanishing would be so much more in style, but I don't have much of a choice, because I still have to get in touch with a few people to settle everything.

Yes, I am quitting. Broken is being kept alive by another founder who was given the chairman crit this morning, Jurian's stuff goes back to Jurian so he can make some other noob happy or whatever, and my crits will be evenly distributed amongst those few people left on this game that I actually like.

Kris, please get in touch with me so I can send you your baby mages back. Sorry I wasn't able to train them the way I had planned.

I'd like to thank those few good people left and those who left before me for the good times we had.

As for the rest:

To the thieves and cheaters out there, you win, theft is now officially supported on this game. May want to ask JLH if he can put a keylogger for download on the website so you don't have to program your own, makes life a hell of a lot easier. Enjoy being pathetic enough to have to steal data on a vb coded game, and remember to stay out of your mom's purse.

To the smack talkers, hope you and the thieves and cheaters have some fun together. You can tell them to go south, they can steal your account, then again, most of the smack talkers were also thieves, so I guess it's all balanced.

Well, enough said, except this:

If you want to stay in touch and actually are one of the people I liked, add Maharet.FOS@gmail.com to your MSN. If I don't add you back, chances are I didn't like you.
