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Anyone Getting Wow Beta?

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#121 PureMourning

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Posted 24 November 2004 - 10:43 PM


I wasn't lecturing you, my reply was for Charon.
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#122 Charon

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Posted 24 November 2004 - 11:30 PM


info on where you can pre order it, what you get and when you get it. also contains decent pictures of the CE and NE contents.

Might have made you happy... after clicking on the UK retailers link... it didn't make me happy- no UK retailers for the CE.
None at all :*(

Emailed GAME again, to get the response

Game are only supplying the standard version and not the Limited edition version.

Blizz, Vivdendi... I'm getting seriously annoyed with whoever is running this circus show of a release.

So... What country is likely to get an English Language CE I wonder...
Not germany, france or spain because they've all been given localised versions.
Which leaves us with:
  • Italy
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • Finland
Any idea if any of those countries speak English more than they speak german, french or spanish? ^^


I wasn't lecturing you, my reply was for Charon

Heh, so its okay to lecture me and not Mal? B)

I have to say, during beta I spent nearly all my time on the rp servers, which are normal by another name B) I liked exploring without having to look over my shoulder the entire time ^^
Plus it gave me time to talk to people a little.

Oh- Warlocks have demons, not pets ^^
Pets are tamed... demons are summoned :)
But yeah, point taken
(And yes, I'm just being picky now ^^)

Edit: Something to ease the wait for those of you who get stuck in queues.... *click* :unsure:

Edited by Charon, 25 November 2004 - 12:47 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#123 Malavon

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Posted 25 November 2004 - 04:49 PM

Well, it made me happy because I finally had some clarification as to wtf is going on lol, but yeah, I am kinda annoyed that no shops in the UK are stocking the CE. But the only thing I really wanted was the music cd and the behind the scenes dvd... i get a music cd free when i pre order (granted, its not as big, but its a music cd all the same lol), and the behind the scenes dvd... isn't worth £15 lol. also, I expect I can use the sound files from the folder it's installed to to listen to without playing it.

I'm tempted to email blizzard anyway, unless you haven't already: how can they justify not releasing the CE anywhere in the UK? Surely they make more money from the CE, so they'd be better off to give at least one company the ability to stock and sell it?

I'm not sure what server to go on, PvP or PvE.... I don't constantly want to do PvP, but I also want the ability to be able to do so whenever I want :/ Kinda irritating making servers fully PvP or not at all... need a balance in between imo.

#124 Charon

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Posted 25 November 2004 - 07:09 PM

Yeah, I guess it is good to have some news, and I'm kind of glad for the confirmation... its just a shame it wasn't the news I wanted ^^

If I get hold of the behind the scenes DVD and its rippable, I'll send you a copy. Same for the CD B)
(Hence if I get hold of them, and its possible, I'll ask you for your address ^^)

I have emailed Blizz on varied addresses (even sent another one off to the ever uninformed vivendi), and as of yet got no response... :)
So feel free to email them too ^^

In fairness the PvE servers do have PvP aspects, not just battlegrounds and duels and whatnot- there is a PvP side to it. /pvp enables it... you can attack other people who have it enabled, and can be attacked by other pvp-ers if you have it enabled... but likewise those without it enabled can't be attacked, and when you don't have it enabled you can't be attacked.
When enabled it can't then be disabled for five minutes... however start hitting on someone near the end of a five minute pvp session and you could find them laughing and pointing as they regain invincibility to you.

The whole PvP thing on the normal servers just... kinda depends on how willing the other people on the PvE servers are to flag themselves for it. I know in beta , on one of my servers nearly everyone was... and likewise on another I spotted about four people who were flagged the entire time I was playing.

Depends on your luck ^^

Edit: okay, that whole 'admitting when I'm wrong' thing again (pesky, that is :unsure: )
I've been told that while some warlock demons are summoned, some demons also can be controlled (in terms of taming) instead of being summoned... so PureMourning was more right that I previously thought B)

Edited by Charon, 25 November 2004 - 07:13 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#125 PureMourning

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Posted 25 November 2004 - 07:25 PM

Just out of curiosity, are you referring to the normal servers as 'PVE'?

All I know, player vs players is still involved in normal servers, you can duel, have team battles, ect.

Charon = teh awesome.
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#126 Charon

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Posted 25 November 2004 - 08:40 PM

Heh yep, I use the terms 'Normal' and 'PvE' interchangably B)

And yep, I am awesome :unsure:
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#127 Tom

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Posted 25 November 2004 - 08:54 PM

not nerds.Just gamers so stfu :@

difference being, imo unless u play social games i.e. mario kart your a nerd :unsure:
Feck Off

#128 Exor

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Posted 25 November 2004 - 09:11 PM

not nerds.Just gamers so stfu :@

difference being, imo unless u play social games i.e. mario kart your a nerd :unsure:

k guess you're a nerd too =p
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#129 Malavon

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Posted 25 November 2004 - 09:38 PM

rofl, what a 'tard

hmm, i'd forgotten about that /pvp command... well, i did remember it, but i wasn't sure how many other people actually bothered to use it lol. i think in the beta ill play on a normal server and then try it out, see if it has enough pvp combat for me. also, can you fight with other members of your alliance/horde?

i'd really appreciate it if you could send me the copy of the dvd/cd.. ill understand if you can't/don't though lol, so don't worry about it if you don't, but thanks a lot anyway :unsure:

#130 Charon

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Posted 25 November 2004 - 10:16 PM

The Hoarde/Alliance thing with pvp on a normal/pve server...

If a member of the Hoarde comes into an area with Alliance guards (such as the Stormwind Guards that stroll the paths in Elwynn, or the Ironforge guards that stroll the paths near Karanos area) theoretically at least one of those guards should hit him or her. When they do so, from the moment to Hoarde member fights back they are pvp enabled in the area.
If one doesnt attack them... then from the moment they hit anyone green they become a pvp target.

If a Hoarde member walks into "Alliance territory" (so, the main cities) it should instantly enable pvp on them.

And from the moment you clicked on them, you would be pvp too.

(Likewise, if you were to heal someone involved in pvp, it automatically enables pvp for you)

If they were just wandering around inside the forest part of Elwynn forest or strolling around off path in Dun Morogh (avoiding the guards) they would be safe from pvp until they hit any green npc

Vice-versa for the alliance entering Hoarde cities and hoarde strolling/training areas.

Its the killing/hitting of the greens (npcs AND the pvp enabled of the opposite faction) that starts the "Such and such is under attack!" messages

For fighting members of your own faction I think you either have to find someone with pvp enabled, or you end up doing formal duels.

With the Battlegrounds thing... I didn't really understand that, but I think they are meant to be areas in game where both factions become pvp enabled when they enter them (and presumably it either ends when you leave, or ends five mins after you leave if you dont start fighting ppl before then)
So when in Battlegrounds I think you can hit your faction and the other faction.

With pvp...
I started using the pvp command once I got to level 6 on my rogue (the hoarde kept attacking... over and over again ^^;; it was easier to have it enabled before I went searching, so I could help clicking them straight away instead of clicking, letting it enable, then clicking).
It probably wasn't the best idea though, as he tended to die quite a lot.

I waited till 10 on my pally, although I tended to turn it off when I partied, so that people couldn't decide to attack me while I was focusing on healing :unsure:
The pally was a little easier, due to the ability to heal (and better once I leveled a few times and threw some talent points into the ability that lessened the disruption of holy light)

In honesty I turned it on more because I liked seeing the little shield next to my name than because I wanted to pvp ^^

The only thing was that I kept forgetting to enable it again when I went more than 5minutes without pvp activity... which can be sorta pesky.

And with the cd/dvd, I'll definately see what I can do when they come out ^^

Edited by Charon, 25 November 2004 - 10:34 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#131 Sean

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Posted 25 November 2004 - 10:35 PM

Clip off a few inches put it in a gamecube. It gives special extras. Try it. Really.
Stadic Ingame...

#132 Exor

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Posted 25 November 2004 - 10:54 PM

Clip off a few inches put it in a gamecube. It gives special extras. Try it. Really.


Hah look how big this thread is now XD
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#133 Malavon

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Posted 26 November 2004 - 12:45 PM

yay, we can get the CE in UK:


i'm ordering it from there rather than GAME :unsure: Gameplay are a reliable company, i've ordered from them before (they do sometimes have games at a decent price, not their usual rip off £34 lol)

Edit: woo, ordered :) Just a few day wait for me to get the pre order box, should arrive monday. I ordered the alliance NE edition though, as I can't really afford the CE B)

Edited by Malavon, 26 November 2004 - 12:46 PM.

#134 Malavon

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Posted 26 November 2004 - 06:53 PM

Wow, Gameplay has already sold out of the CE... I hope you got it in time Charon :/

#135 Charon

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Posted 26 November 2004 - 10:45 PM

Wow, Gameplay has already sold out of the CE... I hope you got it in time Charon :/

Heheh, indeed I did get it... and I ordered it from Gameplay too B)

Main reason was that this morning when there hadn't been any additional info on site yet, I'd already phoned some GAME stores up, and neither of my local GAME stores had got their shipments in yet, and weren't going to until sometime between 12 and 3pm (although one of them told me "Shut up love, we don't have them- Phone back next week" and put the phone down on me :unsure: Some customer service...)

Mind you, I had placed a reservation on a preorder pack for the CE in GAME in Oxford street- yep, they have the preorder codes for the CE. Strange that, when GAME has been insisting that they don't, and even though many of their other stores also don't...
(I only phoned them because I'm going shopping in Oxford Street tomorrow though, otherwise I'd never have known)

However I saw your post just before I dashed off to Uni...
And with Gameplay offering it and the fact that I was able to order it instantly... it was a better choice B)
And as you say, Gameplay tends to be a bit more reliable :)
(Although I'm still annoyed that they bought out Jakarta a coupla years back and then shut all the retail stores... I used to love the Jakarta store ^^)
I would have posted a thanks for the info then, but the moment I ordered I had to go running out the house and down the road for the bus ^^;

Mind you, if that store actually has saved me a CE preorder, I'm thinking of paying the £3 and trying and flog it (and the receipt so someone can collect the game from London if they really want) on ebay. I probably will... I might get something for it B)

Anyhow, yep, I preordered the game - I'm a happy gal B)

Edit: Say, think they'll offer us US beta people some way to modify only the realmlist file to join the English beta? I really don't want to have to subject my pc to two days of Blizz-torrent again to get what is effectively the same 2gig download if I don't have to ^^

Edited by Charon, 26 November 2004 - 10:48 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#136 Malavon

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Posted 26 November 2004 - 11:21 PM

rofl, yeah I often seem to piss games companies off with my constant badgering about games.. but they haven't hang up on my yet :)

Mind you, if that store actually has saved me a CE preorder, I'm thinking of paying the £3 and trying and flog it (and the receipt so someone can collect the game from London if they really want) on ebay. I probably will... I might get something for it :unsure:

lol yeah, you could probably get a bit of cash for it on ebay. that's quite a good idea actually.

Say, think they'll offer us US beta people some way to modify only the realmlist file to join the English beta? I really don't want to have to subject my pc to two days of Blizz-torrent again to get what is effectively the same 2gig download if I don't have to ^^

Erm, I hope so B) I intend to start the download as soon as possible from both blizzard and fileplanet anyway, but as soon as the beta is available to play (providing my download hasn't finished yet) then i'll try using my us client and see what happens. It can't do any harm to try... I think B)

lol, I just checked their site and the normal alliance edition is "*** Selling Fast! ***", which is good: I was a bit worried that i'd be one of the only people without a pet B)

tbh I don't see how GAME has got so... big. It's a bit of a useless company lol, they never seem to know what they are actually doing lol.

oh well, not long til the beta B)

#137 Charon

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Posted 27 November 2004 - 12:16 AM

I do most of my enquiries in person so they don't have that option, but no way was I going to be down town at 9 o'clock :unsure:

I don't have a file planet accy unfortunately, and refuse to shell out money for it, so I'm stuck with the slow Blizzard Downloader ^^

Having retracted an earlier offer of a 'how to' guide for doing this, the official line is now

We would like to advise players that this is the European Closed Beta Test; the only official way to play World of Warcraft is to download the European client. We cannot support players using any previous version of World of Warcraft from the US beta or stress test

And that this will continue to be their line into OB. But there is a way around it. Apparantly the below fix works for making the US beta work with the EU closed beta... and should work for the EU open

Edit your realmlist.wft file to have this info:
set realmlist eu1.wow.battle.net


Apparantly each patch is now designed to disrupt this, so that every time the game gets patched, it starts creating problems and you must re-edit the realmlist.wtf file.

Hopefully that information is informative and useful B)
...Although I'm not looking forwards to messing around with that ^^;;

As for the game, there will be plenty of people without pets. There are going to be lots and lots of copies of the game without pets :)

And GAME... I think it got so big because it bought out Electronics Boutique in England.
And because... well, other game stores tend to be even MORE extortinately priced (GameStation as the main example of that) ^^

Edit: Scary candycane style gnomes x_x

Edited by Charon, 27 November 2004 - 12:22 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#138 Malavon

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Posted 27 November 2004 - 12:31 AM

lol yeah, I don't intend to go into town just to ask them a question when I have a perfectly good phone that will do the work for me B) that's why I was so much happier to be able to get it from gameplay instead of GAME.

well, me, mark (i think) and my brother downloaded the WoW client using a normal fileplanet account that doesn't cost anything, so i'm hoping you can do that with the european client too. but as fileplanet is an american site, there is a chance that it may not actually have the european client up there.. but I think I remember seeing it up there for the closed beta. Ah well, I can hope :)

hmm... i think i'll still try downloading it, because that sounds like a lot of fiddling about lol. ill use it until the download is done though, so ty for the info B) I also don't really want to do something that blizzard don't like, because I don't want to risk getting banned or having my account deleted. That would really irritate me :unsure:

when I was looking around the GAME store in brighton, I saw some guy buying Dawn of War for like £32... I was so tempted to walk up to him and tell him to go to www.play.com and get it for £17.99 instead, but as I was making a purchase (one of those 3 for £20 or whatever deal it was, which actually turned out to be good ish value), I didn't want to be thrown out B) and he'd probably ignore me anyway, but still... gamestation is also horribly over priced too. I went in with Halo and Kill.Switch for the PC (both poor games), and they offered me 20p each!!! then I went into game trader and they gave me £10 for halo and £4 for kill.switch, which is a bit more like it lol

#139 Charon

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Posted 27 November 2004 - 12:46 AM

Heh, downloading it is my intent also... I just really don't want to ^^;; Its not the sort of fiddling I enjoy doing, and I dont really want to get banned either... it would just be a quick fix while I waited for the longer fix to work B)

As for the GAME thing... heheh, I've actually done that before (and they didn't throw me out)
Ages back some woman was desperately trying to explain that her son wanted a copy of the original pokemon blue to go with his red version, and this guy kept trying to sell her the yellow one which had just come out... and I went up to her and told her that HMV had it in stock for less, and the GameStation had a cheaper preowned version. I've done the same for some pc games too :)
I only do it in the GAME in Churchill Square though because I don't like them and 99% of the time they won't help you if you ask them B) The one outside is safe, because they're helpful in there B)
Is the CS one they follow me around- what do they think I'm going to do, stuff my bag full of empty boxes? Plus, in that store, one of their staff came up to me while I was browsing and told me they had an exclusive offer on the Mary Kate and Ashley "Real Games for Real Girls" line at one point... and though they probably thought they were being helpful, I found that insulting ^^

But 20p??? :S

Erm... oh yeah

I was looking around the GAME store in brighton

You're in Brighton??? :unsure:

Edited by Charon, 27 November 2004 - 12:56 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#140 Malavon

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Posted 27 November 2004 - 12:58 PM

lol nah i'm in Worthing, I just sometimes take the train (takes about 15 minutes) to brighton with friends/family because it's got a wider range of shops :unsure: and better cinemas.. and better restaurants... lol

Plus, in that store, one of their staff came up to me while I was browsing and told me they had an exclusive offer on the Mary Kate and Ashley "Real Games for Real Girls" line at one point... and though they probably thought they were being helpful, I found that insulting ^^

rofl! what sort of games are you interested in? other than mmorpgs that is B)

yeah, 20p.. it's a pathetically low price. and the woman behind the counter had the cheek to tell me it's quite a good deal. I don't think the response she expected was me to laugh and say "no thanks" then just walk out. She looked slightly suprised :)

#141 Charon

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Posted 28 November 2004 - 01:01 AM

What type of game? Well I have a soft spot for the Barbie games, the Bratz games, any form of 'be a popstar' game and (my all time favourite) "Cindys Fashion World"

That was before what was left of my brain dribbled out my ears :unsure:
(I eh... mean no offense to people who like the above games, I'm just not one of them. I'd also like to point out that they actually never were my type of game ^^ ... though my sister owns CFW :S )

I mostly play RPGs and Strategy games :)
RPG-strategy games mixed together are good too.
Also fighting games. Sometimes its fun just to be able to bash the hell out of someone or something. Not that I tend to be very good with multiplayer things. Better with the fighting games, but for other things I'm passable... or rather I'm passable until you try to make me play a racing game, and fps or a sports game. Then I'm unimaginably terrible ^^;;
So yeah, I tend to stick with the RPGs for the most part.

Mind you practically all my games are for the GBA(or earlier), the PS1/PS2 and the Dreamcast.

Its only recently I've started considering my computer a games machine...
It's almost a shame- with my old pc I used to use the "even if I bought this it wouldn't run" excuse and it saved me loads of money. Now I can't use that excuse anymore... hence MMORPG land, here I come B)

Edit: WoW CE to be sold for extortionate price *blink*
I wish that was me selling that. If only there'd been a way to order a (reliable) second copy of the CE... I'd have made a fortune x_x
(Despite that they said they preordered the CE again for me today, I don't trust GAME enough to put mine up and hope for that sort of price ^^)

Edited by Charon, 28 November 2004 - 01:18 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#142 Malavon

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Posted 28 November 2004 - 02:16 PM

omg :/ "reserve met", i should hope so lol

ya, i'm pretty much into the same thing but with FPS included. strat games I very rarely play online though, for some reason I never do very well at them. I think it's because I train what units I want to train, not the "right units" that I should be training to counter my opponents army with. Oh well :unsure:

If your interested in strat games and RPGS, then this should (maybe) interest you B)
http://www.gamespot....ord of the ring

looks quite cool, im going to be buying that too (which is why I could only afford to go for the NE and not CE lol), but it isn't out til december the 10th here :)

#143 Charon

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Posted 30 November 2004 - 11:46 PM

Aw no fair, that auction price dropped from £410 to £180. Bet that guy was dissapointed B)

Heheh, I used to have a great time with Age of Wonders multiplayer- I was lucky- I tended to play one guy all the time, and the units I liked training and creating were normally the ones that I would need to beat him ^^;

I spotted Battle for Middle Earth on amazon, but because I remember being a little dissapointed by War of the Ring when it came out I couldn't decide whether to consider buying it or not, because I don't know how similar the two games are meant to be.

Ah well, nearly December now XD
So nearly time to start watching the Euro WoW site in the desperate hopes of spotting the beta download come up so I can set it running (although I actually havent received my preorder pack from gameplay yet...)

I also have a 30track World of Warcraft CE Soundtrack thats ready to be dispatched as soon as I have some envelopes, stamps... and an address :unsure:
My forum inbox will probably be full, so if you could just email it to eirinoforos@hotmail.com bitte... ^^
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#144 Malavon

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Posted 01 December 2004 - 11:50 AM

Well, War of the Ring was developed by Liquid Entertainment and Battle for Middle Earth is being developed by EA LA, who also developed C&C: Generals Zero Hour and just about every Medal of Honor game, so I would expect them to be quite different - as different as is possible when both games are using the same theme, anyway. I confess that I don't really know a great deal about WotR, but from what I've seen and remember from reviews I read a while ago, it just seemed to be WC3 but with a Lord of the Rings theme. They didn't appear to have put a lot of thought, or spent a lot of time developing it, to make it actually stand out from the other strategy games that were released that year - C&C: Generals, Rise of Nations, Age of Wonders, etc.

But, from what I've read of Battle for Middle Earth (and that is quite a lot :unsure:) it does sound to be much different, and it appears that they've spent a lot of time making sure it isn't just another generic strategy game and that it does in fact have different elements of strategy in it, rather than just training the same units and then clicking on the enemy base and watching.

I would imagine that both games are meant to be similar only in the fact that they are strategy games, and that they follow the LoTR theme and story. Other than that, I think that they are going to be quite different games. I don't really have enough time to post any other information about it, so I'll just give you a few links to some previews about it, so you can read them if you are interested:

(read them in this order, from the top down)


Unfortunately some may repeat the same information, but if that's the case then you can just skip that paragraph lol

Yeah, I still haven't recieved my preorder pack from gameplay either. I expect that they have so many to deliver that they are having trouble doing so - they are completly sold out of both NE (alliance and horde) and the CE :/

I also have a 30track World of Warcraft CE Soundtrack thats ready to be dispatched as soon as I have some envelopes, stamps... and an address

yay :) I'm just curious though, how did you manage to get the soundtrack from the CE before it is released? Ive just emailed you my address too B)

Edited by Malavon, 01 December 2004 - 11:55 AM.

#145 Charon

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Posted 01 December 2004 - 04:49 PM

Yey, reading material B)
I'll read those links in a moment ^^

Yeah, I still haven't recieved my preorder pack from gameplay either. I expect that they have so many to deliver that they are having trouble doing so - they are completly sold out of both NE (alliance and horde) and the CE :/

Being me I sent out an email to gameplay. Bizzarely I got two answers to it


The pre order pack will be sent in mid december as soon as it arrives from
the publishers.

Kind Regards,

Gameplay After Sales


We apologise for the delay but we have not yet received the pre-order kits from our supplier.
We know that many are dissapointed about this, and have chased our supplier, who assures us that they will be coming soon, and that the beta won't be starting until mid-December so there's plenty of time

Kind Regards,

Gameplay Customer Support

So... gameplay don't actually have the preorder kit thingys to send out yet :)

I'm just curious though, how did you manage to get the soundtrack from the CE before it is released?

How did I manage to get it? By being very very sneaky B)
I have friends... :unsure:

I'll go check my email to make sure I actually got your address, and then I'll go hunt out the envelopes B) I'll let you know when I've actually sent it ^^
Edit: yes, I did get your address

Edited by Charon, 01 December 2004 - 04:57 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#146 Malavon

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Posted 01 December 2004 - 05:07 PM

Ah... how irritating. Oh well, as long as I get it in time for the beta, which I expect I will, then it doesn't really matter when it arrives lol

#147 Charon

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Posted 07 December 2004 - 06:41 PM

Ah... how irritating. Oh well, as long as I get it in time for the beta, which I expect I will, then it doesn't really matter when it arrives lol

Current date for beta release is mid-december...
Mid december would be commonly perceived as being the 15/16th or so...
Things aren't looking too good then- and at the best its going to be tight;


We are expecting stock of the Beta kits in around the 18/12/04, so we will send them out to customers ASAP after that date.

Gameplay After Sales

This message is confidential and is intended for the addressee only; unless clearly stated that this disclaimer should not apply, this e-mail is not intended to create legally binding commitments on behalf of the company nor do its contents reflect the corporate views or policies of any such
company. Any unauthorised disclosure, use or dissemination, either whole or partial, is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of the message, please notify the sender immediately.

-----Original Message-----
From: ***
Sent: 03 December 2004 10:54
To: customer.service@gameplay.co.uk
Subject: Order Enquiry (WoWce/Beta packs, figures)

Hello, when I placed my order with yourselves (for the World of Warcraft CE, among other things) it was stated that you would be sending off the preorder packs within a few days.

A week has passed and I have not yet received this pack, and was wondering if there was a reason for the delay.

I would appreciate any answer that you can give.

What a wonderful disclaimer... shame I didn't pay much attention to it... ^^

Edited by Charon, 07 December 2004 - 06:41 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#148 Charon

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Posted 15 December 2004 - 07:55 PM

Meh, while before the Final Beta was due to start in mid december... it seems that it's getting further away- now it's meant to be end dec/beginning of jan :unsure:

The Final Beta Test, which is currently scheduled for the end of December / beginning of January, will begin simultaneously in English, French and German. The start of the Final Beta Test will be the next time new testers will be welcomed to join the game

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

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