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Ed And Bill Are Back?

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#61 SuperStar

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Posted 01 August 2004 - 08:39 AM

LOL, u begin by posting on me, and dont post about ant, about rafa, about ori? i think its a personal vendetta, and i was just looking for a duel hoping it would shut u up, and since u sold all ur chars, looks like we cant, and if i may quote you, your dishonest urself, in ur Crits for sale post, u posted "Keeping my word" about quitting if you got banned, yet ur still on constantly, and still havent quit, i dont like seeing ppl quit, but i dont like people who use quitting as a plea for some attention, i give props to those who do quit, but i give NO pity to those who say they are and dont... If you have a problem with me personally talk to me ingame, no use to post rubbish on forums about me, im sure we'll find a mature way to settle it, if its about my personality i suggest you get to know me before judging me, if its about whether im good or not, we can duel, hence why i asked jim to duel me.

its as easy as this, if u have nothing nice to say, dont say anything at all.

my mom always gave good advice :-p

Edited by SuperStar, 01 August 2004 - 08:40 AM.

¦¦ i got the sickest vendetta when it come to the chedda... nucca you play with my paper, you gonna meet my barretta ¦¦

#62 Momba

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Posted 01 August 2004 - 08:57 AM

To bad you never took your moms advise.

Read my thread in the leaving/returning forums.

This is my last post on this thread. Pandilex says they are here to stay then so be it. it is his game to do with what he likes. I don't like you. I don't like those that are like you. Simple as that. And from the looks of this thread I am not alone.

I am not against anyone who is perm banned coming back. But in your case I feel strongly because of the way you acted while commiting your crimes. How you lied through your teeth dragging your drama from the game to the forums. Then how after Pandilex provided evidence that there was theft how you so arrogently admited it and still found the nerve to argue that you should be able to continue to play.

Your a drama queen. I know it, you know it, and a large majority of the game knows it. And for those that don't they will soon find out because as you have shown in my previous post all you want to do is continue to bring drama.
My inner child is a mean little f*ucker

#63 Gaddy

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Posted 01 August 2004 - 09:13 AM

What's the nonsense about "I didn't get perm banned, my sharie did"?

You are responsible ENTIRELY for EVERYTHING that ANYONE with access to your account does. They've been stressing that to me since I started the game. I've had bans on accounts where I didn't do anything or even know about anything til after the fact. (the one where Ryan got banned was nice though...break from NM)

Muchless, are you going to claim that Ed doesn't log on? I know for sure that he's been on the crits playing plenty. Then you even flaunt about how you've been playing this whole time simply under a different name while you're suppose to be banned?

There are plenty of disrespectful players in game, I'm sure we've got room for more. Whatever you guys did that got Pandilex to have you back must've made him happy.
No, I couldn't give the foggiest guess of what it was, but I don't like how JLH simply seems content with sitting back and saying "Pandilex is handeling this" with the thing of Ed and Bill comming back and with calling Kev and Craig cheaters, people who've never been banned, and people YOU KNOW are trustworthy. Yet you sit back and have Pandilex handle it because Simon's pals the (so-called-ex) thieves that have made good friends with him are the ones making the claims.

Eitherway, you two have earned your way off of my friendlist and my non-kill list. While you, Bill, were cool as 'Sean' in my opinion. The version of you that is the old you has completely come back. Ed seems to be the one that pisses me off all the time, but he's made it final. You can count on seeing me pop up in game, so don't bother asking for a duel.

Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#64 Pandilex



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Posted 01 August 2004 - 01:14 PM

stigma can do that
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#65 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 01 August 2004 - 01:55 PM

ed bill r n00bie/newbie
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#66 Tanis

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Posted 02 August 2004 - 11:28 PM

Okay who showed Gaddy the bold/italics/underline/text size buttons?
Then I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
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#67 Epic

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Posted 03 August 2004 - 12:37 AM

I can "beat" you and i sure as hell dont want to be you...and i still hate ya :P

Point proven

#68 Jadakiss

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Posted 03 August 2004 - 02:54 AM

i beat ya :P

#69 Lady_Maha

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Posted 03 August 2004 - 06:48 AM

Kinda sad, I was actually saving up to donate a nice chunk to NM, and I used to be one of the ones who said when NM goes P2P I will be the first to pay, but at this rate I think I will just give up playing. This is not just an issue of letting perm banned people play again and even being selective about which perms are allowed to play and which not (when Tevlok asked to be allowed to come back he was turned down), this is about Simon's attitude in general.

I appreciate JLH's effort in creating, maintaining and bettering the game, but quite frankly, I would not want to pay for a game where the second in charge loves disgrading people by talking down to them, where potential customers are told that he is always right. My money tends to go to places where I feel I am being treated with the same respect I give to others, and lately I feel like players are not entitled to receive any respect at all from Simon while he expects to be treated godlike.

I have a gut feeling right now that if NM went P2P at this point, it would be a game for thieves and liars, because the honest ones are greatly disappointed and will stop playing. Thieves practically get away with everything nowadays (even if it is usually the fault of the one stolen from, that still shouldn't let a thief go unpunished) despite Simon's "all thieves will get perm panned" statement.

To make a long story short, I always thought it was the players that made a game, but I guess I was wrong. Players here lately don't count, we are unneeded, unwanted, mere "mortals" that are always wrong when opposing Pandilex. Cheers NM, I feel safer in a tank full of sharks lately.
Social Engineering Specialist - Because there is no patch for human stupidity

#70 Trevayne

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Posted 03 August 2004 - 07:37 AM

Well said, Maha. I have donated twice in the past, but decisions like this one have convinced me to send my money elsewhere.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#71 Bishop

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Posted 03 August 2004 - 01:39 PM

Ty Maha for saying most of what I won't bother to say.

#72 Kalypso

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Posted 05 August 2004 - 12:29 AM

*nods her head in agreement*
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#73 Gaddy

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Posted 05 August 2004 - 02:20 AM

I wasn't going to read the post that seemed long by Maha, but with everyone saying it made so much sense, I had to.

It wasn't that long, and it's a good thing I read it. It is exactly how I feel.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#74 Da_J_Mooney

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Posted 05 August 2004 - 04:19 AM

I too, agree with Maha.

Edited by Da_J_Mooney, 05 August 2004 - 04:20 AM.

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#75 SuperStar

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Posted 05 August 2004 - 07:09 AM

*sigh* cant believe there's this much love out there...
¦¦ i got the sickest vendetta when it come to the chedda... nucca you play with my paper, you gonna meet my barretta ¦¦

#76 jurian


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Posted 05 August 2004 - 01:49 PM

i agree with maha.
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#77 Kazuya

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Posted 05 August 2004 - 03:00 PM

I also agree with maha,

As for bill/ed 'changing' thats the stupidiest thing i've ever heard. Bill/ed had there crits deleted on rev not long ago for theft.

Its nice to know that thieves get rewarded(got given the stuff they originally stole back) on nightmist and the people who have never been banned get to put up with it.

#78 Malavon

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Posted 06 August 2004 - 11:59 AM

Wow, I'm so glad I left. Now I don't have to put up with stupid decisions by the admin and annoying cretins. Excellent :P

I wouldn't mind them coming back, but only if they didn't get their stuff back. They stole that, which is why they were banned in the first place. Why would you let them get it back? It's pathetic and idiotic.

How Pandilex can expect people to donate to him so he can replace his laptop after a decision like this I don't know.

#79 PurpleHaze

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Posted 06 August 2004 - 08:03 PM

I also agree with maha,

As for bill/ed 'changing' thats the stupidiest thing i've ever heard. Bill/ed had there crits deleted on rev not long ago for theft.

Its nice to know that thieves get rewarded(got given the stuff they originally stole back) on nightmist and the people who have never been banned get to put up with it.

go trade ur nightmist things for rev stuff some more u newb...

#80 Mec

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Posted 06 August 2004 - 10:08 PM

Pandilex knows best. I think they're nice to let us play the game for free at all.

Edited by Mec, 06 August 2004 - 10:10 PM.

#81 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 06 August 2004 - 11:55 PM

Pandilex knows best. I think they're nice to let us play the game for free at all.

stfu about things that happened before your time
Page/Memo Beatrix

#82 PurpleHaze

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 12:22 AM

Pandilex knows best.  I think they're nice to let us play the game for free at all.

stfu about things that happened before your time

why dont u stfu and everyone stop wastin thier time postin on this useless post?

#83 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 01:44 AM

Pandilex knows best.  I think they're nice to let us play the game for free at all.

stfu about things that happened before your time

why dont u stfu and everyone stop wastin thier time postin on this useless post?

afraid your gonna get rebanned ? :P
Page/Memo Beatrix

#84 Consumed


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Posted 07 August 2004 - 03:02 AM

um... i dont really see that big of a problem with alowing them to play but giving them there original stuff back is a lil much... guess the decision will probly stand no matter what is said but thats just how i feel :P ....

:P i wish real life worked like this....id go rob a bank, do a little time, get out of jail and have all the money i stole :P
-Alias ingame-

#85 Evergrey

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 05:57 AM

This is ridiculous.

What can I say? I considered Ed as a friend way back before he got banned and I have no beef with Bill, but the way Pandi acts in this matter is an outrage. And as far as the bans go, last time I checked a Perm ban meant permanent, which would lean towards forever, not going to be change and so on?

But while we're at the subject get Tevlok back as well, he stole my entire account but I couldn't care less, it's a matter of principle. Let 1 person judged for a crime go... let everyone banned for the same crime go. There is no justice in letting some back while others have done the same thing and never been let on again. The Rules <which Pandi and JLH created> get's applied all over this game atm, yet now Pandi is blatantly saying that it's ok to cheat and what not, here get your gear back... need anything else?

The Rules we are supposed to follow applies to some people at sometimes but not all? This is a good exaple of how to reinforce those rules or what? Then why would HE <Pandi> expect the rest of us to follow the same standards and groundrules he has posted, when HE himself obviously don't care that much for them. I'd say the rules is on the verge to collapse since the 'equality' of this game is obviously nonexistant, and the charade of everything is being just fine goes on... I see on my behalf no reason whatsoever to follow the same rules that so obviously does not apply to some.

But yet I will for I have no intention in breaking them, I would get nothing out of ripping someone else off, I'm leaving this post here as a warning... And yes I have not gotten the full picture of it all, none of us have in this so 'equal' game. Just posting from what I have seen... <PS> This is not a post about Ed and Bill... or thefts at all... it's a post about the rules of this game and how they keep getting broken over and over again with no consequences for some, and dire for others.

I don't know what else I can say other than, Don't keep rules if you don't apply them... don't reinforce crimes if you can't stand up to it and keep to the decision you have made?

Edited by Evergrey, 07 August 2004 - 07:40 AM.

ass, cretin, dimwit, dumb ass, dunce, fool, halfwit, ignoramus, imbecile, jackass, jerk, moron, ninny, nitwit, pinhead, simpleton, stupid, twit, Idiot

#86 newb

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 06:34 AM

Then why would HE <Pandi> expect the rest of us to follow the same standards and groundrules he has posted, when HE himself obviously don't care that much for them.

Because he is co-owner of Nightmist and can do whatever he wants.


#87 Evergrey

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 07:38 AM

But basically what this forum thread proves is that we're not measured by the same standards no matter how equal people say this game is, the rules aren't fair.

And more importantly, the same rules does no apply to everyone

To Clarify: I did not mean to step on any toes by my former post, I am however acquestioning the recent events <my motivation can be seen in the post above>. And if me raising a few questions means Pandi feels a need to get me banned from forums then I'd say I was right.
ass, cretin, dimwit, dumb ass, dunce, fool, halfwit, ignoramus, imbecile, jackass, jerk, moron, ninny, nitwit, pinhead, simpleton, stupid, twit, Idiot

#88 PurpleHaze

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 08:45 AM

tbh, i wasnt banned from rev nor my chars deleted, since u brought it up, i will explain it, YOU stole my lvl 100 priest, no staff would do nething, i got pissed, stripped all my chars, gave equips to someone and deleted them, took some equips in accident and then they deleted the 1 crit i left to chat, so i deleted his pally

So dont talk about rules when u break them by buying a lvl 100 assassin for nm stuff ;p

#89 Lady_Maha

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 10:35 AM

Pandilex knows best. I think they're nice to let us play the game for free at all.

Just because he created a game doesn't mean he "knows best". Creating a game does not make you all-knowing. Besides, yes, currently the game is free, however, people donated to keep it that way, and I see that change in the future with the decisions he made recently. Without the donations NM WILL go P2P eventually, leaving the game to be paid for by liars and thieves, since the honest people are going to be too disappointed to invest.
Social Engineering Specialist - Because there is no patch for human stupidity

#90 Prophet

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Posted 07 August 2004 - 12:41 PM

I want to know what this damn high price was?

Dictionary definition of permanent:

Lasting or remaining without essential change: “the universal human yearning for something permanent, enduring, without shadow of change” (Willa Cather).
Not expected to change in status, condition, or place: a permanent address; permanent secretary to the president.

Doesn't sound like the "new" nightmist style permanent bans.

Even if you did unban them giving them back their stolen stuff surely isn't accessible.

So much for equality.

Pandilex = Oxymoron (look that word up as well...)
Si Senior!

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