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Uncoventional Healing (newb Friendly)

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#61 green_mantis

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Posted 11 March 2004 - 03:18 PM

"perhaps."Mantis says to Kallico "but for now i think we should go to the inn. i know of one nearby called the Dancing wolf. we can go there and collect ourselves until i know what it is i am doing here"
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#62 Rattlesnake

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Posted 11 March 2004 - 04:44 PM

Kallico nods to mantis and agrees to go to the Dancing Wolf with him.

#63 draco

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Posted 11 March 2004 - 10:50 PM

A smile spreads across his face as Draco turns to the newcomer.

"Where have you seen him. I need to find him immediatly. I am willing to pay you well for your haste."

#64 Silverwizard

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Posted 12 March 2004 - 02:13 AM

"I am afraid he no longer looks like that, he has changed," Silverwizard creates an image of what Steven looks like now, "he was attacked by his king. I saw him in an alley, eating garbage. I can easily bring you to where I saw him, but I have to talk to you about something else first, is there somewhere we can go, I do not need anyone else hearing this." as he says this Silverwizard shows the image of the alley and the area around it putting Steven in prespective.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#65 draco

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Posted 12 March 2004 - 02:57 AM

"I am in your debt... but time is short... I must see Steven soon. You have five minutes of my time."

Instantly thetwo were surrounded by a sphere of darkness, through wich one could not move, hear, nor see.


#66 Deval

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Posted 12 March 2004 - 05:18 AM

Meanwhile, in the remains of a ravaged kingdom elsewhere, a figure lay on the ground amongst the corpses and rubble. There is movement, ever so slow at first, gradually building in force, a faint grinding of metal on metal as Ulantees forces himself to his knees off the ground, his blood matted hair dangling on either side of his angular face. Blazing embers of his city, his home, his regiment, his wife, his children, flicker in the dawning light, reflecting off his high cheek bones like fireflies. For two days the city had burned, where once stood massive towers, majestic cobbled streets and a thriving community, now only the charred and still burning remains of death and sorrow. Ulantees, his eyes black with despair, forced himself to his feet. An upright proud man, stood at around 6'4", with broad shoulders and a sharp jawline lined with singed hair that would normally be a well trimmed handsome beard. His large silver plate armor, smeared with mud and the blood of countless assailants clung to his muscular body as he viewed the scene of the destruction. Retrieving his massive blade from the ground, he slides it into the holster over his back, and then slowly straps his battered shield to his waist. Spitting blobs of coagulated blood from his mouth, he reaches for the back of his head and winces as his fingers strike a gash only just begging to heal. Looking at his fingers as blood runs down his fingers and pools in his palm he clenches it into a fist, blood running over his knuckles as he raises it into the air. He screams to the horizon the name of his now sworn enemy, the murderer of his family, the destroyer of his kingdom, the man who's kingdom shall lay devastated as his own, 'Elwin'...

Edited by Deval, 12 March 2004 - 05:29 AM.

"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#67 Primal_Whisperer

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Posted 12 March 2004 - 01:08 PM

"Steven, you said you know the Keeper? Will you introduce us?

#68 Squee



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Posted 12 March 2004 - 11:20 PM

"Y-Yeah, sure..." Steven said as he opened the door to the Dancing Wolf. The Inn was something quite spectacular in itself. When looked at closely, one could notice that the Inn was originally quite small but had been added to several times since then. Inside, the walls were made up of beautiful mahagony wood, each plank finished finely. Other than the 3 stories of the Inn, one could tell the worth of this place just by the first impression one would get when walking in. There was finely crafted furniture throughout the building and several jewelled swords hung upon the walls.

"S-Steven...? Is that you?"

"...Y-Yeah...h-hey there, Alex!" Steven replied, forcing a smile. Immediatley, a rather short man hopped over the reception desk and gave Steven a huge hug.

"I-I haven't seen you since...since...Oh! Wow! Where have you been?" Alex said gleefully as he pulled from the hug.

"...I-I've been...places..."

"...Oh, and what's this?!" Alex yelled aloud as he playfully slapped Steven on the cheek.
"Look, skin and bones! What have you been doing to yourself?! ...Ugh! And that smell! When was the last time you bathed?"


"Here, take these," Alex interrupted as he pulled a key ring out of his pocket and handed it to Steven.
"That one is for the bathroom, that one's for the kitchen and that one right there...you can stay there for a bit if you want...

Oh...but...who are these people?"

"...Wh-What...? Oh! Th-Them! ...Err...th-that there is Miss Charon and...th-that's Sir Breman," he eventually spit out, still trying to let Alex's kindness set in.

"Oh...well...pleasure to meet you both!" he said with an outstretched hand.
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#69 Gargantious

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Posted 13 March 2004 - 02:15 AM

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! shinton yells when he findds out he is getting annoyed by green mantis, as rage starts pumping through his blood, his eyes turn blood red, all he wants is blood shed everywhere.

#70 Silverwizard

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Posted 13 March 2004 - 02:29 AM

Suddenly within the sphere there is the sounds of bones breaking and snapping and muscles melting and skin growing, Silverwizard gets thinner and taller widening into the Elf that he was earlier, the sounds made the change seem painful and the expression on Silver's face confirmed this, "I am possessed, the creature, I do not know what it is, cannot fully control me but it keeps me only in one body a time, it claims that Steven has to regain his former greatness or else the world is doomed, I do not know why it is using me or if it is right but it is forcing me, Steven does not want to cause any more harm, Elwin is out to destroy, nothing else, now I can take you to where he was, I may be able to track him from there." After he says this another transformation occurs and he is Anturox the druid, who pulls out a crystal which he puts the picture of Steven in then motions to Draco to follow him and walks back to the alley way.

((OOC: Deval, nice post, I have a new found respect for you, congradulations.))
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#71 Squee



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Posted 13 March 2004 - 03:09 AM

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! shinton yells when he findds out he is getting annoyed by green mantis, as rage starts pumping through his blood, his eyes turn blood red, all he wants is blood shed everywhere.

((First off, please, take no offence by my critisism. I don't mean to sound rude even though I may.

Okay, anyways, the first thing I'm going to say is that more than three exclimation points is considered incorrect grammar.

Next, everything you say is usually in quatation ("") marks. The speech in your yelling should be quoted.

Also, where exactly is your character coming from? Apparently, you asked a question but left before Green Mantis could answer (went to the pub to freshen up, apparently).

If you actually read through posts, Kallico and Mantis are heading towards the Dancing Wolf, not the pub.

When you RP, it's usually best if you try to visualize what's going on. It really helps when you try to interact with people.))
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#72 Katianna

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Posted 13 March 2004 - 06:55 AM

Thanks to thoroughly reviewing a map of the city in preparation for travel here, Katianna quickly found her way to the Drunken Maid Tavern. An establishment well used by the less reputable citizens of the city, less publicly known as the base for the Stratagem thieves’ guild. With their help she’ll locate Mr. Avelin; if he’s here, they’ll know.

She stands there for a moment, facing the door. All is quiet in the silence before down, she savors it as long as she dares.
She takes a deep breath, and shifts her stance to more accentuate her feminine features. She pulls back the cloaks hood to reveal short cropped, fiery red hair, and glistening, dark green eyes set deep in a finely chiseled brow. A large, angular dark colored tattoo surrounds her left eye; depending on the lighting available, it shows hues of blue, purple, or black. Adopting a more casual demeanor, she lifts her cloak over her right shoulder, revealing her supple figure. On her right hip, attached to a belt, hangs a small, black hand crossbow, cocked and ready to fire. Many small pouches also adorn the belt, and a second belt wrapping her waist as well as one crossing her torso from hip to shoulder.

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She kicks the door wide and disappears within...

#73 Primal_Whisperer

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Posted 13 March 2004 - 01:47 PM

Bremen shook Alex's hand. "Steven tells me you run the finest Inn in town. I'd like to stay here a night or two, provide you can keep quiet about it if anyone asks."

#74 Squee



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Posted 13 March 2004 - 05:06 PM

"Haha! Steven here's too nice for his own good!" Alex yelled as he pulled Steven in to give him a quick, friendly kiss on the cheek, finishing by messing up his hair again.

"I'll admit, this Inn here is the best you'll find for miles and miles but...King Elwin's palace...now that's something to marvel at! I've been there once and, oh boy, I tell ya, I haven't seen so much treasure in one place in all my life!"

"Oh and don't worry about keeping a low profile here. Anything that happens behind those closed doors ain't none of my buisness...unless, of course, you heart my baby here," he said with a smirk as he tapped a foot on the floor panels of the Dancing Wolf.

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#75 trach

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Posted 13 March 2004 - 11:30 PM

a dark figure steps out from a small alleyway to stealthly follow kali and mantis for he too inquires where the Dancing Wolf is ..he stands nearly 5 and a half feet tall with a rougue like appearance ,he is wearing sevral gold rings and other riches that look too fancy to belong to the likes of him his light concealing armor is tattered and caked with dried on blood obviously from those who have got in his way ,he follows in the shadows ."trach" as he goes by looks to be in his early twentys with a wiseness of thievry beyond his years,he has approached this town in hopes that he can reside, as he is being sought after with handsome rewards for his head in other villages he brought upon himself in his theif ways.yet he also has a thought in his head that he was brought here by a higher power because of something of importance is going on..what..he does not know....

Edited by trach, 13 March 2004 - 11:33 PM.

#76 Squee



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Posted 14 March 2004 - 12:55 AM

((That's an alright post. Watch your spelling and grammar, though. Other than that, a nice post.))
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#77 Silverwizard

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Posted 14 March 2004 - 05:33 AM

((OOC: What? That was a little odd, if Steven is in a room then you cannot hit him from a roof, nor talk to him, also if he was in the tavern the patrons would be on that guy like flies on a dead piece of meat for attacking a friend of the barkeep (alot of regulars will do alot for their barkeep if it will let them drink more). Also I do not remember any reference to Stephanie, you cannot give someone a fiance (unless you have contacted Squee if so plz tell me and I apologise). Also what is a small iron? And what has sights? No guns in this time period.))
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#78 green_mantis

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Posted 14 March 2004 - 08:14 AM

Mantis approaches the Dancing wolf Inn and opens the door for Kallico.
"ladies first"
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#79 Charon

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Posted 14 March 2004 - 11:59 AM


"This is an... impressive establishment" Charon murmered as she ran her hand across the polished wooden walls, her eyes fixing on the ornate swords for longer than she would have liked "I'm certain it is well run" she smiled tearing her gaze away from the weapons and back to the man Steven had introduced as Alex "It's good to meet you, Sir"

She tilted her head curiously at Bremen's request for secrecy... she couldn't help but begin to wonder just who this man may truly be, but in her own mind it was a sentiment she shared.

"This is a good place" she nodded distantly, but Alex's enthuasm about the palace... She was trying so hard not to picture Lord Elwin in her mind. The thought of that palace, built at the cost of so many lives. The thought of his riches, springing from the blood and suffering of those he had...

She closed her eyes. The very thought pained her heart.

"I'm glad to say that this place is more welcoming than any palace could ever be" she said "It's good... to find a place so willing to welcome those trying to hide. I cannot speak for Bremen.... but ever since Elwin killed some of our Elven Lords... being an Elf in Lord Elwin's kindgom has not been the easiest way to live. I would appreciate the oppourtunity to rest here. And perhaps purchase a drink"


ooc: I was going to say fifth time lucky and hope that post actually went through this time, but now I'm not entirely certain whats going on.
I'm not trying to ignore anyones posts, I want to make that perfectly clear... I'm just slipping ever so slightly back in time to post what I tried to post four times unsuccessfully last night.
So... slightly before this attack which may have occured at 5am this morning ^^
Sorry for any confusion I cause :s
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#80 Rattlesnake

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Posted 14 March 2004 - 05:28 PM

Kallico shifts uneasily as if she's being watched by someone lurking in the shadows but shrugs it off. She smiles at mantis, "Thank you," she says as stepping into the Dancing Wolf Inn.
She gets distracted for a moment by the beauty of the Inn then turns towards Mantis.
"This is a really nice inn. I haven't seen one this beautiful in a long while."
She glances around at all the faces noticing they're mainly unfamiliar to her.
"So d'you know any'ne here? They're all strangers to me--hey except him. He was in the alley when I came into town." she says as nodding towards Steven.
She smiles at the thought of someone being almost familiar to her.

Edited by Rattlesnake, 14 March 2004 - 05:55 PM.

#81 Squee



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Posted 14 March 2004 - 05:50 PM

((Sorry but Silverwizard (Anturox) isn't in the Dancing Wolf, yet. It's an honest mistake, though. If you read carefully, Anturox is leading Draco into the dark alley-way.))

((Dearest Busta Newb,

By posting here, you have decreased everyone's IQ by several points. You have posted in my threads before and I've had them deleted (with good cause, too). If you wish to post in my threads ever again, grow up.

Yours truly,

((Also, I'm not at home now; I'll be posting replies as soon as I do get home, though.))

Edited by Squee, 14 March 2004 - 06:08 PM.

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#82 Rattlesnake

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Posted 14 March 2004 - 05:54 PM

((OOohh. Sorry bout that. fixed now though))

#83 Deval

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 12:27 AM

OOC: Guys, does Elwins kingdom, the one that Steven and our players except Ulantees reside in, have a name at all? If not, I leave it in your knowing hands Squee. This information is required for my next post.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#84 Squee



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Posted 15 March 2004 - 03:24 AM

"Drinks...?" Alex said with a smirk.

"Did ye hear that, boys? She wants a drink...well...let's give her a drink!" he yelled out as he ran across the room, jumped atop the bar-counter and gave a mighty call.

"Drinks are on the house! In honour of my good friend Mr. Avelin! A hero in his own worth!" Needless to say, the tenants of the Inn began to cheer fanatically.

"Hear, hear!" yelled the crowded tables.

"A-Alex...p-please..." Steven mumbled as his cheeks began to turn bright red.

"Oh, ho ho..." Alex laughed as he jumped back down and quickly grabbed Steven into a playful hug.

"Don't be so modest! You know as well as I do that almost everyone here owes their life to you...at least once!

Oh...b-but...ugh..." he continued after taking a few quick sniffs of Steven.

"Wait, wait, wait! Stop everything! Put that mug down!

Drinks are only on the house after Steven here takes a bath!"

A roar of laughter came from the crowds. A few burley men (probably those quite fond of their meed) quickly grabbed Steven and lifted him high above their heads.

"N-No! P-Put me down!" he protested but...to no aveil. It wasn't long before Steven was out of sight. However, just before Steven escaped view, one could see him trying to wave to someone. His eyes were a little confused at who she was but they were filled with delight none-the-less.

((It just came to me that I didn't name the town at the beginning. o_o;

I looked over my documents and I can't find what I named this place...so...

Let's name it...Karfendale.))
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#85 Silverwizard

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 04:12 AM

An elf moves into the Dancing Wolf, not the one Silverwizard has been turning into. He walks over to a corner, and stands there looking out of the hood on his thick robe. The robe is much better made than most of the of the other patron's clothing. He sits in a chair in the corner chuckling at Steven's sputtering trying to stop these tavern goers. He looks Steven directly in the eye, and then moves over to a tavern maid and slips her a few coins wispering something into her ear. She then goes over to Steven and says "The elf over there says he wishes to speak to you, claims his name is Narin, claims it is urgent." Narin then leans against the wall, looking out the window.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#86 Squee



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Posted 15 March 2004 - 04:25 AM

"Ack! Stop that!" Steven yelled out as his vest was stripped off of him and he was pushed into the bathing room.

"I-I'm a little busy!" he cried to the maid as he quickly lost his leggings.
"C-Can you ask him to stay a bit? I-I should be done - H-Hey! Cut that out! Don't tear that!"
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#87 Silverwizard

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 04:39 AM

The maid returns to Narin with the message and he laughs out loud. He then lets her go back to her normal job and still chuckling sits back in his seat. He looks though the window seeming to look through the town itself into something farther, and deeper, something painful judging by his eyes that can be seen only when he moves them to scan the tavern, his hand to a belt loop that, though it did not before, holds a warhammer, he whispers, barely heard above the din of the tavern is, "I wish I was a paladin again, I sword I hated it, but right now I need it."
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#88 green_mantis

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 03:02 PM

"no Kallico, i dont know anyone here. I have never been to this town before." Mantis admits to Kallico. "but i would like to know why we are being followed." "could you explain yourself sir" Mantis says as he turns to face Trach.

((occ: Mantis is a paladin and can sense people that is why he knew about trach))
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#89 Primal_Whisperer

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 03:14 PM

"Charon, will you please arrange for rooms," Bremen said in a low voice that only Alex and Charon would hear, "It seems I have....Other buisness to attend to," he finished, glancing at Narin. He then crossed the room so quickly and stealthily that he almost seemed to appear out of nowhere next to Narin. "May I ask what your buisness with Steven is?"

#90 draco

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 07:15 PM

Draco rushes off to follow the elf, dispelling the sphere with a flick of his wrist.
(Just a little longer Steven... We havn't much time.)

((Srry bout latency.. I've been busy,))

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